Jonah Marais: Kissing On The Moon

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If you haven't heard Kissing On The Moon by Jonah, you're missing out. Also, you should probably do that before you read this 👆. It might help.


You and Jonah had been inseparable since you were in diapers. Your parents were best friends, and everyday you would go over to the Frantzich's house after school. You knew Jonah better than anyone else, that is, until he joined a band and moved to L.A....

Every time Jonah came home for a holiday, you spent every second together. Often, you would be the one to meet him at the airport and drop him off when it was time for him to leave. You missed hanging out with him when he was gone.

You had never thought about him romantically. For some strange reason, it had never occurred to you that he was your ideal love interest.

All of that changed in just a few hours.


One day, in the middle of February, you were sitting at your desk and doing homework. You received a call. It was Jonah, so you answered immediately.

"Hello?" you said.

"It's me," he replied. "Come over."

This was a little shocking. "I thought you were in L.A.!" you exclaimed. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just, come over."

"Um, okay," you replied. "I'll be there in five."

Thankfully, the Frantzichs lived in your parent's subdivision. You grabbed your coat and walked outside.

The moon was brighter and more beautiful than you had ever seen it.

In a few minutes, you made it to the house. Without knocking, you let yourself in, as usual. The house was completely dark.

"Jonah? Are you here?" you asked.

No response.

You heard heavy footsteps running down the stairs. Suddenly, Jonah entered the foyer.

"Hi Y/N. I missed you," he said.

"Aw, I missed you too, Jo," you replied, hugging him.

"Come with me; I have a surprise planned for you."

You laughed. "You have a... surprise planned for me?" you asked. "What the hell does that mean?"

"You'll see," Jonah said. He smiled and took your hand, leading you upstairs.

He took you down the familiar hallway with his bedroom at the end. A Beatles poster marked the door.

Once inside, you could see that nothing had changed. There were endless coffee cups lining all available surfaces, multiple posters advertising musicians or baseball players, and a dinosaur mural. You had spent so much of your childhood in this room, playing with action figures, having karaoke nights, and gossiping endlessly. The memories were abundant, but one stuck out to you more than the rest; a secret between you and Jonah that neither your parents or friends knew about.

That's when you understood.

"Just like old times?" you asked, in a daze.

"Just like old times," he confirmed.

Keeping his hold on your hand, he led you towards the window. The white curtains blew gently in the wind.

The two of you stepped out, and onto the roof.

You could see he had planned this out pretty well. The area was decked out with a space heater, two folding chairs, and a thermos full of coffee. All of this sat in the middle of a square where the snow had been cleared. You took your seat on the right, and Jonah took his on the left.

Just like old times.


This was the ritual when you were kids. Every time you spent the night at the Frantzich's, the two of you would stay on the roof all night long. No one ever caught on. Had Jonah's parents found out, they would've had heart attacks.

These nights felt special, even sacred. There was nothing more exhilarating to you as a child than having an area to yourself. It was even better sharing it with your best friend, Jonah.


"Want some coffee?" asked Jonah, already pouring you a cup. He handed it to you.

"Thanks," you said.

The two of you sat in silence and watched the beautiful Minnesota horizon. All of the surrounding rooftops were covered in snow.

You and Jonah didn't need to talk. It was a comfortable silence.

After a long time, he finally spoke. "I had a dream and you were in it."

You laughed. "Was it funny? What happened?"

"I'm not quite sure. I woke up before it finished," he said. "But it's a reoccurring dream. I think it's trying to tell me something about myself."

Not catching on, you laughed again. "Woah, Jo. That's deep. What did you discover?"

"How I feel."

"About what?"


This time, the silence was uncomfortable.

"What?" you asked, shocked.

"Y/N... I realized how much I love you, how much I miss spending everyday with you. I miss you."


He cut you off. "You don't have to feel the same way. Just know that I'll always be here for you. Even though I'm in L.A. most of the time, you're always on my mind."

You started to see everything more clearly. All of the time you had spent with Jonah and all of the times you worried about his safety; nothing about it was platonic.

You realized how much you wanted him. You wanted him as more than a friend.

Naturally, you started tearing up.

"Y/N! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you..." said Jonah, standing up. You stood up too, and walked up to him.

You looked into his eyes for a minute, then ran your hands through his hair.

Gently, you pressed your lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around your waist.

The moon shone brightly above your heads.

Big cringe.

Happy belated Valentine's Day, everyone! Feel free to comment, I love seeing what everyone has to say.


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