Zach Herron: You're Beautiful, But Something's In My Way

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This was requested by fallingforjonah

Hi, sis. Sorry that this isn't exactly what you asked for, I got a little carried away.

Also, Sam Marais kinda sounds like samurai. Kinda. That's all. Enjoy ❤️

Seven hours.

That was how long it took for Sam to fly from the her home state, New York, to LA.

The duration of the flight, she sat in her second class seat between two strange old men. With her stiff legs, full bladder, and empty stomach, the last thing on her mind was romance.

She'd come to find out that romance was exactly what she'd get.


Sam disembarked the plane in LA and searched for her brother, Jonah.

Jonah had moved to LA a few years back to pursue his dream of joining a band. Sam was supportive of his decision to leave, but she was sad to see him go. Everyday, she begged her parents to let her visit him. Eventually, they agreed. So, there Sam stood, frantically looking around the gate, scanning the area for her brother.

Suddenly, from behind her, two strong hands landed on her shoulders. Surprised by the sudden contact, she jumped. Jonah laughed.

"I missed you so much, Sam!" he said, turning his sister around and pulling her into a quick hug. "Let's pick up your luggage and get out of here. We can chat in the car on the way to my house."

Sam and Jonah claimed her suitcase, then took a shuttle to the airport parking lot. They drove the short distance to the home that Jonah shared with the rest of his band.

Before Sam could enter the house, Jonah stopped her by stepping in front of the door. "Okay, ground rules," he said. Sam groaned. "There are four pretty young boys that live here. They are angsty and hormonal. Stay away from them."

"What?!?!" she said. "No way! I can talk to whoever I want!"

"Not in my house," said Jonah. "In my house, you have to follow my rules. I can't have you getting too close with any of the boys, is that clear? That would be so... awkward." He shuddered. Sam pushed past him and went inside without responding.

Jonah's four band mates were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Hi guys!" said Sam. Her brother was unable to stop her.

"Oh my gosh, you must be Sam," said the blonde. "I'm Corbyn." He shook your hand.

"I'm Jack."

"I'm Daniel."

"Hi Sam. I'm Zach," said Zach. He offered his hand for her to shake.

Although Sam didn't know Corbyn, Jack, or Daniel, she was quite familiar with Zach. The two of them had been DMing each other constantly, ever since the band formed. Zach flirted, and Sam flirted back. His sense of humor and beautiful smile were appealing, to her. Secretly, she kind of wanted to ask him out while she was there. All she had to do was avoid Jonah...

"I think I'm gonna go pick up a couple pizzas for everyone," said Jonah. "Sam, boys, behave yourselves." He left the house and most of the boys scattered, but Zach remained with Sam in the living room.

The two were silent for a minute. It was awkward.

"So, now what?" asked Zach. Sam knew what he meant.

"Nothing!" she replied. "Jonah would kill me if we ever... became anything."

"I wouldn't let him," said Zach. "We can find a way to be together." He came up to Sam, and hugged her from behind.

Suddenly, Jonah walked in. "Oops, forgot my keys!" he said.

Then he turned around, and saw his sister and Zach hugging. He fell silent for a moment.

"What the hell, Sam! You've only been here for five minutes!" said Jonah.

"We're dating," said Zach.

"You're... what?!?!" screamed Jonah.

"We're... what?!?!" Sam screamed.

"That's right!" said Zach to Jonah. "We're dating, and there's nothing you can do to stop us!"

Sam finally caught on. "Yeah, there's nothing you can do, Jonah!" She pressed her lips onto Zach's cheek, to add to the illusion.

Flustered, Jonah turned on his heel, and went out the door, grabbing his keys. Before he left, Sam swore she heard him say, "Stupid hormonal children." Jonah had no idea that she and Zach already knew each other.

"Dang, that was pretty smart," Sam said to Zach. He removed his arms from her waist, sat on the couch, and motioned for her to sit next to him. She sat, and he wrapped his arm around her. Gutsy, she thought.

"So about the dating thing... I know we've been talking for a while. Are you interested in going somewhere while you're here, just you and I? There's no way I'm letting your brother get in my way," said Zach.

"Of course. I thought you'd never ask!"

This has, like, no climax. Oops. Oh well.

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