The WDW Song That Matches Your Aesthetic

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     I feel like you're one of the OGs of the Why Don't We Wattpad community, so obviously my choice was Taking You. Also, I'm like 99% sure you like R5 and I associate that song with Ross for some reason so YEAH!!! But anyway you're a queen and we should talk more. Also I'm gonna try to read your Spanish books over the summer so I can study for AP next year cause I SUCK. I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!

-Mozzafiato-~Don't Change
We literally had an argument the other day over who loves who more. I feel like you're just kinda the supportive ass person that everyone needs in their life. Also, your bio literally has a thumbs up in it. The only thing that made me question my decision was your message board. Your last post is about wanting to smack someone. That made me chuckle. But I stand by my decision. Ily. So much. Be my best friend ever please.

Okay, so right off the bat, scrolling through your message board, everything is really random. A good majority is about your books, but then some is about like sneezing and Spongebob socks??? Also your display name is guppy??? Like what??? I love it, just like I love the music video for Invitation. Both you, and the video are just really. hecking. random. ALSO, I'd like to INVITE you to talk to me more. Cause you're literally iconic.

My first idea was Trust Fund Baby, 'cause it's in your banner thingy and also I'm listening to it right now, but then that felt lazy. Then I looked at your bio. It's pretty edgy, so I knew I was gonna do something kinda edgy. Then I looked at your message board and IT'S LITERALLY FULL OF OTHER PEOPLE'S spam. So then I was like, dang. This girl is Friends. Also you seem really funny and unique and cool (hint hint talk to me more).

_mystorycorner~Big Plans
     Not gonna lie, you seem like a really positive person. Like, anyone who has a yellow theme is like, an angel, I swear. Then I remembered you were telling me about wanting to write a song. And so I tried to think of Why Don't We songs that talk about writing songs and I couldn't think of anything. Dead end. But then I thought of Big Plans. Because obviously you're really ambitious and stuff, and you're really chill and fun to talk to, just like the song. Not that I talk to songs. Also, you have plans to buy a ukulele. I literally love you.

     So, I really love your username. I've been meaning to tell you that for a while. Your profile pic is Corbyn holding a... cucumber? ICONIC. Also, your bio. It made me chuckle. But what made me laugh REALLY HARD was your message board. I don't know, I just find it really funny for some reason. I think maybe you don't flip the switch thing that notifies your followers when you post? You should do that because reading your posts made my day. Anyways, you're funny, so Unbelievable. You know, cause the boys streaked through a desert.

     K. So. Your display name is Rick. But your name is Chris. Oh... okay. I love it. So, scrolling through your message board was interesting. Lots of random thoughts. Like, REALLY random. Kind of like the music video for Hooked??? I was expecting a giant octopus to jump out of my screen while I was scrolling through. Not really. But kind of. Idk, you just seem really funny and interesting. Also, I found your account oddly intriguing. So I'm gonna have to say Hooked for you haha. You seem really fun to talk to btw, hit me up.

-httpseavey~Something Different
     Hey, you have a new theme! I like it. ANYWAYS, you're really entertaining to talk to. Just, like, your responses to the things I say are so funny to me, yet slightly awkward and I love it. Why are out conversations always so awkward? I don't know. It's probably both of our faults. So, basically I think you're really unique. Your account definitely sticks out to me on here for some reason. So, I chose Something Different. Probably cause your such a neat person. I love you with my whole heart.

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