Jack Avery: I'd Still Love You If You Were Bald

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This is for the amazing -MyshaAvery

I hope it's what you wanted!!! I accidentally wrote it in second person instead of with your character. By the time I realized that, it was done. I'm sorry.


It was your senior year. You were in your Psychology class.

Beside you sat your best friend, Jack Avery. He was 5'7", lean, and had pin-straight brown hair.  Across from you sat your longtime crush, Drew.


You had known Jack since you were in diapers. The two of you had always been best friends, just like your mothers had been in high school. He was always there for you, and you were there for him. You were immensely close, but your friendship was platonic.

Or so you thought.

Drew, on the other hand, payed no attention to you. In fact, he was quite rude. You had liked him for five years, but he definitely did not reciprocate those feelings.

Drew didn't have a nice personality. It was silly, but you only really liked him for his appearance. The thing that stood out to you most was his hair: it was curly beyond belief. Your greatest desire was to be able to run your fingers through it. The whole situation was dumb, but there was nothing you could do to make yourself stop liking him. That is, until that fateful day...


Your psychology instructor finished her presentation, and turned off the projector.

"All right," she said. "Today, we'll begin a new project. Each group will create a poster that explains a personality disorder of your choice. Your partner is the person sitting across from you. You have the rest of the hour to discuss."

You looked at Drew, paying close attention to his curly hair. He looked back.

Before you could say anything, he spoke. "Is being disgusting a personality disorder? Because you know a lot about that..." Drew laughed and high-fived his friend, the person who was partners with Jack.

You were silent.

Though his insult was unintelligent (to say the least), it still cut you like a knife. You ran out of the room and down the hallway, beginning to cry. There was a bathroom not too far away from the classroom. You went in and locked yourself in a stall.

You sat on the toilet, head in hands, getting angrier by the second. How could he be so immature? How could he say such a thing? These thoughts swirled in your mind until you heard footsteps coming into the bathroom. You stopped crying so that whoever it was wouldn't know that you were upset.

The person spoke. "Y/N? Are you in here?" he asked. His voice echoed against the tile-covered walls.

It was Jack.

"Go away!" you said. Your voice cracked.

"No, I'm not going away. I know you're secretly glad I came here, Y/N."

He was right and you knew it. Jack knew you too well; he knew that you needed his support, even if you didn't want to admit it.

"Fine..." you said, unlocking the stall door. Jack walked inside, and relocked it. He leaned against the wall. You didn't make eye contact.

"I warned you about him," he said.

"I know," you replied, sniffling.

"Listen," said Jack. He kneeled on the floor and began running his fingers through your hair. "Y/N, you deserve the world. Drew won't matter to you in five years. What happened in high school won't even matter in five years. The important thing is that you learn to live your life while you're still a teenager. You're an amazing girl, Y/N. I want to see you thrive. I... I love you."

The two of you stood up. You pulled him into a hug. "Aw, I love you too Jack. You're the best friend I could have ever asked for."

You didn't know it, but to Jack, that sentence was painful. He hated when you called him your friend; he wanted to be something more.

"C'mon," he said. "Let's get out of here. Screw school."

"Screw school!" you replied.

The two of you spent the rest of that day at Panera.


A couple weeks passed.

You had completely gotten over Drew. The Psychology incident was the last straw; you couldn't care less about him. He payed no attention to you, and you payed no attention to him. You were finally at peace with yourself. That is, until one Monday morning...

You sat in your school's cafeteria. The table in the corner was where you met Jack each morning, so that's where you were. The rest of the room was empty.

After about five minutes, Jack walked in.

Something was very different about him.

His pin-straight hair had been replaced with beautiful curls. It was obviously a perm, but you loved it nonetheless.

"Oh my gosh, Jack! You didn't tell me you were getting a perm! I love it!" you screamed. You ran your hands through it, as he laughed. It was glorious.

Something finally clicked in your brain when you saw Jack with his new hair. It was like magic. You finally understood something. Something you had been overlooking for years...

Your heart began pounding but you worked up the courage to speak. "Jack... you know a couple weeks ago when you sat with me in the bathroom after Drew 'roasted' me?"


"Well, thank you for that. I don't know where I would be without you. You make my life wonderful," you said. Jack blushed a little and pulled on one of his new curls. He smiled at you, but didn't speak. "This is going to sound really dumb," you said, "but your new hair made me realize something. It made me realize how I... how I feel about you. I know you probably don't feel the same way, but Jack... I think I like you. As more than a friend."

Jack was silent. Then he started laughing. "I thought it was obvious!" he said. "Y/N, I've loved you for as long as I can remember!"

"Really?" you asked, surprised.

"Of course!" he replied. "Do you think I would run my fingers through your hair or go into the girl's bathroom for you if I didn't? I never thought you'd feel the same way though, and to be honest, I'm kind of surprised you do. I hate to ask this, but is it just because of my hair? I know you liked Drew's..."

"No no no no no," you replied, anxiously. "Jack, I'd still love you if you were bald." It was true. He meant the world to you.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," you replied.

Then, gently, you pressed your lips onto his.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment. I love you all.


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