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This morning was not good morning sickness dealt with it for a couple days but i always put it at the back of my mind . But I've got used to it and all that

Tegan : hows everyones hang over
Corbyn : shh to down load wisper
Tegan : ok sorry
Jack : make sure I never drink again
Daniel : and me
Tegan : well if your drinking again tonight i will save u
Christina : please do
Gabbie : I'm gonna be sick again

She then gets up and goes running

Jonah : uhh everyone has been sick this morning
Tegan : well im luckey i haven't

Lies my mind says

Zach : because your were sober all night
Tegan : because im smart
Daniel : no your a dummy
Tegan : I'm smart and your the dummy
Daniel : am not
Tegan : yes u are
Daniel : I'm not a dummy
Tegan : then take back calling me a dummy
Daniel : fine your not a dummy
Tegan : thank u

I sit down on the floor and i watch what evers on the tv

Corbyn : i might go back to bed
Kay : lazy ass
Jack : dude why u crying
Jonah : I'm so tired
Tegan : then u should of gone to bed early
Jonah : go away
Gabbie : no shes right we should of gone to bed at a good time and maybe not if drank to much
Christina : i agree with drinking but sleeping wise I'm used to it i stay up so late
Corbyn : keep me up half the night
Christina : shut up
Jack : all keep it down a bit more head is banging
Zach : get over it

Jack then throws a pillow at zach

Zach : mean
Jack : suck on it

Everyone just starts laughing

Gabbie ; bloody hell shut up
Tegan : i agree please
Daniel : god don't get your panties in a twist
Tegan : i can't if i don't have any on

They all just look and me i just start laughing

Tegan : that was a joke
Daniel ; disgusting
Tegan : just like your face
Corbyn : burn
Daniel : that was not nice i thought we were friends 
Tegan : aww we are friends
Daniel : then don't bully me
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : better be
Tegan : don't forget u called me a dummy
Daniel : what ever

I look around and everyones having there own convention

Tegan : can we talk in private
Daniel : yh sure

I get up and we walk to the kitchen

Tegan : why did u kiss me last night
Daniel : i was drunk a mistake
Tegan : ok good
Daniel : i am sorry
Tegan : its fine but just don't get drunk amd kiss me again
Daniel : I'll try not to but aleast it was u and not one of the girls . Or my ass will be whipped
Tegan : u got that right u would probably be dead
Daniel : probably true
Tegan : but still don't kiss me me or i will kill u myself
Daniel : i got the message
Tegan : good

I make myself some water and i grab a bag of chips and i walk out of the kitchen and i sit where daniel was .

Daniel : move
Tegan : no
Daniel : please move
Tegan : nah
Daniel : u leave me no option then

He then sits  down on me

Tegan : get off I'm gonna be sick
Daniel ; oh well

I grab my water and tip some on his head and he junps off me . And i get up going to bathroom and i get there in time because i was sick . And after im done i sit on the floor for a bit

Christina : u ok
Tegan : fine but i think daniel sitting on my stomah and the food I've eaten made me sick
Christina : eww
Tegan : i know but all good now so let join everyone else
Christina : ok

We walk out and i sit back down on the floor because daniels back in that space. 

Kay : someone get me food
Zach : get your own food
Kay : im tired tho
Jonah : we are now shut up and watch the tv

We watch tv for ages until my phone goes off

Tegan : hello
Robin : hello is this miss copper its robin from the hospital
Tegan : yes its me
Robin : hello i was wondering if u want to have a scan make sure the babys nice and healthy . And so u can have a piture of the baby
Tegan : um sure
Robin : is monday 12 o'clock ok
Tegan : I've got school but sure I'll go in late
Robin : ok good and how do u feel
Tegan : im all good but I'm kinda bussie so can i go
Robin : of course see u monday
Tegan : yh

I hang up and i start watching the tv again . And we deside to order food and it arrives and we eat

Jonah : dose anyone want any coffee
Daniel : no its horrible
Tegan : i will
Christina : yh and me
Jonah : ok be back in a sec

He makes us coffee

Tegan : thank u
Jonah : your welcome
Daniel :;how can u drink coffee
Christina : its nice
Tegan : yh
Zach : its horrible
Jonah : all of u who hate coffee shut  up its brilliant
Daniel : all of u who like it shut up
Tegan : I'll tip water on u again if u say u hate coffee again
Daniel : please don't
Tegan : then don't dise it and move so i can sit down my backs hurting
Daniel : get someone else to move
Tegan : nah I'll feel back moving someone else with u i don't care now move it
Daniel : why don't u care about me
Tegan : because i don't but can we please swap for a bit my back id starting to hurt
Daniel : fine
Tegan : yes thank u
Daniel : wait i will swap with u if... u give me a massarge
Tegan : fine

We swap places and he sits in front of me and i give him his bloody massarege

Corbyn : give me one
Daniel : no shes giving me one
Corbyn : after
Daniel : get Christina to give u one
Christina : nope if anything he will give me one
Corbyn : i give u one u give me one
Christina : deal

I give him his massarge and i then watch the tv

Gabbie : tonight should we just watch movies
Zach : yh I'm not drinking
Christina : I'm with u
Tegan : we need to find a film and a good one
Kay : i know a film it'd called endless love
Jack : uhh a chick flick
Tegan : shut up and deal with it

Kay puts on the film and just chill for the evening

Daniel : ow whats that for
Tegan : your leaning on my leg and i have a bruise there
Daniel : could of just told me to move insted of flicking me
Tegan : get over it
Daniel : no u hurt me

And u got me pregnant

Tegan : oh well u were hurting my leg
Daniel : eh
Tegan : suck my dick

He then starts laughing at me

Daniel : im good and last time i cheak u weren't a dude

I then slightly slap his face

Daniel : ouch that hurt
Tegan : good don't talk about that
Daniel : ok
Tegan : and everyone is around
Daniel : but there all having there own conventions so there not lisening to this
Tegan : u never know and i plan on taking this secret to the grave
Daniel : its not that bad of a secret we slept together so what . It was over a month ago
Tegan : 7 weeks ago and like i said taking it to the grave so don't tell a soul
Daniel : ok fine i won't
Tegan : thank u because it would rewin my reputation if people found out
Daniel : how and what reputation
Tegan  : it just would and shut up i have a reputation
Daniel : yh for being the girl who acts all inacent but defantley a freak in the sheets

I then slap him again

Daniel : stop doing that
Tegan : stop being disgusting then and do not say that again . And most of the time i am inacent
Daniel : well u weren't in that cabin
Tegan : what ever

Once again i start to feel sick again so i get up and i go to the bathroom being sick again . I take a few deep breaths before walking out

Tegan : guys I'm off to bed
Gabbie : night night
Tegan : yh

I walk upstairs into the room and i get in my pjs and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i then get in bed

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