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Daniel : hey
Tegan : hi
Daniel : are u ready to go
Tegan : yh

We walk out the door and we get in his car and we drive to the hospital and as soon we get in the room. I pick thomas up

Daniel : just think Possibley tonight we night get woken by a baby
Tegan : i know
Daniel : i think hes hungry he eating my finger
Tegan : good thing he hasent got any teeth
Daniel : i know
Robin : before u arrived i got someone to get some formula so here
Tegan : thank u

I sit down and i start feeding him

Daniel : do u think he can come home
Robin : he can go home today i will go get the forms
Tegan : do u think hes strong enough
Robin : i do hes very luckey
Tegan : ok

She leaves

Tegan : we don't have a baby chair in the car
Daniel : um
Tegan : i have one at mine
Daniel : I'll go get it
Tegan : i think i should i know how to deal with my mom and where it is
Daniel : how will u get there
Tegan : your car
Daniel : ok bht be careful with it
Tegan : i will

He gives me the keys and i put Thomas in daniels hand

Tegan : be careful with him
Daniel : i will

I walk out and i drive to mine

Tegan : hi
Mom : where have u been
Tegan : i told u i had a baby
Mom : u did where is it
Tegan : hes at the hospital i just need to get a couple things because he gets to come home today
Mom : when can i meet him
Tegan : later were come here after we got him
Mom : ok

I head upstairs into my room and i grab the baby chair and i pack quite a bit of stuff for me . And stuff i would nees for the baby and i head back down stairs

Tegan : are u ok
Mom : get out or I'm gonna call the police
Tegan : mom its me just stay calm and I'll be back in a bit
Mom : get out

I just walk out the door and i set up the chair and then i drive back to the hospital.

Daniel : he was sick on me
Tegan ; unluckey
Daniel : i signed the forms so we can leave when ever
Tegan : well lets go now
Daniel : come on then

He gets up and the whole way to the car he walks so slowly but we finally get to the car .

Tegan : do u know how to put him in the chair
Daniel : no
Tegan : let me show u

He moves and i show him how to plug the chair in and we get in the car

Daniel : how do u know so much stuff
Tegan : i used to baby sit quite a bit
Daniel : how am i gonna be a good dad if i can't even do a baby chair
Tegan : your already such a good dad don't go self douting because it will just make things harder
Daniel : but I've barley had any experience with babies
Tegan : u will be fine and if u have any problems u can ask me your mom and dad
Daniel : ok

We drive back to mine and we speak to my mom for a bit . And then we heaf to his and we unpack the car and we walk in

Anna : can i hold thomas
Daniel : yes

Daniel gets him out of chair and hands him to anna

Tyler : he so small
Daniel : well he will be he was born 5 months early
Tegan : 4 months u mean
Daniel : yh 4 thats what i meant
Keri : useless
Daniel : my mind is scrambled leave me alone
Christian : i agree with mom useless
Daniel : go away
Anna : i think he pooped
Tegan : I'll change him

She passes me Thomas and i grab the baby bag and i change him

Jeff : he knows how to smell a room out wow
Tegan : daniel said the exact same thing yesterday
Daniel : its true tho

For a while we all just chill every one holding him and all that and we have dinner

Tyler : can't belive your gonna have to deal with 2 babys soon
Daniel : yh doing this definitely has put me off sex . Never again
Keri : I'll believe it when i see it
Anna : i don't belive it for a second
Daniel : trust me i won't be doing anything unless in a relationship
Jeff : thats good tho
Keri : how do u feel about lena and her having daniels baby
Tegan : i don't know
Daniel : lets just move on from that
Keri : ok
Jeff : how is your mom
Daniel : um yet again lets just change subject
Keri : has something happend is she ok
Tegan : um she has dementia but she's fine
Keri :how long
Tegan.: 6 years or so
Daniel : lets just change the subject
Anna : ok so what is happening with u two
Daniel : friends
Tyler : friends my ass
Keri : tyler
Christan : i agree
Tegan : its true just friends with a baby
Daniel : but were see where things will go with us
Tegan : were see I'm still not sure if his f-boy days are over
Daniel : they are well and truely over
Anna : i give it a week before there some sort of lable
Tyler : i say less then a week i believe that Daniels f-boy days are over
Tegan ; were see

Thomas then starts crying and i take him of keri

Tegan : i think hes hungry so im gonna go upstairs and feed him
Keri : ok

I head upstairs and i start feeding him

Daniel : everything ok
Tegan : yh fine
Daniel : i do want to say and I'm telling the truth that my fuck boy days are over .
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : i really like u
Tegan : ok
Daniel : i do the past couple days its just made me see how much i really do like u .
Tegan : i like u to but i just have a feeling if we get together that something bad will happen
Daniel : its just a feeling it might not happen . And im sure we could get past it we've got throw a lot so lets just try . And if it doesn't work it doesn't work
Tegan : only if u promise your f-boy days are over and i mean over
Daniel : they are well amd truly over and i mean it
Tegan :ok
Daniel : so dose this make us a thing
Tegan : yes
Daniel : yess

He climes on my bed and cuddles me

Daniel : u will not regret saying yes
Tegan : i better not
Daniel : u won't because i really really like u
Tegan : ok

We stay i silent for a bit

Tegan : hes finished feeding so can u burp him while i go have a shower
Daniel : yh

I hand him over and i get out of bed grabbing my pjs and a towel and i go to the bathroom .

I have my shower i get dressed and i brush my hair amd teeth and i walk out . And daniel asleep with thomas on top of his cheast asleep aswell .And it was the cuteiest thing in the world so i get in being careful not waking them up . And i go on my phone for a bit

Daniel : uh how long was i out for
Tegan : not that long i don't think
Daniel : ok
Tegan : u must be boring if thomas and u both feel asleep
Daniel : I'm not boring were tired
Tegan : boring
Daniel : hey were gonna need as much sleep as possible because we are gonna be staying up half the night . For quite a while
Tegan : that is true god help us
Daniel : we will be good we will take it in turns with night shifts
Tegan : I'll believe it when i see it
Daniel : i will help
Tegan : ok
Daniel : oh no i think hes pooped
Tegan : go on then I've changed him quite a few times
Daniel : ok

I get out of bed and i getting the nappies and wipes and laying the mat out . And daniel changes him

Daniel : I'll be back in a second im going to put this in the trash
Tegan : ok

While he goes and i put thomas in the crib and i get in bed

Daniel : hes in bed
Tegan : yh I'm gonna try get sleep before he wakes up for anyther feeding
Daniel : ok

He gets in bed

Daniel : so to take it interns let me stay in here
Tegan : ok u can stay
Daniel : good now come lets sleep
Tegan : ok

He kisses me and we sleep

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