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Skip a few days inbetween thoes days we have looked at aprements and we found a place were just waiting until we can move in. And i cut my hair short and we hung out with our friends

Tegan : morning sleepy head Daniel : mhm morning Tegan : u tired Daniel : exhaustedTegan : i feel the same Daniel : i bet

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Tegan : morning sleepy head
Daniel : mhm morning
Tegan : u tired
Daniel : exhausted
Tegan : i feel the same
Daniel : i bet

He gets out of bed and i walks over and he starts speaking to Thomas . And he start flicking his arms and legs

Daniel : hes defantly a happy baby
Tegan : tell me about it hes starting to become more active
Daniel : i know 

He then takes him out of my hands amd he starts playing with him

Tegan : hey
Daniel : what
Tegan : i was playing with him
Daniel : deal with it
Tegan.: mean
Daniel : eh
Keri : are u being mean daniel seavey 
Daniel : no
Tegan : yes
Daniel : am not were messing around
Keri : ok well breakfast is ready
Daniel : were be down in a sec
Keri : ok 

I get up and i change my shirt and we head down stairs and we eat breakfast

Anna ; so have u guys spoke more about the wedding like a date
Daniel : no not yet were more bussie taking care of a baby
Anna ; ok
Tyler : i can't wait to go back to collage i won't be woken up by the crack of dawn by a baby crying
Christan : dude thats mean
Tyler : that was a joke
Tegan : we will be out of your hair soon were just waiting until the aprement is ready . But i can go back to mine until its all ready
Tyler : what no that was a joke it weren't a dig or anything
Jeff : and we like u here we get to be closer to Daniel u and our grandson
Tegan : ok
Daniel : u don't need worry

I nod my head

Daniel : do u feel like going out today
Tegan : yh
Daniel : lets go get ready then
Tegan : ok

We head upstairs and i put thomas in his crib while me amd daniel both get ready

Daniel ; do u feel like getting a milkshake just us two or to go meet the others
Tegan : i feel like since having thomas we have distance our selfs from our friends . So maybe go see them
Daniel : yes i was hopeing that was going to be the answer
Tegan : why ask then u could of just said i want to hang out with our friends
Daniel ; i don't know but come lets go meet them
Tegan : ok

We pack the baby bag and all the stuff we need and daniel drives to corbyns where everyone is .

Gabbie : let me hold him
Daniel : hes asleep
Kay : fine but can we see him 
Tegan : yes

We sit down amd everyone gathers around him

Tegan : jeez your all acting as if u haven't seen a baby before
Jack : well its not everyday that one your bestfriends have a baby .
Zach : he has a point
Tegan : ok
Christina : how has the sleeping pattern been
Daniel : awful were up so much of the night but oh well its the point of having a baby
Corbyn : just think it won't be forwver
Daniel : i know
Jonah : and they don't stay babys forever
Tegan : please don't remind me
Gabbie : hes already so much bigger then the last time we saw him
Jack : it was like 2 days ago
Gabbie : still bigger
Kay : may i say u both look awful
Tegan : we know this
Daniel : yh we do
Zach : should we watch a film
Jonah : yh

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