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So it has been a few weeks since the whole thing with daniel and to be honest i feel good . Mean yh me and daniel talk but thats only about thomas daniel looks after him a few days of the week and so do i . A part of me still loves him i always will we are gonna be connected for the rest of our lifes . But i can't be with someone who cheates

Mom : whens daniel getting here i want my grandson back
Tegan : he should be here any second now

As soon as i said that the door bell goes so i get up and i answer

Tegan : hey
Daniel : we need to talk
Tegan ; um ok come in

He walks in and i shut the door and we head upstairs

Daniel : what the hell is wrong with u
Tegan : excuse me
Daniel : u kissed a guy
Tegan : no i haven't and even if i have it shouldn't concern you
Daniel : yes u have plvtinum
Tegan : omg thats a bloody music video

Daniel : u know Thomas could possibly see this when hes older
Tegan : its just me kissing someone jeez daniel
Daniel : what ever
Tegan : now were talking there is something i need to tell u
Daniel : what
Tegan : i need to go to LA for a few months so is it possible u can fly between portland and LA every weekend  so i can see Thomas. I'll pay for your flights and everything accommodation
Daniel : why do u need to go to LA
Tegan : i got a part in a show
Daniel : thats good
Tegan : so can u like i said i will pay for every thing
Daniel : sure
Tegan : what about school because my dad has offered to look after him throw the day
Daniel : I'll have my mom and my dad to help
Tegan : ok
Daniel : how long have u knowen u were going to LA
Tegan : about 2 weeks
Daniel : and what were u going to do if i said no
Tegan : my dad was going to help and i would get back to portland when ever i could as soon as possible
Daniel : ok

I get up and i pick up thomas

Tegan : hello have u missed mommy
Daniel : he has
Tegan : good
Daniel : so this show what is it about
Tegan : i can't say I've signed the contract
Daniel : what so u can't say if it horror romance sifi and all that
Tegan : i can say that
Daniel : what is it
Tegan : a miss between horror and romance
Daniel : are u the one in love with someone
Tegan :  that i can't say
Daniel : ok
Tegan : any way shouldn't you be going
Daniel : nope
Tegan : well u should go u brought thomas back now bye
Daniel : nah i want to spend more time woth my son
Tegan : u spent the past couple day with him
Daniel : and i can never spend to much time with him
Tegan : well go away its my time to spend time with him
Daniel ; no 

I just roll my eyes and i start pinning pictures on my wall

Daniel : why do u have photos of jonah and jack on your wall
Tegan : im taking polaroids of people

Daniel : take one of me
Tegan : nah don't want photos of cheats on my wall
Daniel : did u really have to bring that up
Tegan : yep
Daniel : u do it every time we speak and u bring me cheating into it 
Tegan : oh well i want u to relises u cheated because after a couple days u acted as if u did nothing wrong
Daniel : i know i fucked up but i don't want to be reminded
Tegan : well i want to get it in that brain of yours cheating is not right in any type of way .
Daniel : i know but i don't want to talk about it
Tegan : then leave because i don't want to be around u . Because every time i see u i just feel all the pain u put me throw . U said u loved me couple days later u go and cheat
Daniel : i said i was sorry a billon times and i messed up but I'm not leaving
Tegan : what ever

I walk down stairs

Mom ; left me hold my him
Tegan : here we go

I give Thomas to my mom

Tegan : what do u want for dinner
Mom : its got to be a Chinese take away
Tegan : ok I'll order

I ordee the food and daniel come down

Mom : hi daniel
Daniel : hi
Tegan : foods been orded
Mom : good
Tegan : so...
Mom : oh Tegan skipper showed up but i told them to go because Daniels here
Tegan : why would u do that
Mom : because u and daniel were talking and it might of been about thomas . So i told them to go
Tegan : uhh ok
Daniel : whos skipper
Tegan : non of your business
Daniel : boyfriend
Tegan.: hell no and like i said non of your business
Daniel : ok
Mom : if you u must know skipper is a girl
Daniel : oh
Tegan : u thought she was a dude
Daniel : kinda
Tegan : oh well u leaveing
Daniel : do u really want me to leave
Tegan : yes i don't want u here i told u  this
Daniel : fine see u

He kisses thomas and he leaves

Tegan : i hate him i hate him uhh i hate him
Mom : i know u do
Tegan : but i aprt of me still loves him but i don't want to
Mom : i know that yet again but u need to speak to him like properly
Tegan : about what
Mom : everything go
Tegan : fine

I walk out the door and im about to get in my car and daniels car is parked on the street . And hes still in the car and it looks like hes crying so i walk over and he sees me and he quickly wipes his eyes . And i get in his car

Daniel : what
Tegan : why are u crying
Daniel : like u would care
Tegan : true but.... wait ignore that just tell me
Daniel : after u said to marrying i thought yes i finally found the girl im going to spend the rest of my life with . But then i rewined it by sleeping with a girl and loseing u it felt like hell . And it still dose and i think every second of everyday how I've losed the love of my life . If i could go back in time i would in a split second because then i know i would still be with u
Tegan ; well thats the thing u can't go back in time what's done is done
Daniel ; i know but if i could go back
Tegan : well u can't
Daniel : do u think we would ever get back together
Tegan : no i don't because i have no trust in u what so ever
Daniel : thanks
Tegan : u need to understand that i have had trust issues in the past and now u have just made them worse . Getting that voice message broke my heart into a millon pices . I was the same i was like yes i had finally found the right guy
Daniel ; i can still be that right guy
Tegan : maybe to some other girl but not me
Daniel : i don't even know why i try your so stubborn that u can't see that I'm trying . I'm trying to make thomas live easyer for him that he has two loving parents around him . Not having two separate birthdays one with his mom and the other with his dad .
Tegan.: we can have birthdays togther mean we get long just not that well
Daniel : ok
Tegan : I'll see u Wednesday
Daniel : wait when do u leave for LA
Tegan : this weekend
Daniel : so soon
Tegan : I've knowen for ages just haven't got round to tell u
Daniel : jeez ok
Tegan : bye

I get out the car and i walk back inside and for the rest of the day i think about daniel uhhh why dose he do this to me

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