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Tegan : I'll see u later
Mom : ok

I walk out the door and i get in my car  and i drive to the hospital

Tegan : hi im here for my appointment tegan cooper
Male : ok take a seat

I take a seat and i wait like half an hour before i get called in . And i lay down in the bed

Robin : how have u been
Tegan : ok just been sick a lot
Robin : that dose happen its normal
Tegan : i know
Robin : right can u pull your shirt up a bit

I pull my shirt up a bit and she puts a jel on my stomah and starts moving round the wand .

Robin : so hear is the baby
Tegan : its so small
Robin : its the size of a blueberry
Tegan : wow
Robin : hear is the heart beat
Tegan: is that good beat
Robin : yes its its very strong 164
Tegan : wow
Robin : its a healthy strong baby

She then give me some roll and i wipe my stomah and i pull donw my shirt . And she prints off the pitures

Robin : is the dad around
Tegan : he doesn't know and i intend on him not knowing .
Robin : ok and is there any questions u want to ask
Tegan : i don't think so
Robin : ok well take these panflits and read them and just take care of yourself
Tegan : i will thank u
Robin : I'll call u for your next appointment
Tegan : ok

I get up and i say goodbye and i walk out and i get in my car and i go to school . I sign myself in and i go to class

Tegan : hi
Gabbie : where were u
Tegan : took my mom to a doctors appointment
Gabbie : ok
Zach : u missed anyther maths test your so luckey
Tegan : i know im very luckey
Corbyn : u missed out on zach falling over it just happend in slow motion
Tegan : dam it i wished i saw that
Daniel : funniest thing I've seen in ages
Jonah : it was
Zach : shut up
Jack : what u went flying
Kay : u did
Zach : what ever
Tegan : wheres Christina
Corbyn : ill
Tegan : oh ok
Daniel : after school do u guys wanma get a milkshake
Jonah : what about romeo and Juliet
Daniel : mr keems ill so we got today off whoop
Corbyn : im gonna be with Christina
Lena : dad wants stright home so i can't
Zach : and me and kay are going to mine
Tegan : i will
Jack : same
Jonah : nothing better to do
Gabbie : can't its Sam's birthday
Daniel : then its us 4 then
Jack : the awsome 4
Tegan : i like that
Kay : no we are all awsome but some of us to have other stuff to do
Jonah : oh well

The bell the goes off

We all get up and head to music

Tegan : hello
Finn : hey where were u this morning i didn't see u come in with lena
Tegan : i got here like 15 minutes ago i had stuff to do
Finn : ahh ok so I've got something to tell u
Tegan : oh god bad news
Finn : no its good
Tegan : ok
Finn : i come out to my family
Tegan : omg yess u finally done it
Finn : i did and there happy i told them but they already knew . Because my mom found my magizines
Tegan : haha

The rest if the day just dragged on and it finally ends

Jack : we ready to go
Jonah : yh
Tegan : I'll see u there
Jonah : ok

We go our seapret ways and i get in my car and i drive home cheaking on my mom and i then walk to the milkshake place . And there already there

Jonah : we orderd yiur drink
Tegan : I'm gonna order some food is any one else gonna have anything
Daniel : cheeseburger with fries
Tegan : ok
Jonah : im good
Jack : me to

I get up and i order two cheeseburgers and i walk back

Jack ; were fighting about whos stronger who looks the strongest me daniel or jonah
Tegan : defanly jonah look at him
Jonah : told u
Daniel : u of all people should know im strong in other ways

He smirks at me and i kick him lightly under the tabel

Daniel : ow
Jack : what
Daniel : nothing

Our food and drinks the arrive

Jonah : wgat did u do
Daniel : nothing just wacked my leg agnist the pole 
Tegan : stupid
Daniel : just like u then
Jack ; burn
Daniel : go away noddle
Jack : been called it before
Jonah : like a billon Times
Jack : i know

I get up and i quickly run to the bathroom being sick once again and i take a couple minutes before going back

Tegan ; u guys can have the rest of my food I'm not hungry now
Jonah : u ok
Tegan : yh i feel amazing
Jonah : ok
Jack : can i ask how do u call each other brother and sister but yet you've fucked 

We both just look at each other nit kmowing how to answer that because were the only two . Who knows we didn't really sleep togther

Tegan : um it was one time and it was fun just meaningless sex
Daniel : you've had a lot of that recently
Jack : what
Daniel : yh jonah
Jonah : what i haven't
Tegan : ooo who jonah
Jonah : i swear no one
Jack : come on u can tell us
Jonah : no one i swear i would say if i had
Tegan : ok
Daniel : maybe i was mistaken then
Jonah : yh u must of been 
Tegan : stupid
Daniel : shut up because i do have stuff on u that no ones knows
Tegan ; daniel be quite
Jonah : whats he got on u
Tegan : nothing
Daniel : i was joking
Jack : no u weren't
Daniel : umm she had a secret boyfriend
Tegan : i said not to say
Daniel : sorry
Jonah : who
Tegan: doesn't matter its ended a long time ago
Jack : sneaky
Tegan : i know
Daniel : dam I'm exsposing a lot of people today
Tegan : just one persons
Jonah : yh u got one thing wrong
Daniel : what ever
Jack : right I'm gonna leave I'll see u tomrrow
Jonah : see u around man
Jack : yh

Jonah : how did u know about the secret boyfriend
Daniel : uh when we went to pratice for romeo and Juliet i saw her and the guy making out
Tegan : yh and i made him keep it a secret but then that day he broke it off because he found out i was going up to the cabin . With a bunch of guys and he didn't trust me
Jonah : that sucks
Tegan : it did but of well its apart of life
Daniel : it is
Tegan : any way guys I'm gonna go
Jonah : fo u want a lift
Tegan : no fresh air will do me good
Daniel : I'll walk with u
Jonah : I'll see u tomrrow then
Daniel : yh

I get up and we all walk out

Jonah : see ya
Tegan : bye

Me and daniel start to walk back

Tegan : i swear im gonna have to put a sip on your mouth
Daniel : its fun annoying u but i don't like how u keep hurting me
Tegan : well your pissing me off u deserve it
Daniel : i know but its a bit of fun
Tegan : yh
Daniel : u know i really wish me and u never fell out
Tegan ; me to because we had quite litrally been friends since birth
Daniel : i know
Tegan : I'm gonna be honest here when we were 5 i found u so annoying . My mom was forcing me to be your friend but then i finally found a way of dealing with u being annoying .
Daniel : woah I've been annoying for years
Tegan : yh u have
Daniel : haha
Tegan : well this is your stop I'll see u tomrrow
Daniel : yh

He goes in and head to mine

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