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Daniel : hi
Tegan : why aren't u at school
Daniel : I'm not going to school
Tegan : u need to go
Daniel : not going so why aren't u with Thomas
Tegan : there changing the tubes and they wanted me out the room
Daniel : and is he ok
Tegan : hes fine
Daniel : and how are u
Tegan : I'm fine but did u tell your pearants
Daniel : they do and there gonna be here in a bit there just dropping anna at school . But they told me that have to be wrapped at every time
Tegan : that is true u do or this will happen again to some other girl
Daniel : nice to see your back to your old self
Tegan : i wish I'm trying to get back to my old self
Daniel : ok
Leah : u can see him now
Tegan : thank u

I get up and we walk to where Thomas is

Daniel : i can't wait to hold him
Tegan : trust me i want to hold him more then u
Daniel : impossible
Tegan : I'm the one who carried him for 5 months . I think i do more
Daniel : ok well i would have to fight u to hold him first
Tegan : are u being serious I'm the one who went thorw the pain i was in labour for 2 and half hours . So i will fight u when we can finally hold him
Daniel : your on

He put his hand out and i shake it

Tegan : I'm kinda scared of when your mom and dad get here
Daniel : well there here now and don't be scared
Tegan : oh god ok
Daniel : there coming now my mom messaged me
Tegan : oh god ok

Not long of waiting Keri and jeff walk in

Keri : how are ok
Tegan : ok very tired
Keri : i can bet i rember having daniel keeping me up throw the night
Daniel : i was not that bad
Jeff : it was more tyler
Keri : hows the little one
Tegan : hes ok at the minute
Jeff : is he in pain
Tegan : no he can't feel a thing
Keri : can't believe im a grand mouther
Daniel : i can't belive im a dad and i didn't even relise till probley yesterday .
Tegan : i really am sorry for not telling u
Daniel : its fine like i said aleast i know now
Jeff : what his full name daniel was like just wait until till tomrrow
Tegan ; Thomas Darcy seavey .
Daniel : i choose thomas and tegan chose darcy .
Keri : its really nice name
Daniel : we know
Keri : daniel as much as we already thomas u do need to keep wrapped up because u are 17
Tegan : i said he dose or it will happen again and to anyther girl
Jeff : learn your lesson
Daniel : i have but i haven't been with a girl in a while . And i won't at the minute my only priority is Tegan anf thomas
Keri : good they should be so how long did it take to have him
Tegan : 2 and half hours but I've been told im luckey because most people it takes 18 hours
Keri : u really did get luckey there its just a shame of the circumstances . Of the way thomas is
Tegan : it is but I'm just thankful hes still here . Because things can change in a split second
Jeff : must me be tuff
Tegan : it is
Daniel : i could barley sleep i was so worried
Keri : we could tell
Tegan: i could as well getting messages every 5 minutes and all that
Jeff : aleast hes message u and not messaging at all
Tegan : yh
Daniel : i want to make sure things are still good
Tegan : I appreciate that
Keri : so daniel told us yesterday that u spoke about marriage and how u don't want to
Tegan : i said were see what happens in the future because at the minute theres nothing there exsept friendship .
Keri : ok
Daniel : she thinks that i would be un loyal
Tegan : because u do have a reputation of sleeping around
Daniel : not the past couple weeks i haven't been with one girl
Tegan : ok
Daniel : anyway mom dad shouldn't u go get ready for work and all that
Jeff : are u trying to kick us out
Daniel : yes
Keri : were get out your hair u take care and look after the little one
Tegan : i will

Keri then gives me a hug and they leave

Daniel : i have changed I've not slept with a girl in ages
Tegan : i know but it seems like u atcahlly want to get married at 17
Daniel : well we can be enggaed for as long as u want and then get married
Tegan: i say we just wait and see what happens because we are gonna be spening a lot of time together . And some thing could possibly happen but we can just wait . Because anuther girl could walk past and she could take your liking into her
Daniel : ok

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