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Daniel : finally up
Tegan : yh
Daniel : how did u sleep
Tegan : pretty good but how did u sleep
Daniel : amazing even tho i did get woken up
Tegan : yh

He gets in bed with thomas on his cheast

Daniel : do u want to talk about the wedding
Tegan : sure we haven't planned anything
Daniel : i think we should maybe sort a date out and where to have it
Tegan : i agree
Daniel ; i know a really nice place Victorian Belle its all inside and i think its really nice
Tegan : maybe we can get booking and look around
Daniel : ok thats good and we look at other venues
Tegan : yh i want it to be nice because i am hopeing that it will be my only marriage
Daniel : me to
Tegan: i really want it to be nice but all that matter is that were together
Daniel : i agree see i woudent care if we got married in cardboard box as long as were together and happy
Tegan : yh
Daniel : right we need a date
Tegan : do u want a summer or winter type of wedding
Daniel ; Sumner
Tegan : ok so we got summer time
Daniel : what about August time
Tegan : thats like 4 months away
Daniel : we can plan everything in 4 month
Tegan : can we tho because the venues the dresses the tux bridesmaids stuff . Money
Daniel : i start work on monday so we will soon start to get money in . U will have time to get a dress and i will have time to get a suit .
Tegan : ok and I'll try get a job and we can try work around each others schedule . So one person can look after thomas
Daniel : but if we both get a job aleast once a week on a certain day we go on a date . So can still spend time together 
Tegan : Wednesday its half way throw the week
Daniel : ok
Tegan : and do rember u still have school
Daniel : uhh i forgot i start again tomrrow
Tegan : omg its sunday u start school again tomrrow and your first day at work
Daniel : i totally forgot uhh
Tegan : wow the 2 weeks has gone fast
Daniel : i know but will u be ok with thomas on your own
Tegan : I'll be fine
Daniel : call if u meed anything I'll be there
Tegan : i will but tonight u sleep all night let me deal with thomas with all his feedings and all that
Daniel : what no that would be unfair on u
Tegan : no it won't it will be unfair on u , u have school and work your gonna need your sleep
Daniel : i don't care im helping throw the night its what i said i would do so no fighting
Tegan : uhh your annoying
Daniel : love u to
Tegan : uhh 

Thomas then start crying so we both start playing with him

Daniel : he really is starting to kick now
Tegan : i know but he really kicked in my stomah especially when I was asleep
Daniel : i still can't belive u manged to keep that for over 4 mouths from eveyone . And how u weren't showing
Tegan : what can i say baggey shirts are a life saver  . And i wasn't actually that big
Daniel : well obviously or everyone would of noticed
Tegan : yh i know but if had knowen how u would of reacted i would of told u sooner . I was just scared because we are so young and i didn't want to hold u back
Daniel : a part of me dose wish u told me sooner so i could of prepared myself for what was going to happen . And i could of been there for all the scans and all that
Tegan : yh and i can't belive u didn't tell me the condom split
Daniel : i know and i should of told u but what i meant to be like . Hey the condom split
Tegan : yes u could of said that
Daniel : to scared
Tegan : ok any way i need to use the bathroom
Daniel : ok

I get out of bed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i do my business and u walk out.  And Daniels changing thomas

Tegan : smelly boy
Daniel : defanly
Tegan : talking about u
Daniel : go away i do not smell
Tegan: u sure about
Daniel : I'll go have a shower then
Tegan : good
Daniel : see u in a bit
Tegan : yh

I pick up thomas and sit down on the bed and i start messing around with him. And i feed him

Daniel : there we go i had a shower
Tegan : good

He picks thomas up and puts him in the crib and sits with me

Daniel : do u want to watch a film
Tegan : yh have a chill day before u go to school and all that 
Daniel : ok

He turns the tv on putting on a film and i cuddle into him . And we watch the whole film with out thomas waking up

Christian : dinners ready
Daniel ; yes we're be there in a sec
Christian : ok

We get out of bed and we pick thomas up and we head down stairs and we eat

Daniel : so me and tegan spoke about the wedding and were thinking maybe in August time
Keri ; thats like 4 months away have u got that much time to plan
Tegan : we haven't got much time but daniel said we can do it
Keri : it is a lot of stuff to plan
Daniel : we can do it
Tegan: ok
Anna : existing
Tyler : stresful stuff is gonna be happening
Jeff: don't start fighting because babys don't need people yelling
Daniel : were try not to
Keri : don't fight
Tegan ; we won't
Christan : surprisling they havent fought i would of thought they would have by now
Tegan : oh me to but we haven't and its good
Keri : it is
Daniel : any way were going upstairs
Keri : ok

We heax upstairs

Daniel : uhhh
Tegan : what
Daniel : school i don't want to go
Tegan : u got 2 months until u finish u can do it
Daniel : thats gonna be 2 months away from u and thomas
Tegan : it will be 6 and half hours not that much
Daniel : its bloody long enough
Tegan : ok well were still be here when u get back
Daniel : i know but its still to long to stay away
Tegan : i know but lets just worry about this tomrrow when u atchlly leave
Daniel : will u be ok with thomas
Tegan : I will be fine
Daniel : ok but u would call if there was to anything happen
Tegan : i will
Daniel : ok good
Tegan : now u better go to bed
Daniel : yh

He gets in bed and i sort out thomas and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out getting in bed . Amd daniel kisses me

Daniel : love u
Tegan : love u to

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