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Daniel : morning
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : tired
Tegan : extremely
Daniel : join the boat
Tegan : when did u get up
Daniel : half an hour or so i made a bottle fed him burped him changed
Tegan : wow ok
Daniel : i know I've been bussie
Tegan : u have

I get out of bed and i grab my clothes and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i change and i walk out

Daniel : i hate to do this but i have to go
Tegan : its fine go
Daniel : I'll be back as soon as possible
Tegan : take your time I'll still be here
Daniel : ok

He kisses me and he goes so i sit in bed amd i call Christina

Christina : hey
Tegan : i need to ask u something
Christina : ok
Tegan : if corbyn ask u to marry him what would say like right now
Christina : i love corbyn but were not ready for marrige why u asking
Tegan : because daniel wants me and him to get married and I'm not sure
Christina : hold the phone what
Tegan : he was like we have a baby together and were moving in with each other
Christina : well in your circumstance i agree u do have a baby and all that i think it would be a good idea
Tegan : were so younge tho
Christina : but u have a baby and u do seem happy from all the snaps daniel sent us
Tegan : i am happy propbley the happiset I've been in my entire life
Christina : i think that answers your question
Tegan : i think it dose thank u
Christina : we must see each other soon
Tegan.: we must just a lot happening at the minute
Christina : we all completely understand your a new mouther and daniels a new dad its fine but we must see each other soon
Tegan : we will
Christina : talk soon
Tegan : yh

For ages i just chill have a shower and me and anna spoke

Daniel : im back
Tegan : how was the scan
Daniel : she slipped up whne the doctor how far she was she said 4 months . But she quickly changed it to 6 but then the doctor said no i think its your 4 mouth scan
Tegan : dam u were right i thought u were just having a wired feeling
Daniel : and after me keep going on aboit it she finally said that its not mine. And she said the inly reason she done it was so that u would get pissed and that i would fall deeply in love with her . But mo chance i only have eyes for girls
Tegan : are u cheating on me
Daniel : haha funny u know it about u
Tegan : u never know with u
Daniel : shut up so hows the little one been
Tegan : fed him he pucked on me had a shower
Daniel : good boy just wait until he pees on u
Tegan : i will not be happy if he peed on me
Daniel ; i got peed on deal with it
Tegan : eh
Daniel : eh back to u to
Tegan : why are freaks
Daniel : i have no clue but if thomas gets our wirdest god help him
Tegan : i know what have we done
Daniel ; i don't know but i do have some thing to tell u
Tegan : ok
Daniel : im telling u because i want us to be honest
Tegan : tell me now before i start thinking the worst
Daniel : lena tryed kissing me but i did pushed her away like stright away
Tegan : ok
Daniel : are we ok
Tegan : we're good u were honest with me and I appreciate it and instead  of keeping it to yourself
Daniel : thank god i was scared u were gonna be like your cheated and all that
Tegan : well i would call u that if u kept it and i found out down the line . But u were honest so
Daniel : thank god
Tegan : aww u look like u were gonna shit yourself
Daniel : i was I generally thought you were going to break up with me
Tegan : don't worry I'm not breaking up with u

He moves closer to me and he kisses me and i kiss him back and he lays down and pulls me down on top of him . And i start laughing

Daniel : what
Tegan : this is gonna be tmi but my boobs they hurt

I then start laughing even more and i roll onto my back and i see daniel with his hands over his face . And hes laughing

Tegan : i said its tmi
Daniel : its fine be honest
Tegan : ok
Daniel : uhh one minute were making out u start laughing u tell me u boobs hurt . Jeez
Tegan : shut up
Daniel : ok

Thomas starts crying so i get and i get him

Daniel : i made a bottle I'll go get it
Tegan : ok

While he goes down stairs i start rocking him

Daniel : here is the bottle
Tegan : thank u

I sit down and i feeding him

Daniel : i think he gonna need a bathroom soon
Tegan : he will scream the house down
Daniel : he needs a clean
Tegan : i know how about we try tomorrow
Daniel : ok
Tyler : diners down
Daniel : be down in a second
Tyler : ok

We get up and we head down stairs and we all eat we talk and then me and daniel head back upstairs.

Tegan : im going to change him
Daniel : ok

I change his nappy and he goes back to sleep and i put him in thr crib

Tegan : I'm going to have an early night maybe try get some more sleep
Daniel : ok

I grab my pjs and i walk to thr bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i change and i walk oit getying stright in bed

Daniel : sleep well
Tegan : wait

I sit back up

Daniel : oh god what u doing
Tegan : so the past couple days u have been going on about marriage amd I've though about . And i spoke to Christina about it and she said that i looked happy . I was like i am the happiset I've ever been and so if u want to do u want get married
Daniel : u left me in open for 48 hours I'm gonna have to think about it
Tegan : ok
Daniel : I'm joking i defiantly want to marry u
Tegan : searsaly
Daniel : yes I'm being dead ass lets do it
Tegan : god are we enggaed
Daniel : i think we are
Tegan : god

He gets out of bed and walks around my side of the bed and gets on one knee

Tegan : don't u dare even think about it get back in bed we've already said yes
Daniel : i don't care tegan merrel cooper will u make me the happiest max alive by becoming mrs seavey
Tegan : 1 your a boy and 2 yes i will become mrs seavey

He gets up and hugs me

Daniel : just until i get a proper engagement ring wear one of mine
Tegan : don't worry about a proper ring im happy with what ever .
Daniel : we are going to do this the priper way
Tegan : ok

He puts the ring on my finger and ge gets back in bed and i kiss him

Tegan : what am i going to do with u daniel Seavey
Daniel : i don't know a lot
tegan. : yh i guess

I cuddle into

Tegan : night
Daniel : night

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