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Tegan : hey what are u doing here
Finn : my friend just had a baby and u think im not gonna u
Tegan : aww thank u
Finn : so i got balloons and i got u chocolate
Tegan : omg u are the best
Finn : i know
Tegan : so im guess the whole school knows i had a baby
Finn : they do
Tegan : what are they saying
Finn : surprisingly there saying your brave and strong and then u have the teachers . And some students calling u named
Tegan : teachers
Finn : just like shes young how do we know she can handle this
Tegan : well i can handle it I've looked after my mom for a long time and now i can look after a baby
Finn : i know u can your a tuff cookie
Tegan : i haven't been the past couple days it has been ruff but i can handle it
Daniel : hi
Tegan : hey
Finn : is he the dad
Tegan : yh
Finn : wow did not see that coming
Tegan : no one did trust me
Finn : well im shocked hes the dad and that u had a baby i found out throw people talking
Tegan : sorry
Finn : well I'll leave u guys be u take care of them
Daniel : i will

He gives me and a hug and he leaves

Tegan : u brought your guitar
Daniel : i said i would
Tegan : u did yay we get some music
Daniel : we can
Tegan :play a song
Daniel : ok

He sits down on the floor and he starts playing

Tegan : why did u sit on the floor
Daniel : more confterble
Tegan : ok u wirdo
Daniel : i know i am but we all are
Tegan : yh
Daniel : so how thomas
Tegan : hes good i just want to time to hurry up so we know hes ok for the future and all that
Daniel : he will be and he seems like hes getting the best care
Tegan : he is and all the nurses and doctors are nice
Daniel : its good because u do get thoes stroppy looking doctors and nurses
Tegan : i know what u mean mean when i got taken into hospital before i properly found out i was pregante . I got the wirdest looks
Daniel : well thats wrong
Tegan : well its not everyday a 17 year old gets pregnate
Daniel : true but its happening more often teenage girls having a kids like just get over it .
Tegan : exactly
Daniel : its there lifes they can do what they want
Tegan : they can
Daniel : lenas just messaged me
Tegan : whats she said
Daniel : thats shes at the hospital and she wants to talk to me
Tegan : go see what she wants
Daniel : i want to stay here
Tegan : just go see what she wants were still be here
Daniel : ok I'll be back before u know it
Tegan : ok

He leaves and i just admire thomas hes already starting to get bigger . But its good because when he was born he was about the size of my hand and thats really not good . I just want to pick him up and cuddle him this is hardest thing ever not being able to hold him .and daniel finally comes in and he looks kinda upset

Tegan : whats wrong
Daniel : please don't hate me
Tegan : what have u done
Daniel : lenas pregante...with my baby
Tegan : ok
Daniel : your ok with this
Tegan : well i can't be mad or annoyed its more of how are u feeling
Daniel : i don't know very confussed because this has changed all the plans we made
Tegan ; don't worry about that
Daniel : god what am i gonna do what do i tell my mom and dad im 17 I've already thomas . And now theres anyther baby on the way what am i gonna do
Tegan : i know its gonna be a lot but i know u can handle it but I'm gonna see if i can find lena i want to talk to her
Daniel : ok

I walk out the room and i call lena

Lena : what do u want
Tegan : i just want to see u talk
Lena ; daniel told u
Tegan ; he did but i just want to say congratulations . But why didn't u say
Lena : i wasent gonna say at all but then u pissed me off so i thought i would rewin your little family. Because your a two faced bitch who fucked me around . So say good bye to your little family
Tegan : lena i never meant for it to happen but if I'm being honest I'm happy with whats happend because Thomas is my world already .
Lena : well i don't care and I'm gonna make sure daniel leaves u and that baby . He deserves much better the u two
Tegan : ok well don't worry about meeting and i hope u and daniel have a happy ending

I hang up and i walk back in

Daniel : everything ok
Tegan : yh shes just saying that shes gonna take u away from me and thomas . And that u deserve better
Daniel : well she can't take me away from u amd thomas and i don't deserve better i like where i am . And i might be having anuther baby but i still want to stay hers
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : i hope it doesn't change anything
Tegan : it won't but i would understand if u changed your mind about moving it with each other
Daniel : no we can still move in with each other if u still want to .
Tegan : i do but now u have got anyther child on the way it is going to get compacted
Daniel : I'll deal with it now let's just leave it for now get better vibs
Tegan : ok

The door then opens

Robin : a new baby is going to be brought in a second i though i would warn u
Tegan : ok

She then leaves and a baby and im guessing the mom and dad come in

Daniel : im daniel
Guy : tony and my wife cleo
Cleo : how long have u been here
Tegan : since monday
Cleo : how ealry was your baby
Daniel : 4 months
Tony : jeez
Tegan : how early were u
Cleo : 3 months and my god this is the worst experience of my life
Tegan : i know what u mean its horrible worst thing in the world but things get better . And its good having people around that just make things seem brighter
Tony : lets hope things just get better
Daniel : have faith thats all i say
Cleo : we will

Tegan : how can u just talk to people just like that
Daniel : when it comes to strangers i find it easy talking to them. and plus we need to talk to them mean were gonna be in here with then for a while
Tegan : true
Daniel : we may as well make friends with them there going throw the same thing as us . And it would be nice to talk about
Tegan : yh your right
Daniel : i know i am
Tegan : shut up
Daniel : ok boss lady
Tegan : do not call me that
Daniel : ok sorry what do u wanna be called then
Tegan : my name
Daniel : alright my name
Tegan : shut up and don't be funny
Daniel : ok sorry
Tegan : good now its getting late so u should go home and talk to your mom and dad about lena
Daniel : if i don't survive tell thomas how much i love him
Tegan : i will now good luck and don't die
Daniel : try not to

He kisses the top of my head and he leaves

Cleo : how long have u two been together
Tegan : were not just friends
Tony : oh so your doing this together just not together as in a relationship
Tegan : yh

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