☆ s e v e n ☆

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At this point, I still stood there, in the kitchen, lying to WinWin. Taeil looks at me with a smile, almost symboling a 'thank you'. How I missed when that smile was mine to see, seeing him smile around Sicheng is like a distant memory, how it left such an affect on me. I simply walk off, striding into my shared room with Taeil. We shared a room, but the chance of seeing him was low. He was never in there anymore, he was mostly caught up in sitting next to Sicheng on the couch, doing his work in the SM Practice buildings instead of his personal desk, or disregarding the fact that I even share a room with him. I look over at his desk, not a single thing is on it, except one thing. A picture of him and WinWin. How lovely, it was, but how much it hurt to see my best friend leaving me for another. I missed having him around me so much. I grab my clothes and personal items from my drawer, and head into one of the bathrooms. I decided to have a shower, maybe that would calm down the selfish thoughts. 

Jaehyun's POV

Taeyong and I sat in our room, sitting on his bed. We were enjoying just being together, in the peaceful quiet atmosphere. Suddenly, Taeyong broke the silence.

"Jae, do you think everything will just- go back to normal? be the way it was."

"What Tae?"

"NCT. Everything has sucked recently, the fans know somethings wrong, and the whole Yuta, Taeil, WinWin situation is getting really out of hand."

"Tae, I don't know."

A cracking in my voice begins to errupt.

"Tae, Thi-This is all my fault. Why did I have to make fun of WinWin, to the point where he had to get angry like that, he doesn't even know Yuta heard ev-every word, and saw every action. I also feel like I did this to Taeil, I told h-him that him and wi-wi-winwin looked cute together, they are a ni-nice duo. I just can-"

"Jae stop crying please. This isn't your fault, it will get better, I'm here, i'll make everything better."

"Really Tae?"



Doyoung's POV 

I finish my long shower, and get bored of lying in my room on my phone. I decide to go to Johnny and Ten's room, to talk to them. I had an Idea to get Yuta and WinWin to be friends again.

I walk down the hall, and knock on the door.

"Come in"


I look to see johnny and ten, sitting together on the floor, hugging and talking. It seemed like everyone in this god damn house was dating. 

"Get a room you two, I need to talk to you about something important-"

"But this IS our room, I thought we alr-"

"Ten, shhhhhh. The adults are talking"

"But you're only 26 day-"

"Ten. What did Doyoung just say"

"Anyways, I have a plan to get WinWin and Yuta to be friends again!"

"Hey heres an idea, why don't we tell WinWIn why Yuta is upset?"

"Johnny, how many times do we have to tell you, it will only make winwin be mad at himself."


"Idea number one, we can carry it out tomorrow. How about we film a fun mini-show for the fans, we can chat to them and do fun partner challenges! We can purposely put Yuta and WinWin together."

"Sounds alright I guess, but you would have to ask the manager."

"Alright! Perfect!"


It was now the next morning, and everything had been sorted out for today. We would practice, and do the fun challenge for the fans. At this point, everything was going to plan. We finished practice and the manager chose who was going to be with who, going along with the 'Help Yuwin' Plan, as he wanted to fix their relationship as well as us. 

"Czennies! We are NCT127!!! It's good to talk to you today! Today we are doing something very exciting! A fun challenge and questions game! Our manager is going to read out the duos, and assign the challenges, with questions along the way."

Taeyong continued to explain the game I had set up, and the manager called out the groups.

"Mark and Haechan, Johnny and Taeyong, Jaehyun and Jungwoo, Doyoung and Taeil, Yuta and WinWin

Yuta's POV

As soon as I hear the words 'Yuta and WinWin' My heart immediately drops to my stomach. How was I going to pretend to be happy, with the person who is making me sad, act like i'm having the time of my life. 

"I want WinWin and Yuta to go first, with a... drumroll please.. A cooking challenge! Your task is to make cupcakes!"

Oh great, first we get chosen together, then we get chosen first, and a cooking challenge? I try my best to think positively, not trying to act too upset that I was partnered with him. 

"The two of you, head to your station! Let me explain the rules, Rule One: You must do this in under two hours. Rule Two: You must answer fan questions through out the live. And Rule Three: At the start we created a poll for the lovely NCTzens to answer who the best duo is. Try and convince them that its you two! Try and have fun, don't kill each other. Get your ingredients ready.. Three! Two! One! GO!"

[A/N: OML WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS WOT~ be expecting a lil mini doil chapter soon, with taeil's pov, also sorry for making taeil the worst person ever, im sorry fellow taeil stans. uwu love y'all, ty so much for 100 reads in 2 days!! <3 <3 -chailatte ] 

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