☆ t e n ☆

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It had been a couple days since the challenge event, and I can say that things went pretty well. Doyoung and Taeil planned a successful party, WinWin and I actually had a good time making cakes together. I honestly believe fate pushed us back to being friends again, I mean, how could the manager pulled my name for Win! 

I feel like the event did so much for me. It opened me up to being friends with him again, it opened me up to smiling with him again, feeling warm inside. It was like the whole world stopped for a minute, so it could be WinWin and Yuta. The perfect duo.


It wasn't

We truly weren't the perfect duo. Why? Because of Taeil. I understands he loves him or whatever, but like seriously? He splits us up in any interaction, and somehow finds a way for WinWin to love him more. Whatever he's doing, I want to know.

Today I woke up, not feeling as terrible. For some lucky reason, we had a free day yo do whatever we wanted. The second I flutter my eyes, I could sense a fresh smell, a warm scent. Something, bewildering. I was intrigued and began to walk out the door. When I stepped out of the room, and passed through to the Kitchen, I could see WinWin, making breakfast.

"Yu! I made pancakes for us. You have looked a little down lately, I wanted to cheer you up!"

The smiling angel that broke my heart into four-thousand pieces, stood there in front of me, with the cutest plate of pancakes I had ever seen.

They were small, but light a fluffy. The cutest scoop of strawberry ice-cream laid on top, and it had all kinds of fruits decorated around it. He cared so much for me, I felt this warm feeling in my heart. This feeling of happiness, a feeling of protection, a feeling of getting to be valued by those you hold dearest. I was feeling. Love?

 ' Shut up Yuta, You know he doesn't love you '

' You're setting yourself up to be heartbroken again '

I mentally curse at myself, for having those kinds of emotions.

I quickly realised I was beginning to zone out.


"Oh, sorry. Thank you winnie! These are so cute~"

"I'm happy you like them."

He looks at me with the most heart-wrenching but sweet smile, I couldn't help but gaze into his beautiful eyes. We sit on the couch together, and enjoy the meal he prepared for us.

"Winnie! Oh my god these are the best pancakes i've had in my whole entire life."

I swoon at the amazing taste, listening to his soft laughter in the background. I continue to enjoy my pancakes, forgetting about the past situations.

"Hey Winnie!"


"I have a really good idea, you will love it."

"Really? What is it! Just tell me!!"

His eyes filled with anticipation, he looked at me with an angelic smile. I couldn't help but fall in love all over again.

'Yuta Nakamoto stop it right now!'

Thoughts of remembering he doesn't love me clouded my mind once again. I pushed away my thought and proceeded with the idea.

"Winnie? Do you want to go out with me today? We can go to the fair, we can get something to eat, we can have a really good day together! I'm sure it will be fun. So what do you think!?"

At that moment, almost as if he heard the entire conversation,  Taeil stepped out of the bathroom, brushing is wet hair with a towel.

"Oh hey Win, thanks for the pancakes earlier. The hot chocolate made my morning even better."

He smiled at WinWin, and looked at me with a smile, seemingly innocent, but I could see the revenge in his eyes. 

"Hehe, hi taetae. I'm so happy you liked them, I had extra so I made some for Yuta"

Taeil walks over to WinWin, sitting down next to him, on the opposite side. 

"So what were you guys talking about while I was showering?"

"Oh, that reminds me, sorry Yu, maybe another time. Taeil and I are supposed to go out today. He said he has a surprise for me! Hey, don't be sad. What about next week's free day? I'll remember not to make any other plans, okay?"


[A/N OOFT i'm not happy with the last couple chapters they were bad. I literally hate them whoopsie. oOOFt. There is gonna be a spicy chapter next uWu theres gonna be drAMAAAAAAAAA. also i'm surprised I didn't put doyoung in this, I feel like adding him adds that cHaRacTeR dEveLoPMeNt] 

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