☆ f i f t e e n | c o n f e s s i o n s☆

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~ Doil  ~

Doyoung's POV

Taeil and I were sitting on the couch, watching some of our favourite K-Drama. 


Taeil shouts at the TV, that sweet naive boy. You see, I've been living a one sided love since he showed up. It was one random day as a trainee, and then I met him. He joined and was easily the most popular trainee. Girls fell at his feet, other trainees begged to sing with him. We became friends, but soon enough I fell in love with every single thing about him. His eyes, his smile, his voice, his fluffy hair, his sweet angelic face. I've always loved Taeil, and the day he started getting close with WinWin was the day I realised he would never love me back. But after all of the drama, I feel like something was different. I feel like he was with me more, maybe there was the slightest chance he'll love me back. But maybe I was just a rebound, someone to help him be happier after he couldn't have a relationship with WinWin. At this point, I have nothing to loose.

"Illie, come in my blanket~ Its lonely~~"

He were sitting on the couch, it was 2am. Okay, we understand we were loud and that we had practice, but nobody else woke up, and I really did feel lonely.

"Fine, only tonight though."

I swear my started flipping in my chest, as I notice Taeil, burrowed next to me in the small blanket. His eyes fixated on the screen.

You see the drama we were watching wasn't just any drama, it was a drama with suspense, with murder, it being The Girl Who Sees Scents [A/N MY FAVOURITE DRAMA]

"Doyu I'm scared! Who is he gonna kill next, she's gonna die in there!"

He hugs tight into me, and I smile at his kind eyes. 

"I'm here, don't be scared"

Taeil was used to be a shattered boy. he had anxiety attacks, depression. I wanted to be there for him. He's not suffering anymore, but if it ever comes back i'll be there for him. 

Taeil's POV

- flash back - 

My heart rate begins to pick up, my eyes feel stingy. I fall the the floor. I can't breath. I couldn't do it. It was my debut stage later today, and I couldn't go there. So many people staring up at me. The whole fate of how successful NCT would be is based off how well this goes, I would surely screw it up for my members. I can't breath.

My hands shake,

Tears roll down my face,

I can't stand

I feel like i'm going to pass out

Suddenly I feel a warm sensation on my back, my body pulled into someone's arms.

"Taeil, don't be worried, please calm down."

He held me, he spoke so softly, his arms tighten around me, holding my shaking hands.


He was calming down my panic attack, which I thought was impossible.

"Please Taeil, shhh, it's okay."


"Taeil, i'm here. You'll do so well, everyone will love you, trust me okay?"

I look up to his soft kind eyes, he pulls me closer.

"You'll be mine forever, okay?"

"Alright then."

~Flashback end~

Doyoung's POV

"Come on Taeil, you're going to fall asleep."

"No! I need to find out what happens to Cho-Rim!!"

"Fine, just one more episode."

We finish the episode, our eyes falling heavy. We step into our bedroom, and he walks to his bed. I turn off the light, and stumble to mine. I get into my bed, about to close my eyes.

"Doyu, can you come into my bed? It's lonely and you still owe me for when I let you come into my blanket."

I was shocked by his words, I couldn't believe that he would want me, to be with him. 

"Okay, okay, i'm coming."

I snuggle into his bed, and his arms clutch onto me, feeling the warmth shared by us. He pushes his head and snuggles into my neck, I could feel the warm breath on my skin.

"Doyu, never leave please, you're so comfortable."

"I could never leave, you are so fun to hug."

I hold onto him, my arms wrapped around him. This feeling was so pure, so beautiful. The feeling of holding an angel. Now I knew it was safe to tell him.

"Hey Illie"


"I love you."

Silence. He doesn't respond.

"I'm sorry I should just leave."

I begin to get up, tears forming in my eyes. Suddenly, arms pull me back into the bed, I am now facing Taeil.

"I love you too, Doyoungie."

At that point, a feel a surge of emotion. I pull him into a kiss, feeling the warm sensation, his soft lips on mine.

I felt this feeling of security, this feeling of euphoria, a feeling of having someone be mine. Love.

My heart beats fast as I pull away. He looks up in my eyes, and I follow with a sweet smile.

"Goodnight my little Illie"

"Goodnight Doyoungie."



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