☆n i n e | m i s t l e t o e ☆

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[A/N: Hello all who love this story!! As for high request, I've decided to make a doil chapter because i love them uwu - also this is a MINI chapter, meaning it won't be my usual 600-1000 word chapters <3 ]

Taeil's POV

"Alright, for the last group of the day, we have...... Doyoung and Taeil! Your challenge today is..... Planning an event! This event can be anything. It can be a birthday, halloween party, a wedding. You have 2 hours! You have to decorate the hall to the plan, and staying in budget. All rules apply to you as well."


I sigh at the fact that i'm not with win. People would say i'm selfish for wanting him to myself, but what is selfish in loving someone? At least I was with Doyoung, my roomate. We are pretty good friends I guess. 

"Illie, can we plan a Christmas party? It's almost Christmas anyways!!!"

Doyoung's eyes lit up, he seemed invested in a Christmas theme.

"Sure Doyoung."


"What about a mistletoe!"

"Hmm, we would have to put it here, it wouldn't match the decorations."

"Fine, okay. It would look cuter there though."

"Thats perfect! We're finished!"

I was actually enjoying the event with Doyoung. We fought over what should go where, what would stay in our budget, and what cake looked best with my eye colour. I really did miss Doyoung, we kind of stopped talking after he took Yuta's side. I missed laughing with him, singing with him, playing together even if we were some of the oldest members. Maybe I lied when I said we were just roomates, maybe he's one of my best friends. 

"Let's go shopping! Czennies, we are going to pause the episode here! Taeil and I are going to buy our decorations~!"

Doyoung smiled to the camera, as we waved to our adoring NCTzens. 

"What are you waiting for Il! Lets go!"

I followed him out of the building, as we got into our managers car. 

We drove to the store, wearing our mask and cap ensemble, not to be spotted by and saesang fans. 

"Alright, i'm leaving you to go buy everything while I get some things"

For some reason, our manager trusted us alone.

"Illie! Look at these flowers, can we please please get them! I know it wasn't on the list but they seem perfect."

I can see how much he wants this, the pleading in his eyes. Not sorrowful pleading, calm, soft pleading. I gave in and let him add the flowers to the bag.

"Doyoung! I found the glass ornaments you wanted! They even have the crystal parts!"

"Il!! How did you find them! I thought we had to go to the store across town to get them!"

"I'm magical"

"Yes, yes you are"

We both laughed at the kind boy's words, proceeding with the long trip ahead of us.

"Look Illie! They have cakes!"


We continue the shopping trip, only to spot a food court area, to take a quick break before resuming the trip. Doyoung bought us both MacDonalds to share. Sure it wasn't our typical Ramen which we would usually have together, but it seemed cool to try.

"Doyoung.. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Go ahead, I won't tell."

"I've never had a MacDonalds cheeseburger."


Doyoung screams,

soon later he comes back with the biggest array of different foods.


We finished the meal, our stomachs filled. I can say I actually loved being here with Doyoung today. Running around the store like idiots, choosing out random things that weren't even on the budget list, and being happy in each other's company, it was just us too, it was perfect. We went back to shopping, when we got to the checkout, we realised we were $4.60 over budget.

"What did we do wrong! I don't want to loose any of this!"

"I'm sure we can just get rid of the tinsel, it's not that nice."

"Illie we got rid of that ages ago! I can't bear loosing anything."

He says, holding up a polar bear plushie. We wen't for a simplistic, yet beautiful art theme, almost resembling our friendship. It was simple, but it was so much more.

"Doyoung... if we get rid of the mistletoe, we are exactly on budget!"

"No! Not the mistletoe!!"

"But why? it's not even that important"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just a mistletoe"

"Illie, it's the most important part."



~book end~


[JK YALL, I WOULD NEVER <3 <3 <3 <3]

[thank you for all of the support, I literally wrote this during religion class at school so don't get triggered if it doesn't live up to your standards. 

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