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I try to keep my breathing shallow and inaudible as I lay there in the frozen grass, listening to Vivi's footsteps fade away, and confusion taking hold of me. What was she up to? More importantly— who was she talking to?

I let out a breath as I rose to my knees to peer out from my hiding spot. The cold night air kept me alert, if not a little numb. The grass sparkled around me with the gathering frost, and I wipe my wet hands on my jacket. I quickly scanned my surroundings but didn't see Vivi or her mysterious friend, and the silence confirmed I was now alone.

I rose to my feet, hopped the fence to my left, and made my way back to Vivi's house. My bedroom window was unlatched as I often opened it during the day, so I decided to climb through to avoid being seen sneaking through the house. Chances were good that Vivi would still be up, carefully considering whatever information she exchanged with her friend.

What did they mean she needs to be ready? Were they talking about me? Why? Was this about Faerie? About Cardan? Does Madoc have anything to do with this? My stomach dropped into my toes and I instantly felt sick. Tomorrow I would consider the hard things I haven't wanted to think about, including Madoc and his army. And Cardan. But first I needed some sleep.

I slowly slid my window shut and peeled off my clothes down to my night gown, then crawled back into bed. I stared into the dark for a long while as I waited for sleep to overtake me. My mind was so busy I couldn't relax. I rolled over onto my stomach, my arm falling to the floor. My fingertips dance around a bit, then come in contact with something on the floor.

Ice cold metal kisses my fingers. Cardan's ring. My ring. It had fallen to the floor some time ago and I'd all but kicked it under the bed. I picked it up and brought it closer to my face. Even in the darkness of my room, with just the ghost of moonlight peeking in through the curtains, the ruby sparkled.

This damn ring flooded me with too many emotions every time I looked at it, but right now I clutch it in my hand and hold it close to my chest, tucked safely between me and my sheets, as I drifted off to sleep.


"Jude! Are you awake?" I hear someone yell from down the hall.

Silence. I groan and pull the covers over my face.

My door flies open and I'm forced into consciousness.

"I'm sleeping." I try to roll over and ignore the intrusion, but then Oak is laughing and climbing onto my bed.

"Ow!" I groan as he starts poking me.
More laughter. Then he pulls the covers down and I'm blasted by sunlight shining directly on my face. I bring my hands up to protect my eyes.

"Oak, what the hell?"

He starts bouncing on the bed next to me. "Why are you still sleeping? It's almost noon! Get up, get up!" He's hovering over me, trying to pull my hands away from my face.

I can't help but laugh as I give in and let the sun blind me. "Okay, I'm awake. What's all the excitement about?" I sit up and look at him.

"Vivi says it's going to be a nice day today, and she said you would go on a bike ride with me." He's looking at me now with pleading eyes, which suggests he didn't entirely believe Vivi's little lie, but here he is begging me to go with him anyway.

I squint at him through the blinding light. "Oh she told you that, did she? I was hoping to surprise you." My tone is playful and I hope he doesn't see through my act, but he's smiling at me now.

"Yes!" He jumps off my bed and runs out of the room. I can hear him shouting to me that he'll meet me outside.

I shake my head and rub my eyes. I was planning on another run this morning to clear my head and contemplate what happened in the middle of the night, but I guess a bike ride isn't such a bad idea.

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