Chapter Fifteen- Epilogue

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Once we got back to the States, the first thing we did was hand over the evidence that condemned Simmons. Then we all fully recovered from our ordeal. A few days later, we joined Helena when she visited her sister's grave. I felt so awful for her, I couldn't imagine the pain that she must be feeling. After a few minutes, she came over to us.

"I'm ready." She said. She thought she was going to prison. I smiled a little, as Hunnigan nodded to Leon. He went up to her, and handed Helena her gun back. She looked at us, confused. "But...but I assisted in the attack!" She said, and Hunnigan smiled.

"A committee reviewed the evidence, and decided that you shouldn't be held accountable for Simmons' crimes. And they won't be releasing their findings to the public." She said.

"But..." She started, but Leon cut her off.

"The President would have done the same." He said. She smiled, and I hugged her.

"I told you I wasn't going to let you be condemned. Come and visit me sometime, okay?" I said. She returned my hug.

"I will. Thank you guys. Really." She said. Hunnigan looked to the car with the other Secret Service agents.

"Shall we?" She asked. Helena nodded, and walked over, stopping to wave to us. We waved back, and then she and Hunnigan left, leaving Leon and I by ourselves. I sighed.

"I am so glad that all of that is over." I said. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You said it. Ready to head home?" He asked. I smiled

"Leon, I've been ready!" I said, and he laughed, as we walked towards our car and headed home.

*Three Months Later*

Three months after Simmons' bioterror attack on Tall Oaks and Tatchi, Leon and I brought home our little girl, Scarllete Claire Kennedy. She was absolutely perfect in every way! The first thing that we did before bringing her home, however, was have her blood tested to see if she had any traces of the T-Virus from me. Thankfully, she didn't, so she wasn't in any danger from people who might want to get their hands on the T-Virus. She brought so much joy to our lives, especially in the wake of a bioterror attack. Leon didn't go on as many missions as he did before, I fully retired so that I could stay home with her. I was always sending pictures to Chris, Claire, Sherry, Helena, and Hunnigan, and they loved seeing them. Jake, her Uncle stopped by to see her whenever he could. They had a very close bond, and he and I became close as brother and sister. Everything was...normal, for once in our lives. No bioterror attacks. No viruses. No nothing. It was...peaceful. And I was happy. I finally had the normal life that I had always wanted. Leon and I had talked about wanting to have more children, but we decided to wait until Scarllete was a little older before we did. For once in my life, I felt at peace...

...But that couldn't last long, could it?

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story! It means so much to me that so may of you have read and voted on this story! I didn't expect for even fifty people to read it, but five hundred?? My mind is blown, and I am so glad that all enjoyed it! Carter's story isn't over, however. I have a sequel out on my profile, called House of Horrors, if any of you want to read it. I also plan on writing more of Carter's story into the Resident Evil games, so be on the lookout for those! Again, thank you so much for reading my story!)

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