Chapter Twelve- Simmons Pays For His Crimes

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(A/N: Just a quick trigger warning, just in case! Violence and reference to a panic attack and a fear of death! Just wanted to put a warning!)

I growled, I couldn't believe that he was still here! One way or another, he was going to pay for what he's done! We stared him down, and that's when Ada showed up in the helicopter again! We all looked up at her. Simmons got even more angry.

"I know what you did...Ada!! You disobeyed me! You took Wesker's son away..." He started fidgeting, like he was going to mutate again. We three were on high alert, and Leon gently moved me behind him a bit.

"You used his make the Virus...stronger!" He cried, before he began mutating again! Leon shook his head at him, anger in his eyes.

"Hope you've got friends on the other side. Cause no one's gonna miss you here." He growled. This time, Simmons didn't mutate into the four legged creature from before. He turned into a freaking dinosaur!!

"He's...huge!" Helena cried.

"But not impossible to take down. Let's go!" I said. As we all fired at him. Ada included, he would change often between his human state and his mutated form. When ever he was in his human state, Leon and I took turns just wailing on him, and, man, did it feel good!!! Suddenly, the BSAA soldier that had helped us get away from the C-Virus fog burst through the wall in a military vehicle with machine guns on the back! Leon and Helena went for that, while I kept my distance from Simmons, and tried to keep him distracted as they fired on him. However, soon, he was able to flip the vehicle, sending Helena and Leon flying off, and the BSAA officer...I growled. Simmons was going to pay!! We just kept firing and wailing on him, hoping that we were doing some sort of damage. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the beast went down. I stood there, panting, waiting, wondering if he was going to get back up, but he didn't. I sighed, and went over to Leon and Helena, who still had their guns trained on him. That's when Ada shined the light of the helicopter directly on us, and stayed there for a minute. I saw her make an upwards motion with her head, before she flew out of the building.

"She's heading to the roof." Leon said. Helena nodded.

"Let's hope the elevator still works." And with that, we climbed into the elevator, and headed up to the roof as well. We were silent for most of the trip, when, suddenly, an explosion in the building right beside the elevator blasted it off the building, flying out by only one cable! We were quick to jump out of the falling elevator, and onto the roof of the other elevator, where we quickly grabbed onto the cable, as that one began to fall, and began climbing up.

"Wouldn't recommend looking down!" Leon said.

"Wasn't planning to!" Helena responded.

"Yeah, me neither!" I said, focusing on staring up or straight ahead. I had an awful fear of heights, so this was most definitely NOT my favorite position to be in! Leon looked down at me. He was under Helena, and I was under him.

"Carter! Can you climb the cable?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes, I'll be fine! Let's just get out of here! I hate heights!!" I called. He nodded.

"I know you do. Don't worry, just keep your eyes focused on me as we climb. We'll be out of here in no time!" He said. I nodded.

"Okay!" I responded, and we began climbing up. As we climbed up, getting covered in glass once, we looked behind us...and saw Ada fighting Simmons! Seriously?! "Are you kidding me?!" I cried.

"Simmons! He's still alive!" Helena called, as we watched Ada fight Simmons.

"...She really shouldn't have ditched that helicopter." Leon said. Ada went up, as we followed suit, finally finding a stable ledge to climb on. We then served as back up for Ada while she fought Simmons. I've known her for so long...even if I'm not sure whose side she's really on, if she hadn't helped Leon back in Racoon City, I wouldn't be here. She also helped us back in 2004. She really was a close friend to me, as we got letters or texts from her every so often. There was no way that I was going to let Simmons kill her! As we tried to help, suddenly, the ledge broke from underneath us, and we were back on the cable, climbing up. I sighed, and followed behind Leon, who followed behind Helena.

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