Chapter 2 - Operation complete

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You wake up blinded by the all the artificial lights displayed on your face. You groan, as it feels that there are thousands of needles pinching and squeezing your skull.
Where are you? What is going on?
Like a wave that slams against a boat during a thunderstorm , so all of your memories and thoughts slam back into your head making you scream in pain. You can hear the sound of your heartbeat beating faster by the second.
Hands left and right grab you and try to bring you down. You scream again at the white pain coursing through you.
Eventually, you feel a prick on your arm and everything goes still. The pain goes away and you calmly lay down back on the table.
"Miss y/n are you alright?" Mr.Creep asks.
You open your eyes and smile weakly. "Yes," You whisper.

He doesn't believe you. "So far, since you're not dead, the operation was successful. Now all we have to do is wait for you to transfer your mind into another person. But you are not ready for that. You must rest. We will test you tomorrow."
You nod your head, even though you barely understood anything he said. You feel warm, happy, a feeling you haven't felt in a while. You look around childishly at all the surgeons and doctors in the room. "Hi," you say flirtatiously to the guy next to you. You wink and then giggle. "I feel funny," you slur. The man sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "I'm not paid enough to do this," he murmurs.
You giggle at his remark and happily fall back asleep.


Again you are awakened by blinding lights, but this time you are able to endure the brightness. Your eyes adjust to the figures coming into view. You see Mr.Creep and the woman who brought you in. You look around and find yourself in a bed with a table full of food displayed. There are fruits of various kinds and a glass of water.
You gulp down the water and are appreciative of its soothing effects. You look at Mr.Creep waiting for him to explain his presence. He clears his throat.
"Y/n, you have rested enough. It is morning now which means that you are ready to switch your mind with another person."
You shudder at the thought of being in another person's body, and theirs in yours. Mr.Creep senses your uneasiness and nods his head.
"Miss y/n there is no need for alarm. Everything will be alright. For now watch some television and we will call you down when it is time to practice.
He walks out of the room leaving you and the nurse behind.
"Miss y/n watch some television," she suggests. She turns on the TV and it is on the news channel. A lady is looking into the camera with a paper in her hand, and is smiling.
"Today's news we will talk about a band who is currently making history... if you haven't heard of this band, you are living under a rock. They are called BTS which consists of seven members. All in my opinion are rather handsome." She emphasizes on the word handsome. "Let's take a look at all the members shall we?"

Immediately a picture of a handsome boy pops up onto the screen. The boy has pink hair, and lips so thick and beautiful.
The woman giggles. "This here is Park Jimin. He is good at dancing, singing, and has a beautiful body." She blushes at her words.
Jimin goes away, followed by another picture of a boy. This boy has dark brown hair, and has thick lips too. He is really handsome, and his eyes are scrunched up in confidence. The woman sighs and bats her eyes dramatically. "This here is Kim Seokjin, also known as World Wide Handsome. Trust me, he is." Jin goes away. Another boy appears with black hair, and a huge grin. His nose is very defined, and his teeth are straight. The woman drools. "This little maknae is Jeong Jungkook. He is also known as the Golden maknae. This suits him well as he is able to do basically anything."
Jungkook goes away followed by a mature face with eyes that are like that of a cat. This man is smiling showing off two beautiful dimples. The woman chokes on her water. Once she manages to clear her throat she speaks. "This here is Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS. He is a rapper and destroys everything. He is also known for having a high IQ." Namjoon goes and another male pops up. He has dark brown hair too, and is smiling revealing beautiful gums. "This here is Min Yoongi. He is a rapper too, and loves his members. He is good when it comes to sleeping." Then another boy shows up. His smile just radiates happiness and you feel warm inside. "This here is Jung Hoseok. He is a main dancer and rapper. His personality is beautiful too!"

You count all the members they showed so far, and notice that there were only six displayed. Where is the last member?
The woman clears her throat and fans herself. "Okay people this is the moment we've all been waiting for. We know who's coming next. It is Kim Taehyung."
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. Who is Kim Taehyung?
Then you see his picture and your heart summersaults. Who is this beautiful person? His eyes are feline and masculine, his hair parted perfectly revealing his smooth forehead, his cheeks and jawline screaming at your eyes. He is beautiful, a work of art. You wish that you could be as beautiful as him. No, you wish that you can meet him in person. You want to be him. You wish this dearly.
"Okay people, those were all the members and remember to check them out. Again, remember to check out BTS. I'm the lady from this TV show and please watch more of our channels. Bye!" She waves at the screen and then commercials come on. You stare blankly at the screen and try to remember the beautiful face of Taehyung.
The nurse interrupts your thoughts. "I will be going miss y/n. Please ring the buzzer if you need anything and I will be here for you." She walks out the door leaving you behind.
That is when you start to feel dizzy once she leaves, and can feel your breakfast from yesterday rise up in your throat. Please don't puke, you plead to yourself.
Then the room spins, and you have no control of your body. Everything seems to be in bright neon colors that are screaming at you. The lamp next to you is now a bright yellow, and then TV is now a hazy green. You close your eyes and can feel a huge sting in your brain, that courses its way throughout your body. That sting then turns into banging, and then you fall into the depths of unconsciousness.

Trust me, after this chapter, things will get more interesting...

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