Chapter 12 - Explanation

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Y/n's POV

"So what are we doing now?" You ask. The deep voice within you trembles through your throat. Wow, Taehyung's voice is sexy.
Namjoon sighs. "We must explain this whole mess to our managers."
Yoongi shakes head.
Namjoon looks at him and says some reassuring words.
If you didn't know any better, you would say that he is some sort of leader. He is calm, and warm.
You could tell that the other boys respected him.
"Ya Hyung." Jimin says something which of course to your inconvenience, you can't understand. Hyung?
"Umm Namjoon? What does Hyung mean?"
Namjoon looks taken aback by your question.
"Oh umm... Hyung is the term guys use when they call to an older guy who is like a brother to them. It means older brother. Only guys say Hyung."
You nod your head. "So what would girls say if they have an older brother?"
"Oh okay."
Jin laughs. "Ya! 그녀가 날 오 빠 전화 하지 않습니다 있는지 확인," (Make sure she doesn't call me older brother).
Namjoon sighs.
He gets up and extends his hand out towards you. He smiles reassuringly.
"We have to talk to our managers. Don't worry. We will figure something out."
You guiltily grab his hand, and get up as well.
You couldn't help but blame yourself for the huge mess that has been caused. It's your fault that now one of their members is all the way across the other side of the world, and you don't even know how to perform on stage for their concert. You don't know how to sing, how to dance, or even how to speak Korean. You feel helpless.
You put your head down avoiding eye contact with everybody.
Hoseok smiles sadly and holds your hand.
"Taehyungie, 제 목소리가 들립니까? 난 당신이 괜찮아 희망," (Can you hear me? I hope you are okay).
Jimin sighs apologetically.
"Hyung, 그는 당신을 들을 수 없습니다," (He can't hear you).
Hoseok grits his teeth and let's go of your hand. He then places his hand on your shoulder and smiles, reassuring you that everything will be okay. His smile somehow strengthens you, and you are reminded of the power of one smile.
You try to smile back, but fail.
Hoseok somehow seems to understand and his smile deepens. He guides you down a hallway with his other hand on your back. The other boys follow with Namjoon taking the lead.
Namjoon opens a door and you all go inside a room.
There are a few people there and your heart quickens.
Oh no.

What's going to happen now?

Why did it have to be Taehyung?
But now you must face the consequences. You trust Namjoon, even though you barely know him, and this brings you great comfort. You take a deep breath, and exhale.

Just breathe.
In and out.
In and out.

"YA TAEHYUNG! 왜 늦 나요? 당신은 당신이 콘서트를 알고 하지 마십시오!" (Why are you late? Don't you know you have a concert!).


"Uhhh," your words are caught in your throat.
You swallow and can feel Taehyung's Adam's apple bob up and down.
Well... you see, about that. How were you supposed to explain everything that has happened? So you go to plan B. You look at Namjoon for help.
You nudge his elbow, and he gives an annoyed grunt.
He starts to speak to everyone in the room, and he speaks rather rapidly.
All the faces go from confusion, to disbelief, to anger.
"Ya! 우리와 농담 하지 마십시오!," (Don't joke with us!).
Namjoon shakes his head.
"나는 내가 있었으면 좋겠다, 하지만 우리는 정직한 진실을 말하고 있다. 보고 ," (I wish I were, but we are telling the honest truth. Look).
Namjoon looks at you.
"Y/n, speak in English."
You swallow and open up your mouth, but no words come out.
Yoongi looks annoyed. "Hurry. No time."
You nod your head. Of course. This isn't a game. You ruined their concert, and you honestly felt bad for their fans. Their fans would be very disappointed that their beloved Taehyung isn't going to be there.
"Okay my name is y/n. I'm not sure what Namjoon exactly told you guys since I don't understand Korean, but I'm not Taehyung. Even though I'm in his body, I am a girl. I was conducted for a experiment which allows me to transfer my consciousness with that of another person. This experiment was conducted in secret, but now I guess it's no secret anymore. My minds have switched with Taehyung's. His mind is now in my body, and mine in his. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I have caused. Please, I physically can not go on stage and perform. I don't know how to sing, dance, or speak Korean. Please believe me."

The people in the room are completely stunned. Paralyzed like frozen sculptures. Eventually a man speaks up.
You're surprised that he talks to you in English.
"What has just happened?"
Namjoon sighs and says something.
The man shakes his head.
"Where is Taehyung?"
"He is in my body," you say with guilt.
"And where is your body?"
"All the way across the world."
The man grits his teeth and curses under his breath.
"Who are you?"
"I'm just a girl and my name is y/n. I'm a nobody."
The man snorts.
"Well, you must be a Somebody because you were experimented on and you took our precious member away from us."
You sigh. He was right. Of course he was right. Not for the fact that you were a somebody, but you did take their guy away.
Poor Taehyung.
Which makes you wonder.

What is he is right doing now?

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