Chapter 6 - I Got To Go

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Y/n's POV

This isn't right.
You look at the very beautiful face in the mirror, and your entire body shivers. This isn't you. Why are you Kim Taehyung? Why are you a guy?!!!
Memories of the hospital start to flood in your mind, and you remember looking at the members of BTS on the TV screen. You try to recall what you said.
You said something like, "oh I want to be Kim Taehyung," and that's when you groan. You did this. You were able to change your conscious with another person.
You hit yourself on the head and lean against the bathroom sink using your two hands. You stare at the man who you are now trapped inside. Like a prisoner. Everything feels wrong.
You are taller, you are more muscular, and your hair is short. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your head. And you notice that your chest feels lighter.
Where are you? You already know who you are, but where are you?
Then something happens.

Your bladder begins to hurt, and that's when you realize. 

You have to pee.

But the thing is, you are a guy.

Your eyes widen in horror and you slowly begin to look down. Your heart quickens at the sight of a bump against your pajama pants. You have to pee, and you don't have lady parts anymore. You blush at the thought of seeing something that isn't yours. Then you start to think of another thing. If Kim Taehyung is in your body, then that means he is going to see your lady parts as well. Immediately, feelings of guilt and horror swell in your gut. He is going to see you, in ways that you wouldn't want a strange man to see.
You groan and jump up in surprise. This voice, it isn't yours. It's deeper, richer. This voice sends shivers down your spine and to your groin area. Woah y/n, calm down!
Your bladder begins to hurt again.
How are you going to do this?
You pull up the toilet seat, and stand over it. You take a big deep breath. You are a guy, guys do this. They pee like this.
You pull down the pajama pants and you sigh in relief. You are wearing boxers.
Okay now it's time to pull down the boxers. Your cheeks burn up.
You look up at the ceiling and slowly pull down the boxers. You shudder as Taehyung's fingers brush against his hip. It's so smooth and hard.
Finally, you pull the boxers down enough where his member can feel the cool air.
You grit your teeth and pee.
You sigh as the pain in your bladder subsides.
You are so relieved that it's over, but then a query pops into your mind.
Do guys clean their members once they pee or do they just put their boxers back on?
You shake your head trying to get rid of these obscene questions and quickly pull up the boxers and then the pajama pants. You were successful to not look. You flush the toilet and then wash your hands.
No, they are not your hands.
They are Taehyung's.
You observe how big and bony they are. The way his flesh moves over his beautifully designed bones. You clench and unclench his hands into a fist. You admire them deeply. You finish washing his hands and go into his room. What's going to happen now?

You look around the room and notice his phone. You pick it up to check the time. Twenty minutes have passed. It is now 4:50 A.M.
You press the home button and there is a passcode. You press your thumb against the home button and it unlocks. You're grateful that Taehyung uses his thumbs.
Everything is in Korean. Thankfully you can notice the apps by their pictures. You go to the phone app and call Mr.Creep. You memorized the hospital number since you get very paranoid of everything. You figured that if anything bad were to happen, you would call. Now seems like a good time.
It rings for a good ten seconds before you hear his creepy voice.
You burrow your eyebrows downward and suck your teeth.
"Where am I?" You demand. You start to burn up.
The man laughs and sighs. "Who are you?"
Your eyes raise up in realization. This is not your voice. This is Taehyung's. So you use your knowledge instead.
"Mr.Kim, this is y/n. I think I've..." but before you can finish Mr.Creep cuts you off with a squeal like a fanboy who is watching their favorite band at a concert. You jump up in surprise. Is this a man? You question.
"Yes y/n. I just want you to know that I love you."
"That's my girl. I knew you would be able to do it. Haha. You are awesome!"
"But here's the thing. You are in Seoul, South Korea in a dorm with BTS. You are going to fly over to Paris, France today actually for a concert."
And that's when you die. Not literally, but mentally and emotionally. A concert?
A concert?

An actual concert?

Which means that you have to sing...

In a language, which would be Korean, and you know nothing about...

"I'm sorry?" You say angrily.
Mr.Creep sighs. "Yes, that is the only bad thing. You happened to switch minds with a famous person. If it were anybody else it would have been perfect. Why did you decide to switch with him? I don't understand. I told you to wait for me, but I'm just happy you did it at all. And guess what the best part was?!!! You didn't die!!!"
You think otherwise.
"What am I going to do?!" You exclaim. This is not going to go well. Why? Why you?
Why did you have to switch with Taehyung?
Why did you do the stupid operation? Why are you poor? Why can't your family get good jobs, and support themselves well? Why are you the one who has to make the sacrifice? What is going to happen now? What is going to happen to you? Will you ever switch back? Mr.Creep was supposed to mentor you, but he's not here. He's on the other side of the world. You weren't supposed to switch right away. You were promised time. That is exactly what has been stripped of you.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a knock on the door. You stop breathing and hang up the phone.

"Ya Taehyung...." the rest is gibberish. You don't understand it. But you do know that the person talking through the door is a guy, and he is mad.

"Sugar plums."

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