Chapter 11

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Ink sat there next to the lifeless body, once ink stopped crying and looked down to the ground with his eyes closed, blue had started dusting, his skull, his arm, his leg, and soon, blues body had disappeared but his clothes. Ink grabbed his scarf and hid his eyes with it, starting to cry into it again.

Few months later

Ink hasn't been out of his AU since that day. Dream had tried to make ink speak to him and come out, But inks AU had turned greyer and greyer each day. "It isn't your fault ink!" Dream whined, Ink didn't say anything and looked away, walking away from dream. Dream just sighed and growled, going into a portal to nightmares mansion.

Dream went up as the rain poured down into the grass, making the dirt patches into mud. It was misery at the mansion, as dream thought, dream growled and banged at the door. Error and the rest of the gang jumped "who could that be?" Cross said, error shrugged, error got along with the whole gang after the party and everyone there considered eachother best friends. Even nightmare, even though nightmare is more of there boss. Nightmare went over and opened the door "dream? You're alive!? Ha!" Nightmare chuckled and smirked "yes. You killed blue and a lot of the civillians there." Dream glared straight into nightmares eyes "aw~ did I hurt your feelings?~" Nightmare mocked "yes. It hurt me dearly to see blue disappear. Out of his AU as well." He teared up a bit and turned around, But turned back to face nightmare "You are a demon! I hate you brother!" Dream bit his lip, he hated to say it since he and his brother used to play around the hope tree and tell secrets to eachother, he loved his memories. He wished he'd seen how hurt nightmare really was inside. He felt the negative feelings inside of nightmare but dream thought it was normal since he was the god of nightmares. Dream looked down "wow. So shocking." Nightmare rolled his eyes, dream shook his head "remember the good days where you and I trusted eachother... enough to... Even tell eachother our deepest regrets... secrets... lies... everything?" Dream stuttered a bit with his words "I want that again. I want the nightmare I know to come back... you're my brother. Not a monster." Dream looked at him, tears falling down his cheeks, dream wanted to hug him so badly again. But knew that nightmare would throw him against the ground.

Nightmare growled "that's not me anymore. I'm not a lameass. Im not a little bitch anymore. The old me isn't here. And I'm better like this! Everyone hates me in both forms so why should it matter!?" He smirked and laughed at how demented dream was. Dream bit his lip "it matters because now your own brother hates you! I loved you! I supported you! Ink did as well and blue was happy all the time and supported you as well!! You didnt look at the people in your life! You looked at my 'fans' and thought you didn't matter! You're wrong nightmare! You matter to a lot of people and I hope you're happy with yourself. Now will you excuse me. I have a deal with reaper to attend to for blues life back." He growled and wiped his tears and went into a portal into reapertale.

Nightmare was pretty shocked, everyone in the background who heard it was shocked as well, error went over and hugged nightmares arm "nighty. It's okay" error smiled at him, nightmare looked at error and smiled back "thanks my little glitch." Nightmare said as he pet error with a tentacle as error purred. Error and nightmare went back to the couch "want us to spy on dream?" Cross and killer asked, horror volunteered to come as well "go ahead but don't get caught. I don't want blue back alive. You hear me? Once dream tells the deal and leaves, make a deal with reaper to call off that deal." Nightmare demanded "yes sir." They said as they left. Error smiled and pulled nightmares head, as nightmare was confused by the action, error then kissed nightmare passionately as nightmare was shocked but smirked and kissed him back, nightmare asked for entrance but error teased and declined. Nightmare never takes no for an answer as nightmare then forced errors mouth open as they shared tongued together. Error then pulled onto nightmares shirt making them both go down, as error wanted to do the dirty.

(Ha you wish. Anyway I'm not gonna be writing the scene but if you'd want me to do so I can make another chapter for it but it won't be apart to the real story, it will only be that part! So don't read that chapter if you dont want to.)

Dream glared at reaper as ready floated with his arms crossed "so you're telling me, I can have 5 of your civilians souls, anytime I want, till the end of next month for blues life back?" Reaper asked, thinking about it hard "yes. Please reaper. Do it for ink and I. The souls won't be enough so whenever you want you can also have one or two free calls for anything you need for me to do." Dream begged. "Wow dream is good... how do we top that.?" Horror asked, killed shrugged and face planted his face to the bed rock" cross thought and still nothing. He felt useless.

Reaper smiled and shrugged "sure. One is fine and sure 5 free souls till the end of next month is great, only 1 gets me filled up and I've been hungry but no one is dying lately but old people so the AUs are only doing pacifist routes for a while." Reaper shrugged "it's a deal." Reaper float down and his hand burst into a purple and blue flame "deal.?" Reaper gave gave him a smirk, dream hesitated and sighed and took his hand and shook it "deal." Dream said. Reaper chuckled and teleported away, dream then left feeling his hand burn for some reason.


Don't know if that's good.

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