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part of this chapter is from the last olympian.


Lucas Castellan met Noelle Bone when he was ten.

He had been running through Connecticut, trying to get away from home, but still in an area he knew. Luke had heard a scream, and ducked behind a hedge to hide himself.

The young demigod was watching a girl, somewhere around his age fight a giant dog with an old kitchen knife.

"Why won't you just die!?"

Luke chuckled at the comment, before grabbing his sword, and going to help the girl. She looked surprised when he jumped out from behind the bushes, and even more shocked when he killed the monster with only a few swings.

"H-how did you do that?" The girl asked, blowing a strand of her curly pitch black hair out of her eyes. She hesitantly held her knife out at Luke.

He put his hands up. "Hey, I'm like you. Monsters chase me too."

The girl hesitantly put down her knife, her gray eyes calculating. "Who's your mom?"

Luke cocked his head. "Mom? May Castellan."

Her eyes hardened and she held up her knife once more.

"Wait! My dad is Hermes! The god of-"

"Travelers, thieves, merchants, etc." The girl dropped her weapon. "My dad's Payton Bone. Mom's Nemesis." She blew another strand of her long hair out of her face. "Goddess of revenge and balance."

Luke smiled and held out a hand for the girl to shake. "I'm Luke."

The girl smiled as well. "Noelle." They shook hands, and spoke unanimously. "Nice to meet you."

Noelle giggled and Luke chuckled.

After a few moments, Luke scratched the back of his neck. "Where are you heading?" Noelle shrugged. "Anywhere but here. Bad memories."

Luke smiled sadly. "I second that. Want to come with me? I'm just heading out west."

Noelle smiled brightly. "Absolutely."


two years later

"Luke, are you sure this is where we're supposed to be?" Noelle asked nervously, her grey eyes flicking between her best friend and the cave.

Luke shrugged. "This is where that guy said the weird stuff was coming from."

Noelle sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this. Can we just go-oof"

Someone had run into her, and Luke quickly pulled out his sword.

"Wait! I'm like you!"

It was a girl, a few years younger than the other two, with piercing blue eyes, and short, choppy black hair. She had a spear, which had fallen on the ground, and she had her hands up.

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