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Luke was in control for once. Kronos had retreated back in his head to plan, so that left Luke in charge of his own body, and the son of Hermes knew what he wanted to do.

"Ethan," The older boy commanded. "Do you know exactly why I called you here?"

The younger boy looked nervously at the blonde. "No, not exactly, Kronos."

Luke looked down at his soldier. "Do you know your mother, Ethan?"

Ethan hesitated. "We've never met, but I know her as Nemesis, goddess of revenge and-"

"Balance." The host of Kronos finished, smiling slightly.

"You're not Kronos, as you? You're Luke."

The smiled faded. "For now, yes." Luke places his hands behind his back and walked closer to Ethan. "Did you know I've met your mother?"

Ethan's eyes widened. "Uh, ah, no."

Luke's eyes turned hard as he thought of that day. "I have a specific grudge with her. She was the one who sparked my hatred of the gods, and prompted me to do something. All because of her daughter."

Ethan's face twisted in confusion. "Daughter? You mean you know my sister?"

Luke glared at the boy. "Knew, soldier. I knew your sister." The blonde sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Noelle and I were best friends," The son of Hermes started after a minute of silence. "We met when we were ten, and we just stuck. We picked up a few on the way."

The host of Kronos walked towards the window. "Soon we became closer. More than friends if you will." A scowl formed. "Then she had a talk with Nemesis."

Ethan looked, cautiously at the leader. "She knew the goddess?"

Luke laughed bitterly. "She knew her mother. The goddess favored her, and came around time to time. But that night was special. I was away, and everyone was asleep. Nemesis told Noelle she was going to die."

Ethan looked shocked. "What?!"

Luke spun around. "She told her she was going to die. And Noelle believed her." He snapped.

"And guess what happened when I got back? A monster attacked and I lost her." Luke's eyes became glassy. "I lost her. I lost the best thing in my entire life, thanks to those stupid gods!" The blonde spammed his fist of the desk, making Ethan flinch.

"We will make them pay, Luke." Ethan promised. "For my sister, for Noelle."

a few months later

Kronos loomed over Annabeth, his sword raised.

Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. She croaked, "Family, Luke. You promised."

Percy took a step forward. Grover was back on his feet, over by the throne of Hera, but he seemed to be struggling to move as well, though JD was helping some. Before they could get anywhere close to Annabeth, Kronos staggered.

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