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a month later

"Are you sure I'm supposed to be here?" JD asked Luke. "I barely know anything about this stuff."

The son of Hermes smiled down at an almost carbon copy of Noelle Bone. "We all have to start somewhere." When he saw her worried expression. "Don't worry JD. You'll be fine."

The girl is question mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like; "not bloody likely".

As Luke brought the unclaimed demigod to the Big House, all he could think about was how similar this girl was to Noelle.

Chiron rolled out on his wheelchair, knowing that JD didn't know that much about mythology. "Hello, Norah Bone. Welcome to Camp-"

"JD." The girl blew a piece of curly hair out of her eyes. "Just JD, please."

Chiron looked confused, but nodded. "Well then, JD. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

JD smiled at the immortal. "Thanks...uh, what's your name?"

"Chiron." The centaur answered.

"You mean, like the half horse dude that trained heroes?" JD's grey eyes were sparkling overtime with the thoughts in her head.

Chiron looked impressed, and nodded. "Yes, child. Though I think that word you're thinking of is centaur."

JD nodded, scratching the back of her neck. "Yeah, sorry. My mythology isn't the best. After Luke here told me what I was, I got halfway through a book explaining it."

"Ah, very good." Chiron looked pleased, and Luke just stared at him, confused. "Is it your mother or father that is a god?"

The ten year old laughed bitterly. "Mom. Dad never paid attention to my sister, and is no better with me."

"Sister?" Chiron turned to the son of Hermes. "Did you bring her too?"

Luke clenched his fists. "Remember Grover telling you about the demigod that was with us. The one wh-who..." He trailed off as Chiron nodded. "Yeah. That was her sister."

JD spun on the blonde. "Wait, you knew my sister?! You knew she died?!"

Luke nodded grimly. "Yeah," his voice was raw. "she was my best friend. I couldn't save her."

JD's grey eyes softened, and she grabbed the older demigod's arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

Luke sighed, and looked at Chiron. "We should get her settled in the Hermes cabin. See you at dinner, Chiron."


later that week

"So we're gonna be on the red team?" JD clarified with Luke while she was strapping in her armor. The blonde nodded. "Yeah. Against the Demeter, Dionysus, Apollo, and Hephaestus cabins." Luke chuckled. "This is going to be a fun game."

The unclaimed demigod snorted while pulling her untamable hair back. "Was that sarcastic or what?"

Luke laughed. "I'm not sure myself. Let's go get our places from the Athena cabin."

The pair had rarely been seen apart once Luke had revealed he knew JD's sister. JD got to learn more about her as Noelle had ran away when she was only five, and Luke got to have a slightly different Bone in his life.

After they were both put on offense, the two smiled at each other, ready to kick some butt.

Luke was to be the distraction, one of the three to try and draw the defensive players away from the flag. The other five were to try and snatch the flag.

It was working perfectly until someone noticed that some boy named Marcus was trying to get the flag. All the defensive players stopped fighting, and ran back to their post, and all the offensive players ran. Well, except for JD.

A Hephaestus kid sneered at the unclaimed demigod. "Who do you think you are, sweetheart. Go run off with everyone else."

But JD stood her ground, clutching the spear and shield she was given. "How about no."

The Hephaestus kid rolled his eyes, signaling for two Demeter kids to take care of the ten year old.

Surprisingly, JD pulled her weight in the fight. Her strikes were full of power that seemed almost unnatural. Her defense was almost impeccable, while her offense wasn't the best, when she got a hit in, she made it count.

She beat one of the Demeter kids, while the other one just stared at her.

There was one thing running through the three demigod's heads. How in the world is a ten year old so good at this?

JD blew a loose strand of hair out of her face, and glared at the three older kids. She quickly grabbed the blue flag, and ran.

The unclaimed demigod sprinted towards the red territory, and the blue defense, who were obviously shocked by the fact that a ten year old managed to beat them, hesitated before running after her.

They were a little to late though, as the girl had already crossed into red territory.

All of the campers came out as the flag turned silver with the symbol of Hermes on it. They congratulated the ten year old, for winning the flag, but JD could tell they were a little uneasy by the fact that someone so young won the game.

A blonde girl, who JD recognized as a someone who Luke hung out with, walked up to her. She held out a hand, and as their similar grey eyes met, the unclaimed demigod could see a flash of recognition. "I'm Annabeth. Daughter of Athena."

JD smiled at her. "I'm JD. Unclaimed."

Annabeth blinked. "Are you related to anyone named Noelle?"

JD immediately became defensive. "Yeah, why?"

Annabeth smiled sadly. "You look just like her. She was one of my best friends-"

Luke, of course, interrupted the two, by picking the girl up and placing her on his shoulders. "To JD!"

The campers echoed him. "To JD!"

The girl in question looked down at Annabeth to see conflicting emotions. "No!" The ten year old called. "To the red team!"

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