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part of this chapter is from the lightning thief, sea of monsters and titan's curse.


two years later

Luke lay in his bunk, thinking about the new kid. More specifically, what the new kid managed to do.

Peruses Jackson managed to kill a Kindly One, the Minotaur, and beat Luke at sword fighting.

Was claimed by Poseidon.

Luke growled to himself. How did the son of one of the Big Three manage to survive twelve years in the mortal world, ignorant, where Luke had only stayed nine?

This just wasn't right.

Just like it wasn't right when Noelle died.

She would agree with him, that he was sure of. She would've agreed that you couldn't trust the gods. Noelle would've chosen him.


a few days later

"Thalia gave her life to save you," Percy said, gritting his teeth. "And this is how you repay her?"

"Don't speak of Thalia!" Luke shouted. "The gods let her die! That's one of the many things they will pay for."

"What about Noelle, then? What about JD?" Percy exclaimed. "You're being used, Luke. You and Ares both. Don't listen to Kronos."

"I've been used?" Luke's voice turned shrill. "Look at yourself. What has your dad ever done for you? Kronos will rise. You've only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their caves. All except the strongest-the ones who serve him."

"Call off the bug," The son of Poseidon said. "If you're so strong, fight me yourself"

Luke smiled. "Nice try, Percy. But I'm not Ares. You can't bait me. My lord is waiting, and he's got plenty of quests for me to undertake."


"Good-bye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be part of it." He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness.


one year later

The son of Hermes paced below the deck of the Princess Andromeda as he waited for news.

His stupid cousin, Percy, was planning a suicide mission to get the Golden Fleece. Luke clenched his fists. He needed the Fleece, but he knew how stupid it would be to try and get it.

His cousin really did have a death wish.

Luke relaxed his fists, and ran a hand through his blonde hair. It was cut short, while the long hair reminded him of Noelle, Kronos had ordered his appearance to become more orderly.


Luke glanced at the golden coffin, carefully. Noelle would've agreed with him. She would've understood why he poisoned Thalia. She would've understood why JD couldn't have stayed with them.

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