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"Luke!" called Thalia. "Wake up Noelle so we can get out of here! We got to go!"

Luke quickly became alert, shaking Noelle awake, and helping her up. They ran to the camp, where Thalia stood holding Annabeth's hand. "Nice to see you, lovebirds. We got a eighty-three approaching from the west. We got to move."

Noelle nodded, nocking an arrow. "Alrighty, Thalia. I'll cover you guys, let's just meet up in West Virginia."

"Elle-" Luke started to protest, but was cut off by a glare. "Stay safe."

The daughter of Nemesis nodded, before climbing in a tree for a better angle.

The trio started to run, when Annabeth spoke up. "What about, Noelle? Will she be okay?"

Luke grit his teeth. She better, or the gods are gonna pay.

"She can take care herself." Thalia answered. "But we better move, or else it won't matter."


one hour later

"Where is she!?" Luke was pacing around, while Annabeth and Thalia watched from the ground. "She should be here by now! Three hellhounds aren't an issue for her!"

Thalia stood up, placing a hand of Luke's shoulder. "Hey, she's gonna be alright. Maybe she doesn't remember exactly where the safe house is."

Luke only slightly relaxed, before shrugging off the daughter of Zeus, and storming off.

Thalia sighed, and sat back down next to Annabeth.

"Thalia," The blonde started. "why's Luke freaking out about Noelle so much?"

Thalia smiled slightly at the younger girl. "Luke's been with her twice as long than with than me. We're the only family he's got, but she's something more. Not that he'll ever admit it."

Annabeth cocked her head. "Something more? Like how my mom was to my dad?"

"Yeah, like that."


later that night

Luke has eventually come back to the safe house, apologizing to Thalia and Annabeth profusely. Thalia just shook it off, while Annabeth just wrapped the son of Hermes in a big hug, at which the boy had smiled at.

After Thalia and Annabeth went to sleep, however, Luke's dementor changed. He became worried for his oldest friend, who he might see as something more. Luke started pacing again, swinging his golf club at the air.

That was, until he heard a crack.

Luke's head snapped to where the sound was coming from, quickly grabbing Annabeth's dagger from her sleeping side. He slowly approached the side of the small clearing in which the safe house was located.

The son of Hermes held the knife out, half for defense, and half for the glow the blade was letting off.

Luke hesitantly held the dagger up, almost dropping it when he saw the person standing in the celestial bronze glow.


The girl in question smirked, and waved. "Hey, Luke. Guess I'm a little late for the party, huh?"

Luke hugged the daughter of Nemesis tight, dropping Annabeth's knife as he did so. "I was so worried, you've got to stop disappearing for hours like that."

Noelle chuckled. "Yeah, but it's not my fault all the time. Sometimes Mom just wants to talk to me."

Luke pulled back. "What?! You talk to your mom?!"

Noelle bit her lip. "Guess I should've mentioned this earlier?"

"You think! What if-"

Noelle cut off Luke by placing her lips on his. The son of Hermes was shocked still until she pulled back. She smiled shyly up at him, and walking back to where Thalia was awake from all the yelling.

Thalia smirked as she saw her two best friend's walk back, Noelle looking triumphant and Luke looking red.

Annabeth owed her three drachmas.


earlier that day

Noelle sighed and climbed down after killing all the hellhounds. She landed on the ground, and just laid there for a while, looking up at the sky.

The demigod laid there, until she heard a small cough.

Noelle sat up and looked to see her mother smiling down at her. "Hello, Mom."

The goddess walked over and sat next to her daughter. "Noelle."

The two sat there for a few moments, enjoying each other's company. Noelle has never really seen her dad that much as a kid, so Nemesis, being the goddess of balance, often came to visit so she would have at least one parent.

"Kiddo, I want to speak to you about this son of Hermes."

Noelle turned to her mother, and smiled. "Sure, what about Luke?"

Nemesis smirked. "His relationship with you."

Noelle looked down, cheeks warming. "I haven't the faintest clue of what you're talking about."

The goddess chuckled. "Suuure. That's why I've caught you rambling to yourself about him."

Noelle blushes harder. "Oh, you heard that?"

Nemesis laughed, nodding. "Sure did, kiddo. I'll tell you what. Go after him, he feels that same, trust me. Hermes and I talk a lot."

The demigod glanced at her mom with a smile on her cherry red face. "Thanks, Mom."

The goddess tucked a piece of Noelle's untamable black hair behind her ear. "Just remember I love you, kiddo."

Noelle smiled brightly at her mom, hugging her tightly. "I love you too, Mom. No matter what."


back to the present

"Psst, Annabeth."

"What, Thalia?"

"You owe me three drachmas."

The blonde groaned, passing over the currency, as the couple in general walked in.

"How are you two lovebirds?" Thalia smirked.

Noelle blushed, and suddenly found her shoes the most interesting thing ever. Luke laughed, and nudged the daughter of Nemesis.

"Yeah, Elle. How you?"

The raven haired girl looked up and glared at the son of Hermes. "Watch it, Castellan."

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