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three years later

Luke laid in the infirmary, the scar on his face still burning like a fire. There was shouts heard from outside, but he ignored them, his mind somewhere else.

Or more like someone else.

He missed Noelle. He missed Thalia. Their group of four had dwindled down to two. Him and Annabeth were the only ones left.

Sometimes it hurt to be around Annabeth. She reminded him to much of Thalia. And that kid in his cabin, Ethan reminded him of Noelle.

No one at camp knew Noelle's name. Annabeth and Luke held her close to their hearts, almost like a secret.

People walked into the infirmary, but Luke couldn't tell who they were. Maybe it was Grover, maybe Annabeth. Maybe it was Chiron.

But Luke didn't care.

The only two people he really wanted to see were gone.

And they were not coming back.


two months later

Today was the annual day to honor Thalia's sacrifice. Luke, Annabeth and Grover all gathered around the pine.

The other campers were a little farther back, with Chiron in front. Everyone had their heads bowed, in honor of the daughter of Zeus.

Annabeth was openly crying, while Luke was internally doing the same thing. They both missed Thalia. And Thalia reminded them of Noelle.

Both of them had died for the greater good. Or so Chiron has told them.

As Luke held Annabeth, all he could think about was how he hated the gods for letting two of the bravest girls he knew die.

It wasn't fair. They were supposed to live on as heroes. Not die.

It wasn't fair.


later that night

Luke was slashing apart a dummy when she showed up.

He had turned when he had heard a crack, and bowed when he realized who it was.

"Lady Nemesis." Luke greeted through clenched teeth. "Pleasure."

Nemesis studied the demigod. "Son of Hermes, I hear you would like revenge."

Luke looked back up, and the goddess could see the anger in his blue eyes.

"Yes. On the gods. For Thalia and Noelle."

Luke watched for a reaction he said the daughter of Nemesis's name. Of course he got none.

"What. You don't love your daughter?" He asked.

Nemesis clenched her fists. "Of course I love her. I miss her more than you could imagine, demigod."

Luke glared at her. "Then why dance around her? Why not take your anger up to Olympus?! She was your daughter!"

"Because she knew she was going to die!"

Luke stumbled back at the loud voice of the goddess. "Wh-what!? She knew?!"

Nemesis sighed. "Yes. I told her before you had came back to the camp. She accepted it." The goddess looked down. "There was nothing I could do." She added in a smaller voice.

Luke stood up, and watched the goddess, raw emotion playing out in his eyes.

"Why didn't she try to change it?" Luke whispered, catching the attention of Nemesis. "If she knew, why didn't she try to stop it?" He added louder.

Nemesis locked eyes with the blonde. "I don't know. Maybe she realized it was time for her to go."

Luke clenched his teeth. "Or maybe she thought it was inevitable. Because you told her so!"

Nemesis scowled. "It was fate. If she hadn't died then, she would have died when Thalia did. It was written out that she would die before she reached camp. It was a miracle she lasted long enough the meet you!"

Luke glared at goddess "Get out."

Nemesis crossed her arms. "What."

"Get out!" Luke screamed. "Go away! I never want to see you again!"

Nemesis sighed, and disappeared with a crack, leaving a furious son of Hermes with six new training dummies.


a few days later

"Luke, m'boy." Chiron motioned the son of Hermes up to Big House. "Come. We need to talk."

Luke followed the centaur, and sat down of the couch. He stared at Chiron, waiting for the older man to speak.

"I have a task for you." Chiron started. "I realize that you just went on a quest a few months back, but this is important."

Luke slowly nodded. "What do you need me to do Chiron?"

"I need you to bring a demigod here. She in Connecticut, and her name is Norah Jamie-Dell Bone."

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