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Luke trudged through the forest, still clutching Noelle's hand.

"What was that!?" Thalia cried, throwing her hands up.

Luke tightened his grip on Noelle. "Nothing. Can we just go?"

Thalia places her hands on her hips. "No! Because I want to know what the heck happened back there!"

Luke turned and glanced down an Annabeth. "Not now, Thals."

Thalia followed his gaze and sighed, obviously frustrated. "Whatever."


two days later

"So who are you again?" Noelle asked the satyr. He sighed. "Grover Underwood. Chiron sent me to escort you four to camp."

Luke has stormed off, and Thalia was comforting Annabeth. Noelle was left to deal with Grover.

The satyr in general didn't look like a bad person. A little scruffy and nervous, but not the type of person Luke took him to be.

Speaking of Luke, he had changed since Noelle had first met him. Ever since that meeting with his dad, he was more reckless, almost like he had to prove something to his dad. Noelle didn't like it one bit.

"Noelle," The daughter of Nemesis turned down to see Annabeth. "when is Luke coming back?" Her grey eyes sparkled with worry.

The girl blew a piece of hair out of her eyes, and smiled at the younger demigod. "Soon, he can never stay away from us for long." Annabeth giggled, but then became serious again. "Are you two okay?"

Noelle cocked her head, a little confused by the question. "What do you mean, Grey?"

"Thalia said you two are more than friends, like my mom was to my dad. But you two aren't acting like it." The little girl explained, fiddling with his knife.

Noelle sighed, and knelt down best to Annabeth. "Yeah, we're fine. Luke's just acting stupid."

Annabeth nodded. "Good."


later that day

Noelle ran a hand through her curly black hair, pacing. "He should be back by now." She muttered to herself.

There was a crack, and Noelle looked up hopefully, only to see her mother. "Evening, Mom."

The goddess didn't respond, she just went and hugged her daughter. Noelle was shocked, but hugged her mother back.

"Mom, what's wr-" Noelle started, only to be cut off by Nemesis pulling back. "I can't stay long, kiddo. But I've got to prepare you."

Noelle looked confused at her mother. "For what?"

"Tonight, my darling daughter, you are going to die."

Noelle stared at her mother's sad face. "Wh-what?"

Nemesis looked sadly at her daughter. "You are going to die by a Hydra. The son of Hermes and daughter of Zeus will kill it, but it will be to late for you."

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