Chapter 2 - Show Offs & Secrets

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We suddenly heard a scream outside

"What was that!?" Miraj yelled

"Should we go look?" Lanasha replied

"Is it safe?" Lunace quietly added

"Well, how about we look through a magical little common invention called the WINDOW!" Anara yelled at us. Well, she needs to...not do that.

"You don't have to be so rude!" Lanasha yelled back

"Shut up Lanasha" Anara started arguing

"Oh, just because you're the Princess of Domino makes you think you can push us all around! Little miss perfect!"

"Why you littl-"

"GUYS!" I yelled "Someone could be in trouble, and I don't know about you but I want to go see if I can help!" I was about to transform but decided against it. I was an enchantix fairy, yes, but I wanted to keep it secret as long as I possibly could.

"I'm coming with you!" Anara announced

"Me too!" Lanasha spoke just as proud as Anara, wich gave her a frown across her face.

"Lets just shut up and go!" Miraj

Lanasha smashed open the window and yelled "Treble Staircase" and suddenly a clear staircase leading to the ground decorated in musical noted appeared, "Lets go!" she yelled. We all practically RAN down the stairs to find there was already about 50 other students there, all yelling about the fact there was some sort of monster right in the middle of the campus.

"OMG WHAT DO WE DO!!???" "AAAUUUGGHGHHHS!!!!" and "what happened?" were in the mix of sounds I could hear. You know, some of these Suddenly I felt a much stronger presence. Suddenly somebody came running out. It was Bloom. Queen of Domino. What was she doing here? She landed on the ground.

"What's going on here!?" She asked as the crowds parted to let her through

I was standing behind Bloom so now I could see exactly what that monster was - big, blue, scaly and three horns. I hoped that Bloom knew how to defeat it, for it was a very powerful monster from the realm of death. I've seen them before around, they are the guards, and I learnt how to subdue them at an early age...but to do that now would blow my cover.

She shot some spell I'd never heard of. Powerful beams came out of her hands and hit the monster - we call them 'Aguardsers' in the Realm Of Death, but it did nothing. Then she yelled something else, and it completely disappeared! Good. Bloom looked proud, and people started to shoot questions at her.

"What was that monster?"

"Who screamed?"

"Why was it here?"

"What's going on!?"

Heaps of pointless question, with obvious answers. But I could tell that Bloom did not know what was going on. I did.

Miss Feragonda rushed out.

"Bloom, what happened?" She asked

"I don't know...who screamed?" Bloom looked at the crowd of whome some were shocked, some looked completely blank and me...I was in thought. Why would an agaurdser show up here? They don't leave the Realm Of Death unless it's really important, and I'm talking about fate of existence important.

"I did..." A girl walked forward, she looked slightly older than me.

"Can you please come with us?" Even though she said please, it was obviously an order.

"And everyone else, back to class!" Feragonda added.

Feragonda walked away with the girl.

"Hey Anara!" Bloom said hugging her.

"Hey mum! I have to go!" Anara replied


It was now time for our first class. It was a practical obstacle course which required us to transform. Oh great! My plan didn't even last a day.

"Okay, the lesson is simple. Small purple orbs will shot at you and the challenge is to block them. Every one you block you gain five points, every one that hits you makes you loose five points. But don't worry, they won't hurt you. This is to practice your blocking powers. Also, you don't gain any points from dodging." The teacher said. "How about we start with you Anara?"

"Gladly" She replied "WINX!"

Anari had a blue mini - dress and stretch silk around her arms. I've seen pictures of Blooms winx, she looked like her.

As she finished transforming she continued to say "CHARMX!"

"Lets get started" The teacher said

Anara flew up just as the orbs started flying at her. She blocked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & every single one of them. Nothing hit her and she didn't have to dodge anything. The way she was flying around made her seem snobbish and fabulous.

She landed with a flounce. It made me sick. A couple more people went then it was my turn. This was going to be easy, except for the transformation part.


I had to transform. "Enchantix!" I loudly whispered.

"You're an ENCHANTIX fairy?" Anara screamed

"Yes" I said back "Got a problem with that?"

I flew up just as the orbs started flying towards me. Blocking magic was pretty easy. I was just about to cast one until I realized something.

I didn't know any blocking spells for fire. Great.

(Rewritten on 14th April 2013)

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