Chapter 4 - Maybe, Maybe Not

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I was out for about...5 minutes until Anara burst through the door and ran right past me...into my room! Why would she go into my room? I wonder if she's a kleptomaniac...that would be an interesting story.

"What was I getting again? Oh Sahpiro's cell phone in here?" What would she want with my cell phone?

Suddenly Lanasha burst through the door.

"Did she leave her phone here? We'll never find her if she did!" Once again, Lanasha didn't see me.

They were looking for me!

"Uuuhhh....guys...? What are you doing" I slowly got up to look at them.

"SAHPIRO! Where did you go! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Anara sounded shocked. Maybe she actually does care about my well being, or not.

"I just went for a walk..." I replied calmly

"Where too?" Lanasha asked

"Around the campus...I left after you guys started arguing." I felt bad, but at least they weren't yelling at each other like before.

"You've been gone for an hour!"

"Really...? Well time flies I guess..." Anara didn't look convinced. Just then Lunace and Miraj burst through the door.

"There you are Sahpiro! We were really worried, we looked all over the campus and we were about to go to Miss Feragonda!" Miraj was in hysterics

"She was just going for a walk..." Anara said

"Oh. still made us all scared" Lunace said. "And it is getting late...I'm going to bed, if you don't mind" She walked through her [and Lanasha's] door.

"You do have a point, later guys!" Anara walked into her room, which she gets to have all to herself, because she is 'the princess of the group'. Spoiled brat. So it was just me, Miraj and Lanasha left.

"So, what happened after I left earlier?" I couldn't help but ask

"Well...we kind of argued for a little longer and Miss Feragonda came in requesting to see you, and well...sorry, we didn't realise you left!I went with Anara, to find you, I don't trust her...I kind of said it to her face. Lunace went with Miraj. But it turns out NONE of us could find you so we tried calling you, but before that we had to make sure you had your phone with you, which is partially the reason we came back..."

"What was the other reason?" I asked

"Anara wanted to give up, that's why we argued...."

"She hates me." I blurted out.

"She doesn't" Miraj explained "She's just jealous, that's all." As much as I wanted to believe her, I knew there was more to it.

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