Chapter 9 - Lanasha, The Fairy From Melody

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Little notice: about 95% of the transformations mentioned in this chapter are comepletely made up.


It's been 3 weeks since we came back from our last mission. It was a pretty normal couple of weeks, except when Miraj flooded our dorm and when Lanahsa nearly defeaned us by *accidentily* blasting music at 3AM. We had fun in most of our classes. My blocking spells were improving. The weekend after the mission we went on that shopping/park trip. Today it was Monday, I was walking across campus with Lanasha.

"Sahpiro, I've been meaning to ask this earlier but I haven't found the time, I have to go to Melody this weekend, there holding a big concert and I'm preforming, I wanted you guys to come with me...y'know, for support." She asked

"I would absolutely love to come! I'm sure the others will too. But we should ask first."

"I hoped you would say yes!"

"What are you doing there? Are you singing..?"

"Yeah. We should hurry up and get to class, Griselda will kill us if we are late!" We both ran off to class, we were JUST in time. It was a lesson were we were learning about the order and branches of transformations.

"Now class, we all know the first three common winx transformations, winx, charmix and enchantix, but after the enchantix there are 5 different branch types. Does anybody know what any of them are called?" The professor asked, Anara shot her hand up

"The Magic of Wonder branch!" She said proudly, of course she'd know, Bloom, her mother, followed that branch. 

"Correct! That branch inclued the Believix, Harmonix and Liferix tranformations Anyone else?" Miraj shot her hand up


"The Magic of Healing branch?" She questioned herself, something she did quite often

"Yes! It includes the Plantix, Remedyix and Healix transformations! Three more!" A girl I didn't know put her hand up.

"The Branch of True Power!"

"Yes. It includes the Truthix, Magicix and Powerix transformations! Two more!" Lunace put her hand up.


"The Branch of Destiny"

"Correct! This is made up of the the Phycix, Telephix and Destinix. One more...does anybody know it? I must warn you, it is a hard one." There was a silence. "No-one? Think about the others and see if you can make a connection." Suddenly I remembered it, and I doubted anybody else knew. I put my hand up.

"Sahpiro? Do you know?"

"Is it...The Branch Of Death?" I tried to sound hesitant as possible.

"Correct. This is the most unknown branch, only one fairy in existance has achieved it. There are three transformations, Reserix and Deathix. There was a third, but no records were kept. This perticular fairy, Bea Draije, never revealed how she achieved it, and comepletely disappeared a few days later after it was revealed!" 

Bea Draije, haven't heard that name since I left The Realm Of Death 4 weeks ago. I've met her personally, quite a high position in the royals. The queen. My mother.

Okay, the story goes a little something like this. Exactly four years ago my mother had to conduct business with some people - don't know who - which required her to leave our realm. She was attacked by a deadly banshee, she had to transform. Nobody knows what happened to her - except people from my realm.

 I thought about this for a while not listening to the lesson when I was snapped back into reality my Miraj who gave me a friendly jab in the cheast.

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