Chapter 6 - For A Desert This Place Has A Lot Of Trees

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"Well...yeah, I guess..." I replied. I wished I didn't have to analyze the water, Aronn could get suspisious, if he wasn't already.

"So, whats it like at Alfea?" I could hug him for changing the subject! But, of course, I didn't.

"It's pretty fun, I've never been to Magix before though, and without Miraj, Lanasha, Lunace and Anara I would be comepletely lost! Most of the classes are fun, though a lot of the blocking stuff I don't understand, my sheilds never work, and I don't want to use fairy dust unless it is absolutely nessicary and I don't want to look like I'm showing off, especially around Anara...she exploded on the first day when she found out I was an enchantix fai-" I realized I was talking too much "Sorry..."

"It's okay, I don't mind listening. Hey, look over here, it appears to be a trail...I wonder who or what made it!" Aronn pointed to the left, and there was a trail, he walked over to examine it. "It doesn't looks like the track was made by an animal, but I'm not sure which one..." I walked over and slumped over it.

"Hm...there is mud here, so the animal tracks had to be made by an animal that was here not to long ago and that would have been in contact with a water source, but all the water bodies that we have passed are dried up..." I was really puzzled, I looked at the sky "It obviously hasn't rained recently either..."

"Well, the tracks show its a big animal, possible a form of bear - or tiger, maybe we should follow the trail." Aronn suggested

"No. It might be a dangerous animal."

"You're afraid of getting hurt, aren't you?" Aronn laughed at me. It wasn't funny

"I could EASILY defend myself, it's you who would be in danger."

"Then lets follow it!"





"Uh, fine!" I said laughing. We walked down the track, it was a very beautiful track, even though my shoes got damp slightly. I didn't realize how dense this...foresty-deserty-juglish place got...all I could see ahead were trees. Everywhere I looked; trees, trees and more trees!

"Theres a lot of trees here for a so-called desert!" Aronn basically read my mind, it freaked me out.

"Trees or no trees, we still have to find these crystal things without any indication of what it looks like or where they could be!" I nearly screeched. 

"True, thats kinda the reason why were looking..." We walked out of the dense area and found ourselves in front of a cliff, and about 2/3rds of the way up, there was a cave. I don't know why but I could sense magic. I wasn't sure it was magic I was sensing, it's never happened before.

"Hey, Aronn, should we check that cave out up there?" I looked at him.

"Okay. Why not? We might find something." He ran up to the cliff and started climing, and I followed. I knew that I could easily transform, but I didn't want to. I was a pretty okay climber, and it only took about a minute and a half to get halfway up.

I was just about to grip my hand on a rock when suddenly I slipped. I fell about three seconds before Aronn grabbed my wrist.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Does it look like it?" I replied, and he just laughed, I gripped onto the rocks again and continued climbing. 

We finally reached the top.

"Ladies first." Aronn offered. I rolled my eyes and walked in. It was dark but I used my powers to make a small light.


Sorry for the short chapter, chapter 7 will be up next week at the latest. I PROMISE it will be longer.

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