Chapter 7 - Locations & Lies

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We waked through the cave and I didn't have to keep my light up for long, there were cracks in the walls that shed some light, not much, but enough to see. The cave had a lot of dark rocks, but they were REALLY dry. Not even a drop anywhere, well, except on the trail we left with our wet shoes. The ground was actually very cool, made of hardened rock and sand, I think. All I knew was that it was a dark orange-y colour. There was small traces of algae and other plants as we walked, mostly on the edges of the rocks or up high on the cave ceiling.

"This place is really dry..." Aronn said brushing his hand on one of the rocks. How does he always seem to know what I'm feeling!?!?

"Well, since this is a cave, I guess there isn't much rain flow." 

We stopped talking and just silently walked through the cave, which was bigger than I thought, for about ten minutes. It was actually a pretty boring mission. I expected a mission to find crystals in a desert to be a little more dangerous far it has just been really simple walking around and talking. I didn't really mind it, but I still expected...more. In the next three seconds, I stepped forward, and just before my foot touched the cave floor, the ground started wildly shacking. I was knocked over by the force, and I'm pretty sure Aronn was too. But I couldn't see, I pretty sure I blacked out, and what happened next was just a blur.

It felt weird. I knew I had my eyes closed, but I couldn't open them, I was awake, yet I was sort of asleep. Like, I knew I was asleep, but that made me feel awake. My brain was really hurting, so I tried to stop thinking, remembering, what had happened. I think I hit my head on the cave floor but I wasn't 100 percent sure. Is Aronn okay? Are we still in the cave? These questions made my brain hurt even more so I decided to stop it. I wasn't dead. Just knocked out.


I opened my eyes suddenly, it wasn't dark yet, it was sunset. I looked around. I was out of the cave, at camp. I blinked a couple times to collect my thoughts. I couldn't see anybody else, I was outside, the ship that took us here was only about 20 metres away. I was propped up against the tree. Where was every else? I heard voices. One sounded like Miraj, thank god she was here, another I think was either Draine or Luke, they sound pretty simmilar, Anara and...the other voice was inaudible. I wonder if Lanasha, Lunace, Arnold and Dale were there as well...I wanted to get up, find the voices. They were on the ship - I hope they don't want to leave!

I heard footsteps, and Miraj walked out of the ship, she looked cross. She looked over in my direction and saw I was awake. She ran over to me at lightning speed.

"Sahpiro! What happened? Are you okay? When did you wake up? Can you stand!?" She was asking me a million questions at once, some even I couldn't answer.

"Firstly..." I tried to stabilize my voice "I'm not sure what happened, there was an earthquake in the cave and...I think I fell over..." She looked deeply at me "Then I blacked did I get back here?"

"Aronn. He called us all back, and he carried you all the way here. We all felt the earthquake, and me and Luke were thinking of comng back anyway, but we wanted to hear what Aronn..or you said first."


"Can you get up?" I tried to stand up, it hurt a little bit but I could stand, but I did have to lean on the tree behind me.

"Okay, Aronn will be happy. Just an FYI though, were gonna clock in for the night and not go on another search." Just then, Anara walked out, looked at me, then Miraj, tilted her head up and turned around and went back inside. 

"Whats gotten into her?" I couldn't help but ask

"I think shes just mad. We should probably go inside the ship, Aronn would be pretty happy to see you." She walked away guestering me to come with her, so I had no time to ask what she meant by 'Aronn would be pretty happy to see you'. But then again I guess it didn't really matter much, but I was still very, very curious...


"Sahpiro, you're okay!" Lunace said hugging me as soon as I entered the ship.

"Are you sure you're fine though?" Lansha asked, she took her headphones off - she seemed to always have them on.

"Yeah, I guess..." I said after Lunace let me go. "Why are you all in here anyway?"

"It was really windy outside..."

"Yet I was still left outside propped up against a tree-"

Anara walked through the door "Sahpiro, you're from Sparks, a fire fairy, sunlight heals. Seriously? You didn't know that?" She was eying me carefully. I suddenly remembered something; Where was Aronn?

" Sahpiro, did either you or Aronn find anything?" Luke asked, I didn't see him there.

"No, except that cave..." I looked around the room, Aronn, Draine, Dale & Arnold were absent, probably in another part of the ship. It was just Luke, Lunace, Anara, Miraj, Lanasha and I.

"Okay. Did any of you find anything?"

"Well, you already know my answer" Miraj said

"Well..." Lunace began but was cut off by Anara

"Nobody found ANYTHING Luke, I though you knew that." Anara. She was rude the first time I met her then before the mission she was nicer and now she was rude again.

"Says the brat who just cut off Lunace" Miraj said smoothly

"Says the even more bratty weak little fairy with the ugly red hair." Okay, that was crossing the line Anara. I felt like screaming at her, tell her off for being the snobbies brat I have ever met. And I did.

"HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT UP AND STOP BEING A 'FRIGGIN LITTLE RUDE SNOBBISH BRAT WHO INSULTS ALL MY FRIENDS!" I yelled at her, without thinking. I bet all the animals outside could hear me.



Suddenly Anara lugned herself at me, but Draine appeared and held her back.

"Let. Me. Go." She said angrily, and I looked across the room to see Miraj was walking out quietly. I decided to follow slowly and carefully, not leaving eye contact with Anara.


"That was intense." Miraj said. We walked side by side once we left.

"I don't get it. She hates me at first, and before the mission shes nice, and now she hates me again!"

"Well...I'm confused too..." She looked at me "I had an idea, I know it is late and all but we should search for the crystals, think about it; two faires, the crystals probably glow at night, so we can have the advantage, and it will help us get away from Anara"

"Actually, thats an excellent idea Miraj, where should we go though?"

"The cave you guys found..."


Thanks for reading chapter 7! There will be a slight delay for chapter 8 because of school/holiday stuff...sorry bout that...

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