Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-five

After I untangle... Patricia, we head out, sneaking out a back door.

"This is awesome!" squeals Patricia excitedly.

I smile. The grin on her face looked like one a 5 year old would have at Disney World.

"Yeah." I say, glancing at my watch. "Hey, what time is the movie?"

"Uh seven. What time is it?"

"Six fifteen. Wanna get some Taco Bell?"

"When don't I?" she says, grinning.


"How is it already ten till?" I ask, popping the last bite of my burrito in my mouth.

"I don't know. It went by fast," says Patricia.

"Let's hurry," I urge, pulling into the mall parking lot.

"What side of the mall is it on?" asks Patricia.

"If I'm right, it should be right when we go in that entrance," I say, pointing out an enter sign.

As soon as I step into the mall, the first thing I see is a mass of light blue. Teenage girls lined up in shirts just like mine.

Patricia looks down at her lavender shirt. "I obviously wore the wrong thing."

"Naw. If they say anything, I'll punch em in the face."


"Okay, maybe not. I'd trip them though."



We laugh, and make our way towards the line.

"Have you bought tickets yet?" I ask a pale redheaded girl.

"We all have. We're just waiting for them to open the doors."


"Okay," she says, turning back to her friends.

In the minute it took us to find where we pay, I had heard the word "Okay" about 100 times.

Maybe a punch in the face wouldn't be such a bad idea.....

"Miranda, look," Patricia says, nudging me.

I look up, and see who she's looking at. The guy standing next to the popcorn was staring at us. Patricia, really.

"He hasn't stopped staring at me since we got in line," she whispers.

I study the guy's face.

"He's cute," I admit.

"I know," she breathes.

I shrug. "Don't get your hopes up though. He could be an ax murderer."

She doesn't seem to catch my joke, but blushes, and smiles.


"He winked at me."

"Well go say hi!"

"No, are you kidding? We'll get there soon enough."


"I know, I'm nervous," she admits.

"Well we're almost there. I'm sure he'll talk to you."

Her face gets redder. "Do I look okay?"

"You look like your head is gonna explode. Stop blushing."

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