Explanation: You guys have no idea how many times I've written this chapter, tried to post it, and it deletes all that I've written. Soo sorry!! 😞
Chapter Twenty-Four
"Come on, Miranda you can do it," I think.
I'm pacing the floor of my bedroom, my phone laying on the middle of my bed.
Staring at me.
I steal a glance at it, then quickly flit my eyes away like I'll turn to stone if I look to long.
"Just text her!" I think.
Gathering up the bits of courage I have, I walk over to the bed and pick up my phone.
I tap on iMessage and type Patricia's name in.
Wow. The last time she texted me was two years ago in July.
I cringe at the texts she had sent me.
Delete. Delete.
There. That's better.
What do I say?
I don't trust you. Neither does Jake.
Yes. I need to put that in there.
I type it in. What else?
"But, we are willing to give you a second chance."
These words are typed in too.
Anything else? I don't think so.
I scroll up to see what I have so far.
"I don't trust you. Neither does Jake.
But we are willing to give you a second chance."
Half a second later, I get her answer. She must have been waiting for me to text her. Not that she'd have anything better to do.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I don't blame you, it was a jerk!!!"
Tell me about it, I think.
"So... you wanna see "The Fault In Our Stars Tonight"?" she asks.
I bite my lip. She remembered my obsession with the book. I've probably read it at least a dozen times.
"Sure, I'd love to!" I say.
Great! See ya then! :)"
I don't have to force the smiley face I send back to her.
I decide to take a shower before the movie, because it's been a while, what with all the stuff going on in my life.
I put my hair up in a towel and look through my unorganized closet, looking for my light blue shirt that has "Okay? Okay." on it in clouds.
Then I pull on my dark blue jeggings, and blue flats. It was a bit nicer than my usual wear for a movie, which included sweatpants and an old stained high school T-shirt.
I grabbed my phone, and saw that I had another text from Patricia.
"The nurse won't let me go to the freakin movie!!! Please help me!! :("
I quickly text her back letting her know that I was on my way.
With my keys in one hand and combing through my hair with my fingers through the other, I head for the hospital.
I practically run to Patricia's room, getting several glares from people.
I skid to a stop at her door and knock.
No one answers.
I start banging on the door with my fist, and in two seconds the door opens, and a nurse glares at me.
I shove my way past her and stop short.
Patricia has her shirt stuck halfway over her head, with one of her arms stuck through the head hole as well.
Her bra is twisted, exposing a great deal of skin, and her IV tube is wrapped around her ponytail.
"What is going on in here?" I demand.
"I'm going to the freaking movie," Patricia mumbles. "Isn't it obvious?"
I open my mouth to speak but am cut off by the nurse, who in a high, squeaky voice says, "You can't go out, Patricia. Not without being checked out by an adult," she adds, eyeing me.
"Please let us go," I say sweetly. "You have no idea how long Patricia has been waiting for it to come out."
That wasn't a lie. She didn't know, and Patricia hadn't been waiting for it to come out.
"Well I suppose...."the nurse says, wavering.
"Great! Thank you! Let's go, Patricia," I say, starting to walk out.
"Oh, right," I say, reluctantly helping her untangle herself.
Again, I'm sooooo sorrrrryyy!!!!!! I will try to update at least once a week. Okay? Okay.
Comment if you've seen TFIOS and vote if you cried.... and if you haven't then do them anyways... KK bye

High Heels and Lip Gloss
AçãoDead sister. Crazy man chasing her. Miranda's life is wonderful.