Chapter Twenty-Six

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"That was sooo much fun," giggles Patricia.

I shake my head. "I can't believe you have his number."

"I know! He has mine too. I'm letting him text me first, though."

"Good," I say, turning into the hospital parking lot.

After we had our Starbucks, Jake had arrived. Then we had gone shopping. I got a blue blouse from American Eagle and Patricia had gotten a dress from Maurice's.

"Thanks for tonight. I had so much fun!" says Patricia.

"It was fun," I say. "But I am disappointed we didn't get to see the movie."

"Yeah. Me too. But hey, I met a potential boyfriend."

I roll my eyes. "You just met him."

"I know, but it's the first guy that I've really had a crush on."

"What about Jake?"

"I don't know. He isn't really my type. Too serious."

I think about when we sang "What Does the Fox say" in his room and smile. He must've been different before.

"He just texted me," Patricia says, excitement in her voice.

"Yay!" I say sarcastically. But I can't help but smile.

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said, "Hey, I had a great time tonight. I hope you can come to the movies soon again. We're showing TFIOS on Friday, if you wanna go. I'm off that night, so I can go with you if you want.""

"What should I say?"she asks me.

"Friday? That's three days from now. Are you sure you can make it?" I tease.

"Ha ha," she says, sending him a reply.

My phone starts buzzing. "Hey Jake."

"Hey. Where are you?"

"I'm still in the hospital parking lot."

"Okay. Hey, can you meet me tomorrow evening at my house, say, five?"

"Uh sure. Is everything alright?"

"I love you Miranda Grace," he says, using my middle name.

Then he hangs up.

Hmmm. Wonder what he's up to...

"Well, thanks again. See ya later," Patricia says, getting out of my car.


I hurry home, and find my parents and Jasmine waiting for me.

It's a big reunion filled with tears and hugs and kisses. Jasmine starts bawling uncontrollably, and has to go to her room. I can hear her cries echo through the halls.

But I can't stop thinking about Jake and his mysteriousness. That boy...

I go through my closet, trying to decide on what to wear for tomorrow.

No, no, no-- well... no, no, no, HEY!

I pull out a lavender dress that falls just above my knees. It's an button up dress. I remember Jake mentioning how he liked this color on me.

I hang it on my door, and lay out my gold flats underneath it.

"There," I say, feeling satisfied.

A soft knock comes from my door. I move the shoes out of the way and open the door.

"Jasmine?" I ask, hearing sniffles.

"Can I come in?" she asks, her voice soft.

"Yeah, of course," I say.

She sits at the edge of my bed. "That's a pretty dress," she says when I close my door.

"Thanks. Jake asked me to come to his house tomorrow night. Not sure what it's about, though."

Jasmine raises her eyebrows, but says nothing.

"It's not that," I say.

She rolls her eyes.



"Okay," I say, leaning against my door.

We stand in awkward silence for a bit. Jasmine and I were never really close. She was two years older than me, leaving for college in a couple weeks.

"How have you been?" she asks.

I sigh. "It's hard. It doesn't seem real yet. It's hard, walking by her room. Empty."

"I know," she sighs.

"What about you?"

"Well mom and dad don't know this, but before we left, Christopher proposed to me."

I gasp. Christopher was her boyfriend going on 5 years.

"What did you say?" I ask.
She shakes her head. "It was too soon. I mean.. Sophie just died. And I'm only eighteen."

I shrug. "Mom and dad got married when she was nineteen."

"Wait, do you think I should say yes?"
"I love Christopher like a brother. He's practically already part of the family. Has he asked dad?"

"Not yet. I didn't want him to so soon. We're waiting until Thanksgiving or Christmas. And I still need to think about it."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes. It's not that. I mean, we're perfect for each other. He's such a gentleman."

"Yeah, mom and dad are nuts about him. I mean he's like their wish come true."

She nods, smiling. "We haven't been intimate."

"Well obviously, he'd be dead if dad ever suspected that," I say grinning.

Our family were strong Christians, and had very strong opinions about marriage. We agreed, no sex before man and wife. We also had a rule, no kissing before the alter. Jasmine and Christopher had kept to that rule, maybe a peck on the cheek here and there. Jake and I on the other hand... not so much. He tried not to kiss too much, but he liked to hold my hand.. a lot.

"Wait, how'd he do it?" I ask.

"A couple nights after Sophie's accident. I was lying in our hammock outside, reading. It helps keep my mind on distracted, you know? Anyways, I was sitting there, and then I looked up at one point and he was standing there.
I burst into tears and he sat down with me and stroked my hair. And then after I stopped crying, he got down on one knee, and pulled out a ring box, and asked me to marry him."
My mouth falls open. "What did you say?"
"I told him he'd have to ask dad first, and that we had to wait a bit, until things had slowed down."
"And.. he was alright with that?"
"Oh yeah. Then he have me these gorgeous roses... it was perfect."
"He must've been sad you rejected him," I tease.
She rolls her eyes. "Well, with that said, I think we'll be engaged by New Years," she says, getting up.
I nod, yawning. "Well I'm going to bed," I say.
"Okay. Me too. Good night, Miranda."
"Night," I say.
She throws her arms around me, and I hug her back. It was weird, not having Sophie's arms wrapped around us as well. I try to imagine her reaction. She probably would've squealed, and asked to see the ring.
So... what's Jake gonna do? hmm? And Jasmine and Christopher... lots of excitement.. vote and comment!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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