Whizzer x male!reader

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A/n: before we begin, I have just found out what Falsettos is, and let me tell you boys, I LOVE IT. (That's it)

~Your POV~
"What are you doing up so early?" Whizzer asks me and he walks into the kitchen in nothing but boxer shorts.
"I'm making a cake for our new neighbors, they just moved in and I think it's the neighborly thing to do."
"Well, do you have to be up so early?"
"Yes, and I've calculated the time so the cake will be done by 12' and that is the perfect time to go take it over."
"You are so weird."
"Quiet, you secretly love it."
He walks up behind me and pulls me close to him.
"Your right, I do love it." He whispers in my ear, which was difficult considering how freakin tall he is. I turn around and look up into his eyes.
"Whizzer, I, would love for you to help me bake the cake." It was so funny to see the face drop from a smirk to a pout. I haven't said 'I love you' to him yet and it's driving him up the freakin wall. It's not that I don't love him it's just... I'm saving it for the perfect time, and so far it hasn't been, before sex, during sex, after sex, the morning after that night, or during dinner. (You can probably tell we've fallen into a routine more or less.)
"Darling, could you cover the entire INSIDE of the pan with oil please."
He looked at me and rolled his eyes.
"It was one time okay, only one time." I chuckle as he covers the pan, then I put the batter in and slip it in the oven. I set the timer for fifty minutes, wash my hands and grab Whizzer's hand. I pull him into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. He smiles and climbs into bed next to me. I lay my head on his chest and our cat curl up between us.
"Whizzer, are you happy with me?"
"Yes (y/n), of course I'm happy with you, I love you, I love our lives, I love our cat, and I love the home we have made."
I chuckle and he looks at me confused.
"That's not what I expected New York's most well known boy toy to say."
He huffs at this and crosses his arms.
"Hey I'm sorry, I just didn't expect that to be your answer is all."
"Well what did you expect?"
"Well, I thought you would say my cooking is good, that the house is cool, and that you love the cat."
"That's it?"
"Yeah, I just guess I never expect you to like settling down."
He smiles caringly at me and kisses my cheek.
"I do love you (y/n)."
I smile "I lo-" the timer for the oven goes off.
"Oh come ON!" Whizzer shouts.
I chuckle and stand up to go get the cake out of the oven. I walk into the kitchen and grab the hot pad that was next to the oven and opened the oven door. As I was reaching in to grab the cake my wrist hit the top of the oven.
"AH SHIT!" I pulled my hand back and took the oven mitt off. I was sitting on the floor with my hand gripping the wrist of my other one and I was in a lot of pain when Whizzer appeared around the corner.
"What happened?!"
"I burned my wrist." I said and looked up at him. He walked over and knelt down beside me.
"Come on, we should put some cold water on it, it'll feel better."
He helps me up, then turns on the water and makes sure it's cold then tells me to hold my wrist under it. I do and he walks off in the direction of the bathroom; when he gets back he turns off the water, dries my hand and puts a cool lotion or something on my burn. I look up into his eyes and smile.
"You're amazing."
He smiles and looks down.
"Just doing my job." Then he takes the cake (lol) out of the oven and puts it on the stove top.
"Could you set the timer for twenty minutes please?" He nods and does so, then he goes and sits in the couch after closing the oven door. I follow and sit next to him. We watch television till the timer goes off again.
"Come on babe, you can help me frost the cake."
He gets up at the word 'frost' and practically runs into the kitchen.
We eventually gets the cake frosted, and Whizzer is sitting on the floor like a small child with frosting all over his face, eating the rest out of the container with a spoon.
"You are gonna make yourself sick doing that."
"Worth it." He says through a mouth full.
"I'm going to go take a shower, then get changed and take the cake over, feel free to join me."
Thirty minutes later I'm out of the shower and drying off my hair with a towel, I go and get dressed and hear him turn on the shower water. All of one hour later, at three minutes to noon we leave the house and head to the sidewalk, turn right and arrive at the new neighbors house. Whizzer knocks on the door for me and a nice looking blond lady answers the door.
"Hello." She says.
"Hello, we are your neighbors from just over there" I motion to our house "and we thought we would welcome you to the neighborhood with a nice cake."
She smiles and out of nowhere another lady with dark brown almost black hair appears.
"Hi, my name is Charlotte, and this is my partner Cordelia."
I smile and hand Cordelia the cake.
"My name is (Y/n) and this is my partner Whizzer." Whizzer smiles and we all shake hands.
"So it was nice meeting you and I hope you like it here. It's quite a quaint little place." I smile,  we say our goodbyes, then Whizzer and I walk back home.
When we get there we both sit back on the couch, I lay my head on his chest and kiss his cheek. I survey our little house and end up looking back at Whizzer who is looking down at me. Our cat jumps up on his lap and lays down, we both start petting her.
"Whizzer" I say "I love you."
His face brightens and he kisses me.
"What made you want to say it now?"
"Well, looking at the life we have made together, I decided now, here, in our house, with both of us relaxed, and our cat child on one of our laps. This is what I truly love about you, and about us."
He smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I love you too (Y/n)."

A/n; #13. So I've decided that I freakin love Falsettos, and so here is a cute one of Whizzer (bc he's my favorite.) I hope you like it. Enjoy :).

Male/Ftm Reader x randomWhere stories live. Discover now