Fourth day of Christmas (Castiel)

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(A/n: Enjoy :)!)
(Y/n's POV)
Castiel and I were in the bunker wrapping Christmas gifts. Well, I was wrapping presents and Castiel was watching. The boys were on the road but they promised to be home at least by Christmas Eve.
I finish wrapping a gift then I lean back and crack my back.
"Are you okay?" Cas asks with a curious look on his face.
I nod then pull up a chair next to him.
"I just need a break, that's all."
I lean my head on his shoulder and take his hand.
"This is a stupid question but, do you sometimes wish you were in love with a full-blooded angle instead of a human half-human, half half-angle like me?"
He looks at me but I don't look at him, I just keep tracing the lines on his fingers.
"No, I never wish that. I love you more than I could love any full-blooded angel or human."
I smile, lift his hand up, and kiss it.
"How is your side?" He asks me with concern creeping onto his face.
I lift up my shirt to reveal a white bandage.
"It's not bleeding any more."
"Then I can probably finish healing it."
I nod, pull off the bandage and look away. Cas examines the wound then puts his hand over it and starts to heal it.
"Yes (y/n)?"
"What would you like for Christmas?"
"I don't know. What kind of presents do people normally get at Christmas?"
"Well, anything Cas. From books to alcohol. Do you want time to think about it?"
He nods and I stand up and finish wrapping the presents. I put them under the tree in the corner of the bunker then start to head off to the bedroom, but then I stop and look over at Cas.
"Right. Hey Cas, I'm going to take a nap. Come and get me if you think of anything alright?"
"I will." He says looking up from his hands.
I continue walking to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. It takes me a while to fall asleep because I'm trying to figure out what to get Cas for Christmas.

A few hours later I wake up with an odd feeling. I open my eyes and Castiel is laying next to me staring at me intently.
"Ah! Cas! What the hell."
"Did I scare you?"
"No, I wake up like this all the time."
"Oh, okay. Well, I decided what I wanted for Christmas."
I roll my eyes as the sarcasm flies right over his head. I run my hand through my hair and nod at him.
"What would you like Cas?"
"Can I have two things?"
"Sure Cas. What are they?"
"Well, I want a car and-"
"Hold up Cas. A What?"
"Car, and a -"
"Cas, we cant just gloss over this. Cars are expensive and, well, I don't know if that is a possible present. I mean, unless you would be willing to go get a used car. I guess I could help you fix it up."
"That was my other present."
"What was?"
"I wanted you to help me fix up a car."
"Well you should have said that."
"I was trying to."
"Anyway. I think I could make that work somehow."
I bite my lip and lay back down.
"I am going to go back to sleep Cas, wake me up tomorrow, and not creepily, then we will go look at some cars okay?"
He nods then gets up off the bed. I reach out and grab his hand. He looks down at me. I tug on his sleeve a little and the corner of his mouth curls up just a little. He then lays back down with me and I snuggle up close to him.

The next day I am shaken awake at 8:00 sharp.
"Oy! What?"
"It's time to go look at cars!"
"Okay, okay. Let me get dressed and everything all right?"
He nods and keeps looking at me.
"Spin pretty boy."
He turns around as I change. Then I walk out into the kitchen to get some cereal.
All of a sudden we hear the bunker door open. I grab my knife (I prefer to fight hand to hand over a gun. It's more personal.) and slowly sneak into the library just as their shoes hit the floor. Cas follows and I jump out from behind the wall. I almost stab Dean in the chest, thank god he's fast.
"Well good morning to you too!"
"You scared the shit out of me Dean!"
"Hello, Dean."
"Hey, Cas."
I walk over to Sam and give him a fist bump and a hug after I hug Dean.
"And That is why I always make Dean walk in front of me."
I chuckle then walk back into the kitchen.
"Why are you dressed and up this early. You usually aren't out of bed till 2:00 unless you have to be." Sam says.
"Am I wrong?"
"No," I whisper, "but if you must know, I am taking Cas to go get his Christmas present."
"And what is that?" Dean asks.
"A car." Cas exclaims excitedly.
"A What?" Sam says turning around from the coffee machine.
"Cas, you have to explain before you drop a bombshell on them like that. I am buying Cas a car for Christmas and we are going to work on it together."
"Yeah! So that we can be like you and have our own cool car!" Cas says.
"Did you just say cool?" Dean asks surprised.
He nods and we move on.
I put my dishes in the dish washer and grab my wallet.
"Dean?" I ask sheepishly "Would you mind taking us to the car place?"
He sighs but nods.

When we get to the car lot we start walking around and looking. I suggest a few Bell Air's to which Cas says they are "too slow." Mean, but fair.
Then I suggest a few Mustangs and even a blue Impala.
Then finally Cas finds the holy grail of cars. A 1975 Chevy Camaro SuperSport!
I look over at Cas casually trying not to influence his decision.
"This one." He says.
"You sure?"
"Hell yes!"
"Did I choose a good one?"
"You chose and amazing one Cas!"

A few hours later we were at home and I was digging through my tool chest looking for a specific wrench set.
"What is this?" Cas asks.
"Hold on Cas."
I fish out the set and turn around. He is holding the positive end of the battery cable.
"Ahh! Cas! Put that down! It's dangerous!"
He lets go and looks at it.
"What is it?"
"The positive battery cable. Be careful. It could shock you and hurt you!"
I walk over and kiss his cheek.
"Now you see here this is..."

A/n: I hope you guys like this one! My updates my get later because I also have to study for finals some more. Buttttt I hope you enjoy:).

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