chapter one

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"Oi Icyhot!" Katsuki Bakugou said approaching. Todoroki faces him, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "Bakugou?" He answered as the blonde boy grabbed his collar. "How the fuck did you rank number one?" Todoroki looked up at the board of the wall, so the rankings were put up huh? "Practice" he said bluntly and shrugged Bakugou's hand off him. The blonde glared at him, it would've been more intimidating if Bakugou were taller, "I'll beat you next semester half and half," and with that, Bakugou left.

Top 5 UA high rankings:

1. Shouto Todoroki
2. Katsuki Bakugou
3. Izuku Midoriya
4. Eijiro Kirishima
5. Tenya Iida

Shouto examined the rankings, he had barely beaten Bakugou. Being a third year is incredibly challenging, making sure everything is perfected for the future. Shouto's dream was to be a hero the others looked up to and surpass his father, hoping to be an amazing hero like All Might, not some dumb fuck that uses his kids as science experiments.
"Good job Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya said approaching Todoroki with a smile. "You too Midoriya" he said and scooted over for the shorter boy. "Man, I wish I'd beaten Kacchan though, if only I didn't score lowly on the test" the green haired boy with with a pout. Todoroki just nodded and continued to eat his soba, "Kirishima finally made his way in the list huh?" Todoroki asked and Deku smiled brightly, "really?! I have to go congratulate him!" Deku left after that, leaving Todoroki alone. Todoroki put headphones in and starred out the window and noticed some freshman (first years) and second years roaming around outside, showing off quirks and conversing among themselves. Todoroki felt someone sit next to him, Bakugou?, "Don't look so fucking surprised, fucking Deku stole my seat to talk to shitty hair so I'm stuck here." Todoroki nodded, "you only scored 0.78 percent lower then I did, that's not bad" Todoroki commented, "but it made me second place didn't it? Second place is fucking garbage." Todoroki rememered that Bakugou had only gotten first place once when they were first years, Deku and himself had always taken the first place slot by a few points. Todoroki himself had now gotten it three times and Midoriya had gotten one less, leaving Bakugou at one. "Aren't you happy that you got a better score then Midoriya?" Bakugou glared at him, "fuck no, he still gotten first place two times, me beating him this time doesn't mean shit," Todoroki hummed in response and looked up at the time, lunch would be over and class would start in three minutes, "we should get ready for class" todoroki said getting up and leaving.
Todoroki was training next to Bakugou and Midoriya since they were the top three ranked. Todoroki was practicing producing blue flames and ice shards at the same time as a defense mechanism. "Todoroki-Kun! Your flames are looking even better then last week!" Midoriya said running up to him, "I've been practicing more then before" Todoroki admitted. "Oi Icyhot! Make a wall of ice for me, I need to practice more" the angry blonde said approaching him. Todoroki looked over at him, his hair was more of a wreck then usual, his clothes were smoking (from the explosions) and he had purple rings underneath his eyes, just how much has he been practicing? "Kacchan! Have you been practicing after hours?" Midoriya said with a worried expression. "Fuck off Deku, I was talking to Icyhot, not you." Midoriya frowned, "well I'm gonna go back to practicing, bye Todoroki!" The half and half user waved as the shorter boy walked away back to his training area. "Are you going to answer half and half?" The ruby eyed boy asked. "You look exhausted" todoroki said leaning forward and examined his face. "Eh? Fuck off! What's it to you?" He asked taking a step back, "are you going to help or not?" Todoroki let out a sigh, Bakugou's going to end up hurting himself but I can't stop him now can I? Todoroki produced a giant wall in front of them, making sure to avoid students and other things like tables and training gear. "Thanks" the blonde mumbled before walking away.
"Todoroki! Are you going home for Christmas break?" Kirishima asked walking up to him wearing an obnoxious Christmas sweater. Todoroki shook his head, "no, we don't really do anything for Christmas at home, my sister makes dinner and we exchange gifts but since she left last year, we can't do that" Todoroki said with a shrug. Kirishima had a small frown, "well you can spend it with me and the Bakusquad" Todoroki tilted his head, the what? "He doesn't know what you mean" Bakugou said approaching them and rolling his eyes, "Were all spending Christmas at Kirishima's house because it's gonna be empty, his parents are gone for vacation." Bakugou explained with a plain expression, much like Todoroki's. "I wouldn't want to intrude" The half and half user said sincerely. "It's fine, Midoriya and Uraraka are joining us too, they already told their parents! It'll be fun!" Todoroki bit the inside of his cheek, at least he wouldn't be alone, "sure, I'll go" he said hesitantly. "Don't forget gifts Icyhot" Bakugou said before walking off with an excited Kirishima.

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