chapter nine

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Todoroki went back to Bakugou's dorm the next day to finish their assignment. Their assignment was supposed to be like a capture the flag game but with each other. So Minetas team would take Bakugou (they decided on this after fighting over who'd be captured for like half an hour) and Todoroki would take Mineta and they'd hide their person. The person who is "captured" is not allowed to talk or move from their spot. (I saw this on a different book and thought it was a neat idea, sorry I don't remember what book) They brainstormed ideas on how to find the other person because they were supposed to do the activity today and they didn't really know what to do. "Aizawa-sensei never said we cant use our phones, I can send me location out, of course the sparkly boy will know that you know my location but then you beat him to where I am and we'll beat those two dumbasses." Todoroki nodded, it wasn't the best plan but they didn't really have anything else to do. (oh yeah, quirks weren't allowed when your captured.)
Aizawa stood at a podium that was placed outside, "I didn't mention this but each person who's help captive has to wear handcuffs, just to assure that no quirks are being used." Bakugou turned to Todoroki, they were both thinking the same thing, well there goes our plan. "You better fucking find me," Bakugou said sternly. Todoroki nodded, he didn't have a plan but he was determined to find Bakugou before the timer went off. "Your ten minutes start now," Aizawa said lazily. Todoroki grabbed Mineta quite harshly but it was Mineta, he kinda deserved it. Todoroki looked around frantically, he found a dark alley and his Mineta behind a few boxes that were lying around, it wasn't a bad spot to be honest. Todoroki dashed off to find Bakugou, where would Aoyama put him? He started looking in the first building on his opposing side, I won't have enough time to check every building. Todoroki finished checking that building and started onto the next, nothing. after three buildings, Todoroki grew nervous, there is two minutes left and he still has three other buildings unchecked. Todoroki realized that Aoyama had no idea where Mineta was, so that was good. Todoroki thought for a while, Aoyama wouldn't go anywhere that is dirty, or looks gross. He's glad he had a picky opponent, he ran to the building that seemed to be a fake jewelry store, Todoroki frantically looked around, he checked behind a stand that had fake necklaces and found Bakugou sitting there, hands behind his back, tape over his mouth. Bakugou mumbled something through the tape but Todoroki couldn't decipher what he said. Todoroki pulled his phone out and quickly took a photo of Bakugou, what can he say, it was a funny sight. Bakugou struggled against the handcuffs and was now yelling at his but it was muffled by the tape, Todoroki checked his watch that Aizawa gave them and noticed that they had about thirty seconds to get to the other side, Todoroki quickly unlocked his handcuffs and harshly pulled off the tape, "DID YOU TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE OF ME, YOU HALF AND HALF BA-" Todoroki cut him off, "we have to go, now." Todoroki grabbed his hand and bolted out of the building, Bakugou almost fell over but he situated himself and followed behind. Todoroki let go once they pass the line that separates their sides, he passed with four seconds to spare. Aizawa-sensei grunted upon seeing the two, "you two pass," he said and started walking to Aoyama, "did you find your partner?" Aoyama sheepishly shook his head, Aizawa pointed to the alley that Todoroki his him in. Todoroki and Bakugou started walking to the stands, "good job guys!" Midoriya, Kirishima, and Kaminari said in unison. Todoroki gave them a nod, "thanks." Todoroki took a seat next to Midoriya, "aren't you next?" Midoriya nodded with a pout, "I have to be the one captured, what's the fun in that?" Todoroki shrugged, "I wouldn't know." Kirishima walked to the two boys and stopped in front of them, "it's our turn." He said to Midoriya and his green haired friend nodded and started walking away, "bye Todoroki-kun, wish us luck." Todoroki waves back with a small smile. Todoroki noticed that he was now alone, Uraraka and Iida were quite the distance away and he didn't want to interfere. Mina noticed that he was alone and waved her hand in the air, "Todoroki! Sit with us," Todoroki stood up and walked over, taking a seat next to Kaminari. "Good job man," Denki said turning to him, "thanks."
Todoroki pulled out his phone and sent the picture he took to the rest of the Bakusquad, but not Bakugou of course. He seen Sero and Mina pull their phones out and see them burst out laughing. Bakugou averted his gaze towards them, "what's so fucking funny?" Sero showed him his phone, Bakugou looked up and glared at Todoroki, "i'm going to fucking kill you," Todoroki slowly stood up and started walking away, Bakugou followed, they stayed at a slow pace to not cause a diversion. Once they were out of the stadium, Todoroki started running and Bakugou right behind him, Todoroki turned a corner and ran to the dorms. Todoroki pulled out his key card as he was running and quickly scanned it. He ran into the commons, not running far until Bakugou tackled him into the couch. Todoroki fought back, trying to pin Bakugou down, they were both laughing at this point. Todoroki put his arms up and flipped them over so Todoroki was looming over him, Bakugou tried to fight back but Todoroki grabbed his wrists and pinned him down. The laughter died down and they were just stuck staring at each other. Todoroki noticed the intimate position they were in and felt his face heat up. Bakugou was flustered as well, "let go of me Icyhot!" Todoroki didn't know what to do, he didn't want to let go but what was he supposed to do? "No" Todoroki said and leaned forward towards Bakugou, "what the fuck are you doing?" Bakugou's face was deep crimson, almost matching his eyes. "Nothing" Todoroki said and he can tell what he was doing to the other boy but teasing was fun. Bakugou gritted his teeth, was Todoroki teasing him? Bakugou smirked up at him, before Todoroki could process what was happening, Bakugou removed his hands from Todoroki's hold and grabbed him by his blazer and pulled him down and pressed his lips to the taller boys. Todoroki went wide eyed, this was not the plan. It's like his body moves on its own but Todoroki soon had his hands on the side of his face, Bakugou moved his hands from Todoroki's blazer to the back of his neck. Todoroki licked Bakugou's bottom lip, the blonde let Todoroki slip his tongue into his mouth, they fought for dominance, Todoroki winning. Todoroki's mind was in overdrive right now, he was kissing Bakugou, what happened to being mad at him? Whatever, he'll deal with that later. Bakugou and Todoroki were both taken over by lust, Todoroki started removing his blazer, Bakugou was unbuttoning Todoroki's shirt. "Where did you guys go, Mina is looking for y-" Bakugou and Todoroki froze as they heard Kaminari's voice. Bakugou pushes Todoroki off and Todoroki fell onto the floor. They both turned to Kaminari who was standing there with shock written all over his face. Todoroki was buttoning up his shirt and putting his blazer back on. "Uh Mina was looking for you, sorry for interrupting." Kaminari said quickly before leaving both boys there by themselves. Todoroki stood up, "uh we should probably head back." Bakugou nodded and stood up as well, they started their way back to the stadium in silence. Every now and then, they would glance and each other and quickly look away. Midoriya ran up behind Todoroki and jumped on his back, "Me and Kirishima passed!" Todoroki was used to the green haired boy jumping on him. Todoroki put his hands under the shorter boys legs, "good job." Bakugou was glaring at Midoriya. Midoriya pointed to the doors, "all the groups are done so let's go back," Todoroki started walking away with Midoriya on his back. Bakugou was jealous, not because he wanted a piggy back ride, but because of Midoriya can easily just touch Todoroki. Todoroki froze under them so they glided across to the dorms, Midoriya laughing the entire way. Todoroki stopped and pulled his key card out of his pocket and scanned it, Midoriya hopped off his back and they walked into the dormitory building together. Midoriya and Todoroki were on the couch in the commons, talking about a movie they watched a few weeks back. Kirishima plopped down next to them, "you guys would make a cute couple." Todoroki tensed and looked at Bakugou, he was looking away, he looked angry. Kaminari elbowed him. Midoriya was a blushing mess, he waved his hands in the air, "No, we're just friends!" Todoroki looked at him, "for now" the green haired boy whispered, only loud enough for Todoroki to hear. Todoroki looked back at Bakugou, his life was really confusing. Bakugou stood up, "i'm bored, let's play a game," Bakugou declared and sat around with everyone else. Iida grimaced, "what kind of game?" Mina clapped, "a fun game of course," oh no. "Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Iida sighed, "I wouldn't be able to stop you anyways." Mina smiles cheerfully and grabbed a soda bottle that had been left on the counter. Mina spun the bottle, it landed on Kaminari, she spun again, it now landing on Kirishima. Kirishima shrugged and grabbed Kaminari, "let's go." Kaminari sputtered, "huh?" A couple people let out whistles and 'oohs' as Kaminari was being dragged to a closet.
Seven minutes later, Mina yelled out "time!" and Kaminari and Kirishima came back looking flustered and Kaminari's hair was a mess, "did you have fun?" Sero teased. Mina spun again, this time landing on Todoroki, he went wide eyed, why so soon? Bakugou looked interested now, it then landed on Midoriya. Midoriya went wide eyed and turned to Todoroki. Todoroki gave Bakugou an apologetic look before standing up and grabbing his friends hand, "let's go." Todoroki walked into the closet that had been previously used by Kaminari and Kirishima. "We don't have to if you don't want to," Midoriya said quietly. "It's the game isn't it?" Todoroki said with a shrug, i'm sorry Bakugou, he thought before leaning forward and pressing his lips against the green haired boy, it was awkward and messy. Todoroki had his hand in the small boys waist and Midoriya had his arms around the taller boys neck. It was nothing like the kids with Bakugou, this one was slow and not driven in lust. Todoroki didn't know why he initiated the kiss, maybe he wanted to make Bakugou jealous as pay back for all the things he said to him, or maybe he just had feelings for the shorter boy but he doesn't feel much in this kiss. Todoroki pulled away, "i'm sorry," he said with a frown. I'm a horrible friend. He was toying with both Bakugou and Midoriya's feelings. "For what?" Midoriya looked concerned, "I'm sorry if i'm playing with your feelings, I have a lot going in right now and I think that I took advantage of you so I can feel better." Todoroki looked away from the other boy, why did you have to mess things up? Midoriya put a hand on his arm, "It's okay, I know what you mean." Todoroki looked at him, "Midoriya, I have to tell you something, earlier, Ba-" Todoroki was interrupted by a loud shout, "time!" Midoriya jumped, "i forgot about the timer, tell me later?" Todoroki nodded and left the room. People instantly noticed Midoriya flushed face and partly swollen lips. Bakugou glared at the green haired boy. Mina spun the bottle, once agin it landed on Todoroki, the half and half boy sighed. Mina spun the bottle again, this time it landed on a certain angry blonde. Bakugou stood up, harshly grabbed Todoroki's wrist and dragged him into the closet. Bakugou let go of his wrist and glared at him. Todoroki rubbed his wrist, "did you have to be that rough?" Bakugou huffed, "why did you kiss me earlier?" Todoroki looked down at his wrist, "I don't know," Bakugou nodded, "I knew you were lying before, you never liked me, you were just fucking with my feelings." Todoroki narrowed his eyebrows, "Bakugou, what I said before wasn't a-" Bakugou held his hand up, "then why did you kiss Deku, huh?! Right after making out with me too, you can't even deny the fact that you two kissed. Was this both of your guys plan, was Deku in on this?" Bakugou was rambling, "you fucking lied to me, you asshole!" Bakugou said pushed Todoroki back. Todoroki let out a grunt, "I didn't lie, I swear." Bakugou rolled his eyes, "then why did you kiss Deku?" Todoroki tan a hand through his hair, "because I was angry and confused because at first, I hated your guts, then I liked you, I then confessed and you turned me down and hurt me, then you apologize and say you liked me back. I don't know what to do anymore because your not the only one who likes me Bakugou, Midoriya said he liked me but I turned him down, for you! Do you know how long it took me to get over him? Yes, Midoriya did hurt me but he made up for it by being my friend, you ignored me! So that's why I kissed him was because I wanted you to feel the same way I did." Todoroki took a deep breath, i'm pretty sure that the most i've ever said to someone since I arrived here. "Time!" Todoroki opened the door and started walking away, he was once again angry. Bakugou followed behind. No one decided to ask them questions or try to stop them because they can both tell that Todoroki was pissed. Todoroki went to his dorm and before he could close the door, Bakugou slipped into his room. "Get out," Todoroki said taking a breath. Bakugou shook his head, "were not done here." Todoroki sat on the couch and put his hand in his hands, "then talk." Bakugou sat beside him, "so Deku likes you? Do you like him?" Todoroki shrugged, "I don't know, I don't think so." Bakugou nodded, "and you like me?" Todoroki nodded, "sadly" he joked and Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Why did you kiss me earlier?" He re-asked. Todoroki leaned back, "I think that in the heat of the moment, we both wanted it." Bakugou nodded, he can't disagree with that, now can he? "What are you doing this Friday?" Todoroki shrugged again, "nothing." Bakugou nodded, "well now you do, me and and you are going on a date." Todoroki looked at him wide eyed, "like dinner and stuff?" Bakugou grumbled, "yes 'like dinner and stuff' that's what a date is." Todoroki shot him a glare, "you're going to make me say no," Bakugou sighed, "sorry, force of habit." Todoroki looked ahead of him, a date with Bakugou? That would be interesting. "Fine but your planning it," Bakugou nodded, "it's going to be the best fucking date ever, better then any you'd plan," Todoroki rolled his eyes, of course that his response.

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