chapter four

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Todoroki woke up with a blanket of sweat over his body, another nightmare, can he even call them nightmares if really they're just memories? Todoroki got out of his bed and decided to take a shower.
Todoroki put on his uniform and got himself ready for day, still another hour until class starts. He hadn't gotten nightmares for two years, why are they returning now? He didn't have time to question it, he had to much on his plate.
The half and half user went to the common area and found Bakugou and Midoriya on separate sofas, Midoriya was studying and Bakugou was in his phone, looking rather annoyed. "You're up early" Todoroki said taking a seat next to Midoriya, "I accidentally set my alarm an hour early and I couldn't go back to sleep, what about you Todoroki-kun, you're up earlier then usual as well." The blue and grey eyed boy looked at his lap as Midoriya threw his legs over him, "I just woke up early" he lied, though the lie didn't sound unconvincing. Todoroki heard a ping and he pulled out his phone.

Bakugou: What's the real reason you're up so early Icyhot?

Todoroki looked up and was met with crimson eyes gazing back at him.

Todoroki: I didn't lie, I just awoke earlier then usual

Bakugou: Why didn't you just go back to bed then

Todoroki: You forgot the question mark. I didn't go back to bed because I decided to take a shower.

Bakugou: You're lying Icyhot, i'm not as gullible as that shithead Deku

Bakugou got up from his seat and started to walk away, "Kacchan! Where are you going?" the green haired boy asked with curiosity glistening in his eyes. "The bathroom, that okay with you Deku?" He asked, the blonde boy turned around and continued his way to the restroom, "he seems angrier then before." Midoriya said with a frown, "probably didn't sleep well" Todoroki said. "Todoroki, can you help me?" Midoriya asked looking at him, "What do you need help with?" Todoroki said, not able to say no to his friend.
Class ran as usual, well except that when one little incident happened, Bakugou blew up, (pun intended) he lashed out and during training, Bakugou messed up slightly on his aim and ended up creating an enormous explosion, causing everyone to leave the area, for it had been all but destroyed. Bakugou was sent to his dorm. "Man, I hope Bakubro is okay" Kirishima said sitting down on the couch with a sad expression. "He's probably stressed," Todoroki comments while taking a seat next to Kirishima and Kaminari. "Someone should check on him, he probably hates having to be isolated in his room all day. Kaminari's shoulders drooped, "I cant, we have to study or we'll fail that test tomorrow remember?" Kirishima sighed, "but Bakugou..." Todoroki sighed, he was gonna regret this. "I'll check in on Bakugou" he said looking at the two. Kaminari smiled, "thanks man, and good luck!" he said standing up and grabbing his book bag, "let's go Kiri before they take all the seats."
Todoroki knocked on Bakugou's door and waited patiently. "Shitty hair, I swear to god if you're here to check up on m-" his sentence was cut off when he seen Todoroki outside his door, "huh, what the fuck are you doing here Icyhot?" Todoroki pushed past him and into his dorm, " came to check up on you" he said casually. "Who said you can come in?!" he asked angrily and slammed the door, "and why are you checking up on me?" Todoroki took a seat on the end of his bed, "doing a favor for Kirishima." Bakugou took a seat at the head of the bed, "Why didn't shitty hair just do it?" Todoroki was surprised that he hadn't been blown to pieces yet, "he has to study, why did you lash out earlier?" he asked looking directly at Bakugou with curiosity. "I was just stressed and everyone is fucking annoying" he answered though it didn't sound like the entire problem. Todoroki took off his coat, "got anything to eat?" he asked standing up. "eh? who the fuck said your staying here?" Bakugou said instantly standing up. Todoroki turned to him, "are you kicking me out?" he asked. Bakugou went into the small kitchen that the dorms provide, "Go wait over there" he said, obviously annoyed but he didn't kick him out which is good. Todoroki waited on the sofa and leaned back, not realizing how exhausted he was, he's been practicing more then he should've. A pleasing smell filled his nose and he piped up and looked behind him at the kitchen, "are you making soba?" he asked with a small gleam in his eyes. Bakugou looked up at him and seen the excitement in his eyes, "You don't like the spice right?" he asked and Todoroki nodded.
Bakugou placed a bowl with chopsticks on the table near Todoroki which he took while a small smile. "Smells delightful, thank you" he said as Bakugou took the seat next to him, "of course it smells good, I made it" he said and propped his feet onto the table and leaned back with his own bowl in his hands. "So why did you wake up early?" Bakugou asked after a minute of awkward silence. Todoroki stiffened, "Woke up before my alarm" he lied again. "Nightmares?" Bakugou asked, never sparring Todoroki a glance. "I wouldn't call them nightmares," he said giving in and placing his half empty bowl on the table. "Reliving a memory?" Bakugou asked finally looking at him, Todoroki had never seen the boy more attentive before in his lifetime. "Yeah, do you get these too, Bakugou?" The blonde boy sighed, "Yeah, I've gotten used to it though, I assume yours just returned?" Todoroki nodded, curious questions sprawling his mind. "I think that's enough for today, tell Shitty Hair that i'm fine." Bakugou said clearing his throat and grabbing both of their bowls even though the half and half user wasn't finished with his meal. "Goodbye Bakugou." He said grabbing his coat and walking towards the door.
I feel as if my writing gets worse after each chapter.

Here's some Todobaku, at this rate, I think it might be a pretty slow burn, sorry.

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