chapter twelve

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(A/N: I forgot to add Todoroki's birthday before since his birthday is shortly after Christmas. So i'm adding it now because i'm just great like that.)
Everything was going smoothly for a while, both boys would go back and forth between each dorms on a daily basis and talk about random things or just eat and enjoy each other's presence. They have kept their relationship under the radar for a while, Bakugou's idea. Todoroki didn't mind as long as Bakugou was happy. They've been on a few other dates lately. But lately Bakugou has been dodging and ghosting Todoroki and he didn't know why. Whenever Todoroki and Bakugou's friend groups would sit next to each other at lunch, Bakugou would avoid conversation as much as possible. Bakugou seemed to always be on his phone, whenever the blonde was on his phone, he noticed that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, or Sero would always be in their phone as well, exchanging glances with Bakugou every now and then.
On the fourth day, Todoroki had gotten a little bit pissed off because he was continuously trying to get his boyfriends attention but Bakugou was making himself very distracted on this particular day, and Todoroki wanted to know why. Todoroki grabbed Bakugou forearm and he was walking in the common/ lounging area and pulled him to the side. "What the fu-" Todoroki put his hand up, "why have you been ignoring me?" Bakugou looked away, "none of your damn business Icyhot." Todoroki let go of his arm, "of course it's my business, you're ignoring me and I want to know why." Bakugou grumbled, "i'm actually surprised that you don't know." Todoroki tilted his head, "know what?" Bakugou held his phone to Todoroki's, "what day does it say?" Todoroki shrugged, "January eleve- Its my birthday." Bakugou nodded, "i've been planning on what to do you moron, i wouldn't just ignore you, you don't let me." Todoroki sighed, "i was just worried." Bakugou looked around before pulling his boyfriend down for a quick kiss, "why would you worry, you have the best boyfriend in the world." Todoroki smiled and nodded, "I suppose i do." Todoroki leaned back against the wall with. smirk, "so what are you planning for my birthday?" Bakugou turned, "let's go back before the others are suspicious." Todoroki rolled his eyes but followed anyways.
knock knock
Todoroki got up from his couch where he was drinking tea and reading, he opened the door the find Midoriya standing there, "Happy Birthday Todoroki-kun!" Todoroki smiled fondly at his green haired friend, "thank you Midoriya." Midoriya started waving him over as he walked down the hall, "where are we going?" Midoriya shrugged, "why don't we hang out downstairs?" Todoroki nodded, why not?
Todoroki walked into the lounging area, "Midoriya it's pitch black." Todoroki noticed that Midoriya wasn't around him anymore. Todoroki started walking to where he remembers the light switch was but before he had a chance, the lights flashed on and he heard the yells, "Happy Birthday!" Todoroki slightly jumped at the commotion, in front of him was Bakugou at the light switch, "happy birthday half and half" Todoroki smiled at him before he was pulled into the crowd of people, he was pulled to the couches, surrounded by Uraraka, Midoriya, Kaminari, and Momo. "Should I get the cake?" Uraraka asked but Kaminari waved it off, "Bakubro volunteered." Mina walked over, "did you said he volunteered, as in not being forced?" Kirishima also joined them, "yep." Mina giggled, "have you guys noticed how fond of Todoroki he is?" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Midoriya all exchanged looks, they all know that the relationship was a secret so they intervened. "He just hates being around all the people," Kaminari said with a shrug, "you know how he is." Mina nodded, "makes sense." They were interrupted when they seen a certain angry blonde exit the kitchen area with a white cake with red frosting bordering it. As Bakugou approached Todoroki, everyone started singing Happy Birthday. Bakugou stopped in front of the taller boy and when the song was over Bakugou lifted the cake a bit, "make a wish Icyhot." Todoroki blew out his candles and smiled, he wished nothing changes. Not with just Bakugou but everyone, he seemed more happy now then he ever remembers. Bakugou went back to the table and started cutting the cake, people already surrounding him for the dessert, "what the fuck, give me some space" Bakugou said looking at the crowd around him. Todoroki, being the birthday boy, went to the front and got the first piece that Bakugou cut, he took a bite and let out a small pleasant noise, this is the best cake i've ever eaten. Bakugou was frozen, what the fuck was that noise? Bakugou contained himself and continued cutting pieces and passing them out.
After almost everyone was finished with their cake and ice cream, Uraraka stood up and yelled, "present time!" Todoroki sat in a chair and people started coming to him with nicely wrapped presents and birthday cards. Kaminari gave him a few new turtle necks and jumpers which he was grateful so he didn't have to shop anytime soon. Kirishima gave him a sweater with the 'icyhot' logo on it, Todoroki let out a light chuckle upon seeing it. Uraraka got him a Hamilton vinyl which he has been wanting for a while but hasn't had the time to get it. Midoriya was one of the last ones to give him a gift, "i know you've been wanting one of these so i got you one!" Todoroki was curious, he anxiously opened the box and smiled when he seen the gift, he pulled out a Polaroid camera. Todoroki looked over at him, "these are pretty expensive, are you sure?" Midoriya nodded with a big smile, "you're my best friend, of course!" Todoroki nodded, "thank you." Bakugou handed him a poorly wrapped present and card, Todoroki opened the card,

Happy Birthday Idiot,
Your real present you can get later, happy 18th


Todoroki restrained himself from smiling. He opened the gift and found a blue jumper that he remembers mentioning while they walked through town not to long ago. Todoroki glances at Bakugou who was looking away with a small smile.
By the end of the party, Todoroki had a light pink sweater on, Aoyama's orders, cat ears, Uraraka's orders and a pink choker on, Kirishima's orders. After loosing a bet he had to let them dress him up and they decided on this, the entire class was sitting down watching a movie. (Milan because it honestly the greatest.) Most the entire class was singing throughout the movie. After the movie ended, everyone decided to go back to their dorms, all sparring Todoroki one last 'Happy Birthday' before leaving. Todoroki was collecting his presents when he remembered that Bakugou had another present for him. He put all his gifts in his room before he went up one floor to Bakugou's room, the smell of soba hitting his nose, this man will be the death of me. Todoroki knocked, Bakugou opened the door and laughed. Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "you left that on?" Todoroki looked down at himself and realized he never took anything off. Todoroki reaches up to take off the cat ears but Bakugou stopped him, "don't." Todoroki nodded and walked in, "did you make soba?" Bakugou nodded, "well you don't really eat anything else." Todoroki shrugged, "true." Bakugou was preparing bowls, "you brought the camera Deku got you?" Todoroki nodded, "I thought that i'd get photos." Bakugou nodded, "eat, the only thing you've eaten is cake, you're probably fucking starving." Todoroki nodded, he really was hungry. The half and half user grabbed his bowl and chopsticks, instantly digging in.
They finished their meals quite quickly due to hunger. Bakugou stood up and went to his nightstand and grabbed a small present, "here, i know it's a really cheesy gift but Shitty Hair said you'd like it." Todoroki raised a brow as he pulled out a small box, "you're not proposing right?" Bakugou rolled his eyes, "to fucking early for that." Todoroki nodded in agreement. He opened the box to find a white band, he noticed it's the same exact ring he got Bakugou for Christmas but white with the words 'number one hero' engraved on the outside and the words 'Shouto Todoroki' on the inside. Todoroki stared at it for a few seconds, "Katsuki, this is expensive." Bakugou waved it off, "yeah, that's why you better fucking like it and put it on." Todoroki slid it in his middle finger before standing up and wrapping his arms around Bakugou, "thank you, for all of this, i know you were the one who organized the surprise party." Bakugou hugged him back, "happy birthday." Todoroki felt his eyes water and he sniffles, "it really means a lot, i've never had a birthday like this." Bakugou felt bad for him, the poor boy had never been able to experience such things as surprise parties because of his upbringing, "hey don't go crying on me." Todoroki wipes his eyes, "i'm sorry." Bakugou rolled his eyes, "also stop fucking apologizing." Todoroki nodded, "sorry." Bakugou grumbled and rolled his eyes. He pulled away from the taller boy, "it's getting late," Todoroki said checking his watch. "Are you leaving or staying?" the blonde asked. "I'll stay, just for a while longer." Todoroki picked his camera up and while Bakugou was distracted, he took the photo and watched as the picture exited the camera, he lightly shook it and put it down to set. Bakugou turned around upon hearing the snap, "did you just take a fucking picture of me?" Todoroki nodded, "you can't get made at me, it's my birthday." Bakugou took the camera out of Todoroki's hands, "i don't give a fuck." He said before tackling him into the couch, they went back and forth, trying to pin each other down. They didn't mean any harm, they were just having fun at this point. Todoroki was able to get out of his boyfriends grasp by using putting his hand on Bakugou's forearm, making his hand extremely cold. Bakugou hissed and jumped back, Todoroki took his chance and pounced on Bakugou, pinning him down, "i win." Bakugou rolled his eyes, "i let you win, it's your birthday, now let me go Icyhot." Todoroki shook his head, "I have a better idea." Todoroki leaned down and captured Bakugou lips with his own. Bakugou instantly kissed back, once Todoroki let go of his wrists he flipped them over and Bakugou hovered over the taller boy, "don't let your guard down." Todoroki huffed, "that's not fair." Bakugou found his boyfriend extremely adorable at this moment, pouting in cat ears and a choker. Of course he wouldn't tell hi. that but it's true. Bakugou sat up and reached over, grabbing Todoroki's camera and quickly snapped a picture of Todoroki, letting it set after. "Payback," he said then leaned down and kissed Todoroki once again, Bakugou being the romantic that he is, pointed the camera then and took a picture. he pulled away to take the picture out and let it set. Todoroki sat up and Bakugou got off of him. He took the photo into his hands, "cute." Bakugou put the camera down, "i'm not older then you anymore." Todoroki checked his watch, " I should go back, it's really late." Bakugou nodded, "finally, leave." Todorokiknew he didn't mean it so he smiled and stood up, collecting his pictures and before he left he said two final words, "goodnight Katsuki." Bakugou looked over, "goodnight half and half." Todoroki smiled slightly and walked out, why does the day have to end?

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