chapter thirteen

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Todoroki was pacing, subconscious twisting the ring on his finger, his father was coming to visit. Midoriya grabbed Todoroki, "why are you worried?" Todoroko sat down, "what if my stats and ranks aren't enough for him, he hates it when i'm not enough." Midoriya but his lip, "are you going to tell him?" Todoroki looked at his with confusion, "tell him what?" Midoriya sighed, "that you're gay, and you're dating someone who is easily.... angered or disturbed." Midoriya said choosing his words carefully, making sure he doesn't make the other mad. Todoroki plopped down, "I cant, he'll disown me and cut me off, i'm not quite ready for that." Midoriya nodded, "you know it's better to tell him then for him to find out." Todoroki nodded, "Midoriya, he's homophobic, he always said that i should marry a girl with a strong quirk and has a wealthy background, things are finally cooling down with him." Midoriya leaned back, "maybe that's why right now is the perfect time to tell him Todoroki-kun, he'll understand." Todoroki turned and gave him a look saying, do you know my father? Todoroki nodded though, Midoriya was right, he was going to find out at some point anyways. "thank you Midoriya."
Todoroki put on a black tuxedo that he kept for nights like this. He cleaned his dorm spotless and hid any photos of him doing something besides train, any photos of other classmates, and definitely hid any photos of him and Bakugou. He heard a stern knock on the door and he opened it, Todoroki gulped upon seeing his father who was wearing a formal suit and a serious look on his face, "hello father." Todoroki said opening the door wider for Endeavour. Enji Todoroki, a very stern and diabolical man he is. His father sat on his red sofa, "how are things, have you been training?" Todoroki nodded, "yes father, i've even placed first in our class ranking." Endeavour looked pleased, "even higher then your green haired friend and that blonde boy?" Todoroki nodded, "you haven't been having distractions now have you Shouto?" Todoroki tilted his head, "what do you mean by 'distractions?'" His father shrugged, "you know, parties, friends, sleepovers, and of course dating, now have you?" Todoroki tensed, "well some are hard to avoid father, you have to underst-" Piercing blue eyes glared into his mismatched ones, "you've been surrounding yourself with distractions instead of focusing solely on training?" Todoroki put his head down, "i'm sorry father." Endeavour put his hand up, "just take care of it." The half and half user sat across from his father, making sure to have a good posture, "so why have you decided to visit after so long?" His father looked up, "so I need a reason to see my favorite son?" Todoroki shook his head, "of course not." The mismatched eyed boy but his lip, "I have something to tell y-" He was cut off by his father, "that girl, you call her Momo, correct?" Todoroki nodded, "what about her?" Endeavour smiled wickedly, "she's make a great bride for you some day, you should befriend her." Todoroki grimaced, "father, i don't think she'd want that." Endeavour furrowed his eyebrows, "why that?" Todoroki put his hands together, "because.. she liked girls." His father shook his head, "doesn't mean you can't marry does it, she'd probably like a wealthy man." Todoroki sighed, "I have something really importa-" he was cut off again by a knock in his door, he recognized the knock, Katsuki. He hadn't told his boyfriend that his father had come to visit. Todoroki stood up, giving his father a quick 'sorry' before opening the door. Bakugou without hesitation began to walk in, "you will not believe what fucking Deku had the nerve to say," Bakugou stopped upon seeing his father. He glanced at Todoroki in confusion. "What is young Bakugou doing here Shouto?" Todoroki looked at him pleadingly, help me. Bakugou shrugged, "i've come to rant, got a problem with that?" not helping! Endeavour clenched his jaw, "Shouto, why are you allowing him into your dorm, he's being very disrespectful." Todoroki looked between Bakugou and his father, both of them waiting for what he has to say. Todoroki grabbed Bakugou's arm, pulling him outside his dorm, "i'll be over in one hour," Bakugou glared at him, "what the fuck is that asshole doing here?" Todoroki sighed, "let me take care of it." The half and half user slid back into his dorm, "sorry for the inconvenience," Endeavour nodded, "what did you have to say son?" Todoroki sat across from his father, "i'm gay, and i'm dating someone, a guy." His father stopped, for a second Todoroki was relived he didn't start yelling but of course, god never takes his side, "no you're not." Todoroki frowned, "I am, and i'm in a relationship with Bakugou, and i really like him." Todoroki had high hopes that his father would be accepting and say that he doesn't care about his sexuality. Before Endeavour can say anything and Todoroki can process what's happening, the half and half user felt a sharp and aching pain on his cheek, he let out a pained whimper and grabbed his cheek, he felt a small cut and small lines of blood exiting the cut. Endeavour lowered his hand, "you're a disgrace, you need a wife the bare sons so they can take over the business and become powerful heroes, your brother was better." Todoroki stood up, "get out, NOW!" Never before had Todoroki yelled or showed his emotions so clearly to his father. Endeavour walked to the door, "call me when this phase is over, you're still my successor, I can't have you failing become of some phase." Todoroki heard the door slam. Todoroki felt the tears weld up in his eyes and spew out as soon as they appeared. Todoroki ran out his dorm a few minutes later, after making sure his father had left. He ran to Bakugous dorm and knocked impatiently, "who the fu-" Bakugou stopped when he seen his boyfriend with tear streaming down his face. Todoroki wrapped his arms around Bakugou as Bakugou closed the door, "i'm going to kill that bastard." Todoroki shook his head, "don't, please." Bakugou pulled away from him and noticed the cut on his face, "did he fucking hit you?!" Todoroki covered his cheek and looked away, tears still falling and quiet sobs escaping his lips. Bakugou fumed, "that's it, he's fucking dead." Bakugou was about to throw his door open and run all the way to the Todoroki Mansion just to kick his bitch ass. Todoroki grabbed his arm, "stay, please, with me." The blonde heard and seen the desperation in Todoroki. Bakugou nodded, "what happened?" Todoroki went to Bakugou's bed and sat down, "shortly after you left, I told him about my sexual orientation and our relationship." Todoroki let out a shaky breath, "he didn't change Katsuki, I thought he did, but he didn't." Bakugou shushed him and laid on his bed and brought Todoroki down with him, they stayed like that for a while, the only noise was Todoroki's small sobs and shaky breaths. The blonde wiped the half and half users face and looked at him directly, "stop crying, go to sleep." Todoroki nodded, one last sniffle before he wrapped his arm around Bakugou's waist and pulling him closer to himself, finding comfort snuggled next to the blonde. Bakugou really wanted to hurt Endeavour for the many years he hurt Todoroki but all he could do was be there for his boyfriend and that's what he planned to do.
Todoroki woke up, forgetting where he was for a second, he looked around and found his boyfriend asleep next to him, Todoroki checked the clock and it read 4:27 am. Todoroki sighed,I should go back to bed. Todoroki scooted himself upward and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend again, switching positions. "Go back to bed Icyhot," he heard his boyfriend grumbly demand. Bakugou still scooted closed to him and buried his face in his chest. It may be late and his mind may be hazy from not enough sleep and the events beforehand but he is sure on one thing, he is in love with Katsuki Bakugou.
Todoroki woke up again a few hours later, he checked the clock again and it read, 9:47 am. Todoroki sighed, even though he doesn't go home on weekends, Bakugou does and he leaves at eleven every time to leave with his mom. Todoroki lightly shook Bakugou, "Katsuki, get up." He said quietly. The blonde squirmed beneath him, "shut up i'm sleeping." Todoroki planted a kiss on his messy hair, "you have to leave soon." Bakugou groaned and pulled away from Todoroki. The blonde sat up and looked at his tired boyfriend, "that means you have to get up to dumbass." Todoroki groaned and sat up, "but i'm not leaving, can't i just stay in your dorm?" Bakugou rolled his eyes, "fuck no, also get ready, i'm stealing you for the weekend." Todoroki turned and looked at him, "you're joking?" Bakugou shook his head, "it's to fucking early for me to be joking, also that old hag wanted to meet you for some reason and has been nagging me which is really fucking annoying so go pack for the weekend, we have a four day weekend." Todoroki might just be super tired and he's kinda brain dead or his cheesy side is showing, "can i have some clothes to put on?" Bakugou narrowed his eyebrows, "get your own fucking clothes." Todoroki sighed, "i want to wear yours." Bakugou stood up, "why did i agree to go out with you again?" asked rhetorically. Todoroki chuckled, "because you have feelings for me, whether you like it or not." Bakugou threw a black shirt with a green bottom up and tan trousers. Todoroki unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing and put the black shirt on, it's a bit tight but he doesn't say anything, he skids the army green button up over his arms and changed into the trousers, happy that they fit. Todoroki didn't look like himself but whatever. Bakugou started pushing Todoroki out of his room, "go pack you idiot." Todoroki rolled his eyes, "i'm leaving."
Todoroki had four days worth of clothes, his toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, and his pajamas. Todoroki slid out of his room with the small duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Kaminari happened to be. passing by, "Oh, are you going home this weekend Todoroki?" Todoroki nodded, "something like that." Kaminari looked at him up and down, "aren't those Bakubro's clothes?" Kaminari leaned forward, "your hair is messy and you stink of morning breath, did you stay the night at Bakubro's!" Todoroki covered his mouth, "yes now stop yelling," Kaminari nodded and Todoroki removes his hand, "did you guys have fun?" Kaminari asked with a mischievous grin, "you guys do anything, i don't know, dirty?" Todoroki blushed, "no, i just passed out over there." Kaminari slouched, "well that's no fun." Todoroki sighed, "i'm staying at his house for the next four days, happy?" Kaminari smiled, "you guys are adorable!" Todoroki sighed and started walking away from the enthusiastic Kaminari.
Bakugou walked alongside Todoroki as they approached a red car and out came a woman that looked oddly like Bakugou, like the exact same almost. "Katsuki!" The women said with a smile. "Hey old hag," Bakugou said bluntly and threw his and Todoroki's stuff in the back, "You shouldn't call your mother that you brat," she said walking her son across the top of his head. Bakugou glared at her, "also Todoroki is coming with us for the weekend." The women turned to him, her red crimson eyes burning into his blue and grey ones, "so you're the boyfriend?" Todoroki nodded and held his hand out, "pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bakugou." The women went wide eyed, "ohh, i like this one," she said eyeing Bakugou, "and call me Mitsuki." Todoroki nodded, "thank you for letting me stay with you for the weekend, im looking forward to it." Matsuki smiled, "i'm looking forward to it as well, Todoroki." Todoroki opened the back door but Mitsuki stopped him, "sit up front, i doubt Katsuki will mind." Bakugou turned to her, "fuck no, Icyhot can sit in the back." Mitsuki hit him across the head again, "be nice you brat." Bakugou grumbled but went in the back anyways and crossed his arms, mumbling something about his mom being an old hag and that she should let him sit up front because he's her son and he's older. They arrived shortly to a fairly large sized house. Todoroki and the two others exited the car, "take Shouto's things Katsuki." The blonde glared at his mother and pointed at Todoroki, "he can get his own fucking things, he's not a baby." Mitsuki crosser her arms, "he's a guest, be nice." Todoroki intervened, "it's okay, i can grab my own things." Mitsuki sent one last glare at her son before entering the house.
Bakugou and Todoroki both brought their bags, Todoroki putting his stuff in a guest room and Bakugou in his own room. Todoroki sat on the bed he was going to be sleeping on for the next four days. Todoroki pulled out his phone and texted Midoriya,

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