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"has no one told you to stay away from things that aren't yours?"

"has no one told you to stay away from things that aren't yours?"

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"Two Iced Caramel Macchiatos coming right over!" I chime, two big cups of coffee in my hands as I sit on my chair, placing them on the round table. Taehyung starts pulling out his wallet, but I quickly scold him.

"Uh-uh! You agreed it'd be my treat." I frown and push his hand away.

"I don't feel comfortable with a girl buying me a drink." Taehyung rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his coffee, then knits his eyebrows. "You like this thing?"

"Yeah, it's my favorite drink from here." I nod proudly, as he slurps another sip. "You don't like it?"

"I'm just not used to the taste. The only coffee I know is dark coffee with a spoonful of sugar." He smiles. "But I'll try and enjoy this drink you picked out for me."

"It's the least I could do for you when you strolled down the shops with me for two hours at least, choosing a gift for my colleague." I beam. "You have a lot of patience for a guy dragged around the mall, I'll give you that."

Taehyung plays with the cup in his right hand, shaking his head.

"Not at all. I had fun." He says, his dark brown orbs pointed towards mine, his lips curled up in a small smile.

"I was worried you'd be bored. I'm glad you-" I start talking again, when a familiar male voice behind my back interrupts my train of thoughts.


I turn around to scan the overfilled coffee shop when I meet a pair of dark eyes, embellished by a white flawless smile that looked like it was straight out of a dentist commercial.

"Hoseok?" I stand up to greet the young boy, giving him a cheeky smile as we shake hands. "I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you to this part of town?"

"I work right around the corner. Me and a couple of my friends opened our own photo studio." Hoseok explains, his eyes fixated on my face as I try to keep my composure when in reality I was freaking out.

Hoseok was a colleague of Jungkook's from a Photography course they both took. I had met him a couple of times when we hung out with Jungkook's friends from university.

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you." I reply, trying to sound genuine but my words just come out cracked and sloppy.

Hoseok then averts his gaze towards Taehyung and I see his face discreetly shift into a surprised and confused one.

"This is Taehyung," I gesture towards the light brown-haired male to my right as the boys shake hands.

"I'm Jungkook's best friend." Taehyung explains, giving Hoseok a warm handshake accompanied by a fabulous smile.

"Ah, nice to meet you!" Hoseok says, and I see his eyes fill with some sort of relief that maybe he hadn't run into me doing something wrong. "Where is Jungkook, by the way? The little brat isn't returning any of my calls."

I feel my body stiffen and my jaw clench at the sudden question.

"Uhm, you see- Jungkook, actually he's..." I stutter nervously as Hoseok glares at me suspiciously.

"He's visiting his cousin in America." Taehyung interrupts with a stone face, not a single muscle twitches on his expression. "You know, his cousin Namjoon lives and study abroad so they don't see each other very often."

I nod maybe a little bit too enthusiastically at his statement, thanking him mentally for coming to my rescue.

"Ah, yes, I remember Jungkook mentioning something about a cousin in America. They must be very close." Hoseok shrugs his shoulders and I let out a small sigh of relief. It seemed like he believed us.

"They are, yeah." I nod my head again, realizing maybe I was overdoing it with the nodding.

"Okay, I gotta run, my break's about to end." Hoseok announces, looking at the clock on his wrist. "It was nice seeing and meeting you," he glances at me and Taehyung. "Send my best to Jungkook! Bye!"

He waves his hand at us and walks quickly towards the door as we follow him out with our eyes, the smiles on our faces a little bit too wide and feigned.

I exhale loudly, relaxing my shoulders when Hoseok gets out of the coffee shop finally, as I plop my body back on the chair.

"Thank you." I raise my eyes to meet Taehyung's. I couldn't even count all of the times I had thanked him in the last few weeks.

"You think he bought it?" He asks, nibbling on his plump lower lip.

"I hope so," I shrug my shoulders, glancing towards the door in fear that Hoseok would return and we would have to continue this charade.

I bury my face in my palms, as the reality had once again set in just when I had started to feel normal for a little bit.

"Ah, but Hoseok's a nice guy and lying to him didn't feel good at all." I complained, running my fingers through my hair.

Taehyung stares at me pensively, his fingers fidgeting with the empty coffee cup in his hands.

"I know. I hate lying too, but you know, Y/N, I think for now it's best if we keep it up that way. At least for some time, until... until we have some new information." Taehyung suggests, his forehead wrinkled as he was pinching the root of his nose. "For all we know, it may not be lying at all and Jungkook could really be visiting a cousin somewhere."

I gulp loudly and bop my head into a nod, quietly agreeing with his proposition. We stay there silently for a couple of seconds.

"You wanna get out of here?" Taehyung offers.

"Hell yeah."

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