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"but I'm only human

and I bleed when i fall down

I'm only human

and I crash and I break down..."

"She had inhaled a lot of water

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"She had inhaled a lot of water. Thankfully the paramedics resuscitated her successfully. She should wake up any minute now."

"Thank you so much, doctor."

"We're going to have to run some blood tests too. Are you aware of her abusing drugs? Or alcohol?"

"No- No. I've known her since forever. She's never done drugs. And she's not a heavy drinker."

"Okay. We'll check, just in case... You know, miss Celine, this type of bathtub incidents are common among the suicidal individuals. Is there any chance-"

"No. No way. She'd never do something like that, doctor, I assure you of that."

The bright fluorescent light from the hospital lamps burned painfully through my retinas, making tiny white spots appear before my eyes. I tried sitting up, but the rupturing pain in my head cut sharply through me, causing a low grunt to escape my mouth.

"Y/N!" I saw Celine's form almost leap towards me, grasping the bed's backrest. "Don't push yourself too much." She warned me, putting her small palm on my shoulder.

A young tall man stood beside her, dressed in a long white coat, a black stethoscope on his neck. He had dark brown hair and round glasses that gave him a very authoritative and important look. I started wondering how could such a young person be a doctor. He looked like he had just graduated.

"Hello, miss Y/N." He greeted me calmly. "My name is Dr. Jackson Wang. May I ask how you are feeling?"

I tried to give him a smile but literally all the muscles in my body felt too weak to move.

"My head hurts a little bit." I replied. "But other than that I'm fine."

"Okay, we'll get you something for the pain immediately." He reassured me, the tone of his voice calm and comforting. "Do you know why you're here?"

I felt Celine's intense and worried eyes pinned to my face.

I pinched my nose, trying hard to gather all my memories. What happened? I remember someone screaming. And then I couldn't breathe. That was all.

"It's okay if you don't." The doctor says, obviously having noticed my struggle.

"I'm sorry, I really can't." I offered him an apologetic glance, feeling guilty. Celine cleared her throat.

"Y/N, me and Jimin found you in the bathtub." Her features hardened as she pushed her lips into a thin line. "Unconscious." I felt my friend shiver as she pronounced that last word.

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