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Coming out of the shower I take a glimpse of myself in the mirror, frowning

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Coming out of the shower I take a glimpse of myself in the mirror, frowning. I look like a giant marshmallow in Taehyung's oversized baggy clothes that are at least five sizes bigger than mine.

I'm still feeling out of my element as I realize these past few days I've been spending a lot of my time with him. It feels strange as I'm not really sure whether I'm starting to grow affectionate of him or I just feel like I owe him something for everything he's been doing for me.

Truth be told, I'll probably crash down if it hadn't been for his presence in my life. And to be honest, I was most likely to end up raped or at least molested last night hadn't he appeared. I gulp anxiously at that last possibility.

Perhaps it's normal to start feeling attached to someone when he saves you from something as horrible as that.

I bury my face in my palms, annoyed at my own overthinking. Overanalyzing was a big flaw of mine as it only drained me emotionally rather than help me out.

Stop thinking, dummy.

I fidget with the edge of the large white T-shirt as I walk into the kitchen, the warm and comforting smell of fresh coffee infiltrating my nostrils and sending happy impulses towards my brain.

Before me appears the scene of Taehyung struggling with a frying pan, the content of which is something that resembles a pancake, but more liquid and formless.

He turns his head towards me when he notices me coming in, his hands not letting go of the pan.

"I tried making pancakes." He explains, looking exhausted probably from all the struggle. "But I failed miserably."

I try to snort in a laugh, slightly amused by how pitiful he looked.

"It's alright." I reassure him. "I'll be happy with a slice of bread and some peanut butter."

"This is all I wanted to hear." Taehyung exhales loudly, removing the pan from the stove and throwing it straight into the sink along with its content. "Maybe next time I'll succeed with the pancakes." His disappointed face made me smile in endearment.

"Hey, cheer up." I chime, trying to comfort him. "It's the effort that counts."

His lips stretch into a wide grin, showing his perfect set of teeth. He hands me over a large cup of coffee as I stare at his face, some strands of his hair glued to his forehead from the sweat and humidity around the stove.

"There you go. It's just plain coffee, probably not your favorite flavor, but-"

"It's perfect." I interrupt him after slurping a sip of the warm liquid, as both of us sit on the table. Taehyung pours us both a glass of cranberry juice.

"I can make you something else for breakfast. Do you like eggs and bacon?" He offers as my eyes don't leave his face.

How have I not noticed until now how long his eyelashes are?

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