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"Thank you so much for coming tonight, guys," Jin beamed, taking a glass of wine in his hand.

"Personally, I didn't have a choice. You came to my house and threatened you'd cut out my electricity if I didn't come," Yoongi grumbled.

"I'm sure that's not what really happened," Taehyung nudged him, raising a brow disapprovingly.

"Wanna bet?" Yoongi muttered under his breath as Jin shoot him a glare.

"Anyway, now that we're done complaining," he said, his bright smile back on his face. "I wanted to tell you guys how much it means to me that you're with me on this important day."

"Congratulations on your promotion, Jin," Jimin grinned from across the table.

"Yeah, you're not an intern anymore," Taehyung enthused. "You're a badass cop now."

"Investigator," Jin corrected him, glowing proudly. "And I have to say that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the two of you," he looked at me and Taehyung sitting to his right. "Thank you guys for testifying against Lim Jiyoung and his sons. I know how hard it must have been for you, but it really helped us build our case against them and put them where they belong. Also, my active participation in this particular investigation is what got me that promotion."

"I'm very glad we could help," I smiled when Taehyung placed his hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze. The memory of how terrified I was to stand face to face with Jiyoung and Yunseok in court was still vivid in my mind and I knew he instantly picked up on the way my body stiffened.

"That's all over now," his voice was barely above a whisper and I wondered whether he meant that directly at me or at everybody.

"I still can't believe you guys got abducted," Jimin said, chewing on his steak. "It sounds so unreal."

"It was very real," Taehyung deadpanned, staring at him.

"But what about the Jeons? Aren't you going to capture them as well?" Jimin continued with his questions, his eyes as wide as pancakes as he stared at Jin.

"Unfortunately, not. At least for now," Jin sighed, a deep frown creasing his forehead. After Lim Jiyoung's arrest, word had spread rapidly around town and by this point nearly everyone knew about how Jungkook's family really earned their money. The whole country. They were exposed and that was what almost everyone talked about, even though for now they were nowhere to be found yet. Jungkook was in America, unavailable to participate actively in the investigation. It was for the better this way, I told myself, he deserved some peace after going through his own personal hell. I was thankful that Jin hadn't pressed him on cooperating.

My heart filled with anxiousness as I was reminded of the desolate whispers I heard around me every time I went somewhere. Somehow in the span of a month I had become kind of popular, but not in the good way. I felt eyes drilling holes in the back of my head almost all the time. I forced upon myself not to dwell on people's opinions of me, but my nervousness was only growing. I didn't appreciate the gossiping and the whispers.

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